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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Asthma of my 13 Year Old son Page 4 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Joe!!

His sixth day without inhaler and slept peacefully. Just woke up.Its about 7.30 am. Giving him steam therapy twice and Nat Sulph Split Dose.

Joe, last two days i m giving him a tablet of Ashwagandha twice after meal instead of Nat Phos 6X. It is too early to say anything but the primary results are as stunning as when i started your Nat Sulph for the first time. His sinus is almost clear. His nose clogging is asolutely clear. He is passing the stool regularly and his cold has all but vanished.
I will observe him very closely and keep informing you and take advice from you. But I would also like to share this info with all your friends and with the people in this forum who are dependent on you. Especially with Shiny/Fauzia after whom I was lucky to get your advice for my son.

Thanks a lot!!

datind last decade
I am delighted that you have very positive results from Ashwagandha. This is not available here in Sri Lanka and as long as it does not interfere with the action of the Nat Sulph in controlling Asthma you can give it to Yuvraj on a daily basis.

Any information on this Ayurvedic remedy will be welcome.

Please post this information on the Asthma threads of both Fauzia and Shiny.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Shiny,

It was your post which gave me confidence to follow joe's advice and have not regretted the decision ever since. So I and my wife will be more then happy to help you in anyway we can.

The brand that I m giving to my son is Sheetal Medi Care Products Pvt. Ltd, Address: S. No. 59, Dakivali Lohape Road, Tal-Wada, Dist. Thane - 421 302. Regd Office: A-1/1, Veena Nagar, Mulund (West), Mumbai 400 080 Mah (India). The Telephone number is not mentioned on the pack. It is Aswagandha Tablet Only (Not Combo medicine). As per my knowledge even Baidyanath is having a product of Ashwagandha, though have not tried it ever.

I am giving my son a tablet twice a day after the meal (in the morning i have to give it after the breakfast as in the afternoon he does not regularly take meal due to afternoon school). I have started it only three days back but i can tell u it is working for his viral infection, cold, clogged nose fatigue, stool motions etc. For asthma I have not seen anything better then Joe's medicines.
I very sincerely hope that it will work for your son as well and also for fauzia's child. Even if it does not it is definitely not having any side effects whatsoever and also it is not interfereing with Nat Sulph wet dose.

I m not a praying type but these childrens problem make me look up with anxiety.


datind last decade
Dear Joe,

Seventh day and going strong without any inhaler. Yesterday whole day he was very well indeed. No clogged nose, no cold. Only when he went to sleep (very late at around 1.00 am) he had a mild low intensity breathlessness and no attack as such. But to just be sure I gave him 3 Pills of ars alb 200 instead of 5 pills. After that he slept peacefully whole night.

I think from today onwards I will switch to full dose of Nat Sulph rather then split dose twice a day as I think it will support his asthma for longer hours and better. And it will help him to avoid ars alb 200. If you think my reasoning is faulty please advice. Else will start full dose (1 TSP from the Bottle) from today.


datind last decade
I would prefer that we do not give him the full dose from the bottle right now as he seems to be faring OK with the Split Dose.

We can do a compromise and give him the split dose twice daily and see how he responds.

The danger with the full dose from the bottle is that there is a chance that he can aggravate and this is what we must avoid as he will have to take it for some months in the future till his body takes over and stabilizes his asthma.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,

Got it. Will do as instructed and keep you posted.

Thanks a lot !!

datind last decade
I just noticed that I had instructed you in a previous post to use 2 Split doses per day. My last post only reinforced my previous post.

The main point is that we must fight to keep Yuvraj off his inhalers and still permit him to breathe with the help of the Nat Sulph therapy.

I am confident that he will make it.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!

Yesterday night I had to give him seretide Inhaler. I will give you the complete details;

In the morning I gave him full dose of Nat sulph and ashwagandha one tablet. whole day he was absolutely asymptomatic. No sign of cold, flu, nose clogging whatsoever. He passed his stools comfortably. He ate good quantity of food (Aloo Paratha in the afternoon and vegetable sandwiches in the evening). His breath was very regular and no problem at all.

At around 10.15 pm we gave him full dose of Nat sulph due to miscommunication between us. At around 10.30 pm he went to bed. By 11.00 pm he was slightly uncomfortable in breathing. By 11.15 pm it started to aggravate. So rather then taking chance I gave him ars alb 200. He tried to sleep and due to fatigue slept for a while. But again got up at around 12.30 am with slight cough. The cough was very dry, no mucus, no infection , no flu at all. But he started gasping for air. So worriedly I gave him another dose of ars alb 200. Again he went to sleep and tried to sleep. By 2.00 am he got up again with the same symptoms. Dry cough, gasping for air and feels good if he sits rather then sleep. Ultimately I gave him seretide inhaler. And then he slept peacefully without any hinderence.

The only thing that I can think of which is common between the last time we gave him seretide inhaler and now is that on both the occasions we had discontinued giving him the multi vitamin nutritional drink ENSURE only 2 days back. This time the last i gave him was on friday morning. Sat and Sun I didnt gave him the Nutritional drink. And Sunday night he needed the inhaler. Last time also the same thing happened. I was at China and the Nutritional Drink got finished. So my wife thought we will buy a new one after I return. And within two days he again needed the inhaler.
So I think his resistance needs some support of vitamins or whatever so as to keep the asthma at bay.
But another thing that i have observed after starting ashwagandha is that he is not having any complications of cold, flu, infections or whatever.
Also I have heard about a medicine pulmoflex. This proprietory non steriodal medicine is supposed to bring the serum ige counts down (which are high in his case, around 1545 last time tested a year back). Also it has passed lots of tests.

Will observe him today and keep you posted.

datind last decade
Yuvraj is causing me some concern and I would like you to use another remedy that I have also used and perfected:
Blatta Orientalis 6c.

This is to be used in the same manner that you have used for Nat Sulph 6c which you will stop for the moment and replace with the Blatta Orientalis 6c.

It is possible that this remedy may help him better and we will soon know the result.

The dose I would recommend is one teaspoonful taken straight out of the bottle and given to him before sleep.

I do not recommend you use Pulmoflex which I do not know anything about. Please do not experiment with various drugs as they may be counter productive.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear datind
Similar thing happened with my son .For some time he did fine on nat sulph but the minute i tried using the split dose symptoms would start showing and again i had to put him back on the wet dose but then he stopped responding to nat sulph altogether ,he started having nocturnal attacks like your son dry cough with breathlessness but changing the remedy worked.Since the past 2 weeks he is on Blatta O and so far doing just fine along with that he has also started taking arnica wet dose twice which maybe Joe should suggest as my son himself feels the difference in his sleep (sleeps more soundly).Infact even my husband has been taking it regularly.

shiny last decade
To Shiny

Thank you for sharing your experience with Blatta O with Vijay.

I do hope that this remedy will help Yuvraj too.

This is the great advantage of using Homeopathic remedies as in the event that one fails to work, another can be selected which can hopefully works equally well.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!!
Dear Shiny!!

Sorry for the delay in reply as i was traveling out of town. I will buy Blatta orientalis 6c today itself and follow your instructions. Shiny thanks a lot for sharing your experience of the medicine. great help as usual. My wife has given her regards and Thanks to you for all the help.

For Joe, I really dont know how to thank him.
Joe, I myself do not like to experiment with drugs as I do not myself have any medical experience whatsoever. However since you are studying this ailment with such depth and such practical application I take it as my responsibility and curiosity to bring all the relevant filtered info to your notice. As I dont know anyone else wise enough to analyse all the input.
Regarding pulmoflex, why I brought it to your notice is because, it has been validated by two or three western medicine testing facilities of high repute. And it is one of the only medicine which is working to reduce IGE counts which is supposed to be one of the main reason for aggravated body's response to foriegn material. (which in case of asthmatic is false and so the body suffers). But please rest assured that I will never experiment as my son means more then myself.

I will start Blatta orientalis immediately and keep you informed.


datind last decade
Please forgive me for jumping in here but I feel it is important to give some information for the sake of your son's health.

Please reread your posts. When does your son show most improvements... mostly after Ars Alb 200c doses.
The Nat Sulph will ameliorate but will not cure if it is not his 'constitutional' remedy. Yes, that is classical homeopathy. I do not say it is the only way and I think it is unfortunate Joe has such strong feelings against those who practice it. But there is room for many methods of homeopathy, it is all in what works.

Your son displayed all symptoms telling you his body needed the Ars. Alb.:
- better for hot drinks
-worse for change of temp, cold, for damp cold exertion after midnight (at temple)
- feeling weak and exhausted
- frightened to be alone
- boils with pain, blisters in his mouth
- nasal catarrh, acute cold with violent symptoms which can quickly move to the chest
- wheezing at night, mucus
- sore throat
- feeling the need to vomit

These are all symptoms of those needing arsenicum album. So it was not clear whether your son was 'proving' the remedy (developing the symptoms of the remedy due to taking too much) or if his body was trying to tell you very clearly this is what he needed. Most likely the latter as Arsenicum clearly continues to help him while the Nat. Sulph has stopped working as well.

Joe, you should know as well as anyone with homeopathic experience that it does not matter that Ars Alb is made from Arsenicum. After 30x there is no residual of the actual substance left in the remedy. Clearly at 30c there is none left. But you are wise to advise to only use when necessary.

Five pellets are not necessary. The number of pellets is many times irrelevant. And 200c dose is very high potency - should only be used infrequently. Many times only dosed once and not to be repeated. If you really see your son responding to Arsenicum, prepare medicinal dose (water bottle) of 30c.

As for heating the spoon - heat antidotes the remedies. So if you used a heated spoon to give the Nat. Sulph it is entirely possible the remedy itself was antidoted before it was administered and that is why it did not work.

It also appears the substance put inside the mouth for the sore antidoted as well. Any strong substance, yes even strong chocolates can antidote the wonderful effects of homeopathy.

You should not have to use nat sulph for asthma and nat phos for stomach bloating. Mixing remedies will only confuse the vital force. Ars alb covers all the symptoms here. I cannot say whether it is his constitutional remedy as Joe is handling the case but I would say it clearly is a good fit for your son's picture at the time.

Joe helps hundreds of people and I understand his dislike for the 'constitutional' way but it is the basic principles of homeopathy which are most important which need to be followed in order for a cure, and not simply an amelioration, to be attained. For example, there are more than 10 remedies which address sore throat, not just Belladonna. And the mental as well as physical symptoms *can* be addressed with one remedy at a time if you know the keynotes and symptoms for the remedies.

Joe has given you good advice and has helped your son so please accept my apologies for jumping in as an outsider, but I think it is very important for others reading the case to understand what is happening.

Homeopathy is a powerful medicine and its principles should be followed carefully particularly with such chronic, life threatening issues as asthma.

Wishing you and your son the best.
busymominme last decade
One more thing. It is important, even with using water dosing, to stop taking the remedy once it is working. Otherwise, you risk proving the remedy (developing the symptoms of it) and becoming worse.

Liken it to chasing after a stone you have kicked down a hill. You would not want to run after it to kick it again as it will interfere with its progress. Once your immune system is responding to the remedy, redosing will slow the progress. Only when the dose has worn off should it be redosed. For some it takes one dose, for many it takes daily dosing for some time, and for others somewhere in between. This is where experience is important. I realize Joe may not agree with this theory as it is classical homeopathy.

This pertains to one of the main principles of homeopathy - the minimum dose.
busymominme last decade
Dear busymominme,

First thing first. Thank you very much for the effort that you have put to understand and study my sons case. It is really commendable that you have gone to such depth to study my son's problem. And please dont apologise for that. You are doing a good job.

About Joe, let me just be his advocate for a moment though I have never met this man in my life. He is not a doctor of medicine , but he is more then that. He understands human psychology and human limitations, which unfortunately a trained doctor at time does not. A patient or a person representing patient is not of the same intelect as from whom he/she is seeking guidance. We err, we misunderstand, we over exagarate doctor's instruction / prescription etc. To advice some one from a remote location and that too at a time I think more then 10 persons is really a herculean task. He just do not have a control on what we will make of his instructions or how good are we able to express the exact condition /state of the patient with utmost objectivity. So a person as kind as Joe is will always willingly err on the side of no harm rather then being risk taker and play with a patient. He just do not know how good or how thorough i will be in following his instruction.
Now here comes the real difference between Joe and professional doctors. A trained doctor first of all will never advice from remote location and that too for a ailment such as asthma which is very chronic and non curable in nature. Since last eight years , we have tried almost all the medicines possible. You name it and I have studied it or tried it. Even I was thinking of giving him XOLAIR (Anti IGe medicine). So you see, what I have found in Joe's approach which is refreshing and simple and stunning is his ability to motivate us to FIGHT and to give us HOPE. He is not stubborn but at the same time he knows that his audience just might as well abuse the medicine that he is prescribing strictly and do more harm then good. What control he has over that situation. NONE.

Today you tell me that Ars Alb 30C wet dose is good for asthma. Some wise guy will read and start taking it like there is no tomorrow and will damage himself/herself. This should be avoided under all the circumstances. It is not a competition between Classic Homeopathy and Joe's Novel prescription (Though some members of the forum have tried to make it so) Not all fellow homeopathy doctors are as understanding and as rational thinking as you seem to be. Look at his level of commitment towards the persons who are dependant on him. Consider his age and then please think for a moment. Will I do the same if I would have been in his place and the answer is NO. He surely errs, but errs on a safer side. He surely tries unconventional ways. But all the new approaches irrespective of when they were proposed were considered wild, dumb, stupid, risky etc. Even the Classic homeopathy as we know it today has faced more then its share of ridicule when it was proposed for the first time.

Please rest assured that I really really appreciate the energy that you have put to study my sons case and I will surely try to convince Joe about following your advice (which as a layman I think is good). But at the end I will follow him as long as my son is not worse then when i started following him.

After I started following this advices, my perspective towards the ailment , towards my sons limitations all have changed entirely and for good.

I had gone to this length to explain Joe De Livera as I Think he is because, even if he is erring he is doing something which none of the other members of the forum are able to do. Single handedly he has made believer out of many members and without any gain be it his ego or otherwise. Infact if anything he has been ridiculed by many of the professional doctors.

PHEW! Heavy. But thanks a lot once again and now i think looking at your understanding of the subject and ailment all i can do i request your goodself to kindly work in tandem with Joe so that one plus one will make eleven and do more good to people like us.


datind last decade
Hi Vijay,
Your answer is most thoughtful and wise and I whole heartedly agree with all you have said including your kind assessment of Joe and his relentless willingness to help others. It is most admirable.

I must reiterate, I did not say Ars Alb is good for asthma, but is a good match for the symptoms listed, and that which your son exhibited. Homeopathy can and usually is a very *individual* medicine. That you clearly understand is the danger of others reading the post thinking it will apply to them.

I think you will do well to continue to work with Joe. I'm glad to offer an outside view to details that may otherwise have gone unnoticed.

Thank you for your kindness in response. All the best for your son's health.
busymominme last decade
Dear Erica,

Thanks a lot for your good luck. I atleast needs lots of it for improving quality of life of my son. And I really appreciate the effort people like you put in to help an unknown person.

Be there!!


datind last decade
Dear Joe!!

Am reseting the counting clock from yesterday night. First day, Gave him Blatta O 6c wet dose in the night. He slept peacefully and got up without any problem.

Am giving him another one right now (it is around 8.30 am).

Will keep you updated.


datind last decade
It is possible that Blatta O may replace the Nat Sulph therapy for Asthma. It is just that I have used NS for so many asthmatic patients successfully that I favoured it but from the data that you and Shiny have given me and I believe this includes Fauzia too, I may have to change my default remedy for Asthma to Blatta O as it seems to help you all better.

I would not however like you to give Yuvraj 2 doses per day for fear that it may tend to prove the remedy especially since we are using the 6c direct from the bottle. I would prefer that you, Shiny and Fauzia all give their children just one dose of Blatta O per day and let us watch for the results.

Please pass this message to both Fauzia and Shiny ASAP.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!

Thanks for the reply. Will follow the instruction and give only one dose of BO 6c. Have already given him once in the morning today. So do I give him one dose tonight?? (As his situation generally gets aggravated in the night). Henceforth I will give him one dose daily while sleeping.


datind last decade
Yes you may give him the Split dose tonight.

Thank you for sharing the instructions with Shiny and Fauzia
Joe De Livera last decade
Joe is not the split dose we are giving them the wet dose.Sorry to correct you but it's imp.

shiny last decade
I advised the split dose at night as Vijay had already given the full dose (teaspoonful from the bottle) this morning.

I am only trying to avoid any proving of the remedy which can occur when any remedy at a low potency is used daily.

This is of course largely hypothetical and I am taking precautions before any problems arise.

I would prefer the Split Dose in the morning and the Wet dose at night for the moment till the patients are stabilized. This is to be followed in a few days by only one dose per day which is wet dose only at night and still later by the split dose only at night.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!

Got it. Will give him split dose tonight and if you feel then will give him only one wet dose tomorrow night (no dose tomorrow morning). He is having no aggravation right now. No cold, no flu, no cough, no viral infection.


datind last decade
I would really prefer that the 3 Asthmatic children use just one teaspoonful per day of Blatta O 6c in the wet dose.

Let us see how they all respond to the BO and if the parents discover that it is more effective than the Nat Sulph we can stay with the BO instead.

It appears to me that BO seems to be more effective than the NS.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!

Yesterday all day he was Ok. No problem. He was out in the evening to see Ganesh Festivals with his cousins. Enjoyed a lot. He came at around 12.00 am in the night and then i gave him split dose of Blatta O.When he went to sleep, he was having slight dry cough. Then there was a very mild breathlessness, which he was able to handle. He asked for a glass of warm water which he drank and he felt better. After that he was feeling slight discomfort for around upto 1.30 am. But then he slept peacefully. Didnt gave him inhaler nor ars alb 200.

I think his stamina is building slowly (very slowly but surely). Another strange thing I have observed and dont know what to make of it. When he used to have infection, stuffed nose, cold etc he used to ask for steam therapy himself and used to take it well for atleast 5-6 minutes.

But now his airways are clear, nose is not clogged, slight watering on and off is there but not continuosly as before, He is not able to tolerate steam therapy. He says that the moment he takes steam he feel like coughing and once the cough starts , he is worried it will not stop. He thinks that something is wrong with the steam machine. But I checked and it seems to be OK.
Didnt know what to make of it so brought to your notice.

Second day without inhaler


datind last decade

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