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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Asthma of my 13 Year Old son Page 5 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Joe!!

Yesterday all day he was Ok. No problem. He was out in the evening to see Ganesh Festivals with his cousins. Enjoyed a lot. He came at around 12.00 am in the night and then i gave him split dose of Blatta O.When he went to sleep, he was having slight dry cough. Then there was a very mild breathlessness, which he was able to handle. He asked for a glass of warm water which he drank and he felt better. After that he was feeling slight discomfort for around upto 1.30 am. But then he slept peacefully. Didnt gave him inhaler nor ars alb 200.

I think his stamina is building slowly (very slowly but surely). Another strange thing I have observed and dont know what to make of it. When he used to have infection, stuffed nose, cold etc he used to ask for steam therapy himself and used to take it well for atleast 5-6 minutes.

But now his airways are clear, nose is not clogged, slight watering on and off is there but not continuosly as before, He is not able to tolerate steam therapy. He says that the moment he takes steam he feel like coughing and once the cough starts , he is worried it will not stop. He thinks that something is wrong with the steam machine. But I checked and it seems to be OK.
Didnt know what to make of it so brought to your notice.

Second day without inhaler


datind last decade
In my experience steam is essential to help softetn the phlegm in the lungs and airways. The cough is the body's natural reflex to the phlegm which is softened and brought up into the trachea and can be considered to be good. The physiotherapy that I believe I advised you is also very good to bring up the phlegm.

I am glad that he is responding to the Blatta O but I would not advise you to let him go out at night again as he suffered on his last foray into the temple at midnight when he also got wet.

I hope that his improvement is maintained in the future as well.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe!!

Yesterday night had to give him inhaler at around 1.00 am.

All morning No problem. At around 2.00 pm in the after noon mild dry cough, but nothing much. At around 5.30 pm mild breathlessness with dry cough (yesterday he had a holiday).

My wife took him to the Homeopathy Doc staying in our building at around 5.45 pm. She knows yuvraj well. She asked to give him ars alb for the symptoms three times a day for next 1-2 days. We gave him 4 pills of ars alb at around 7.00 pm. He felt better though not completely asymptomatic.

At around 11.00 pm gave him ars alb again. Thought we will avoid BO as it should not clash with the ars alb medicine. Observed him for around an hour , but no improvement at all. Infact his breathlessness increased and the symptoms of asthma went from mild to moderate. But one thing that i have observed, there is no complications of runny nose, stuffed nose or flu, fever etc. It is absolutely single symptom of breathlessness. That too not extreme. At around 12.00 when things didnt improved gave him one TSP of BO wet dose. But still no improvement in the symptoms. His conditions remained same, not improved not detoriated.
Atlast at around 1.00 am gave him a puff of Inhaler. After that took him out of my house on his request for a walk below our building as he wanted to go in open air. Within few minutes he felt OK. Came back and slept peacefully.

Now, I think that yesterdays episode is connected to his remaining out upto 12.00 in the night the day before, but please understand as I had explained previously also. He is a growing spirited young boy. I try to explain him to be careful and most of the time he is. But once in a while he feels like enjoying and I think of allowing.
In the morning he is OK.
And I will keep u posted.


datind last decade
I do realize that he would like to join his cousins in what is their normal life. In Yuvraj's case he is old enough to realize that he is not quite normal as far as his health is concerned. He has suffered with the inhalers and other drugs that you would have given him up to the time that I took over, and in the process he would have lost a few years of his life in the process. It is up to you parents to caution him on the fine balance that we have achieved with the Homeopathic remedies and unless he and also you his parents also cooperate, I believe that all my dedicated efforts to help him to cure his Asthma are in vain.

This is the second time he has gone out at night and suffered for it.

I hope that there will never be a third.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear datind
Something which i would like to share with you people is my experience with ginger tea .It really helps to soothe my sons throat and keeps him protected from frequent colds.I boil couple of ginger sticks ,4-5 whole black pepper and reduce the water to half and add honey acc. to his taste i add atleast 2 teaspoonfuls as he likes it sweet.He takes it before going off to sleep on daily basis .Try it ,it will surely help.

shiny last decade
Dear Joe!!

I understand your point and agree with you completely. I will make sure that he follows the regime as strictly as possible so that we can avoid the inhaler as much as possible. Please dont think that your efforts are in vain as though you may not be able to see it from there, I am witnessing your medicine working especially nat sulph wet dose, as i dont have much experience with BO as yet. We will together be able to defeat the ailment as best as we can . And rest assured about the cooperation part. I will be more then be eager to cooperate as it is in my interest and also you will never see me hiding about my own short comings or mistakes.

Thanks a lot!!

datind last decade
Dear Shiny!!

Thanks a Lot. Great Help. Will try this right away and report in a day or two.


datind last decade
Why no updates?
Breeny last decade
Dear kismadar,

Where can i get this saltpipe in india, preferably mumbai?. Will appreciate all the info that you can provide.


datind last decade

Can anyone suggest a good homeopathic doctorin thakur village,kandivali east bombay,India
shahnikunj last decade
Dear Shahnikunj,

I dont know anyone in or around Kandivali. But I know one good homeopathy Doctor in Vile Parle (East). His name is Dr. Manoj Patel. His mobile number is 9322866238. I will have to look up his postal address if you want. But else u can speak to him on the mobile and I m sure he will give u the exact place an time you can meet him.

All the best for whatever!!!

Vijay Thakkar
datind last decade
Dr. joe & Vijay, I was just reading your post & was delighted to read that Yuvraj is faring well !
Dr. Joe would you recommend anything for my son. i am pasting my son's ailments below. Thank you.

(My son is now 2.5 years old. He has been suffering from Asthma, itchy Eczema and allergy to various foods. Please let me know the medication / care I should be taking. The details for his ailments are as mentioned below :

1.Eczema/Atopic Dermetitis :
He had very dry skin from his birth onwards. His skin used to look scaly if not moisturised fully. I have been applying Eucerin Cream earlier amd now Cetaphil cream. From the age of 5 months, he developed very itchy rash on his cheeks, the area where ear lobes are joining face, little bit of lower back and a lot of outer calves' area of lower legs. The calves had hard, patchy, itchy and oozing(clear liquid) skin. I was asked to apply Hydrocortizone 1% followed by 2.5%, if no improvement by his pediatrician, wherever the rashes were. I didnot want to apply hydrocortizone, but when it started oozing colorless fluid and became very itchy, I had to apply it may be two three applications to cut the cycle. But I avoided it as much as possible. his scalp skin was very dry. Again, the pediatrician asked me to use Head & Shoulders. I used it minimally and tried to get him ok with Olive Oil. He did better with Olive Oil. I had to apply little hydrocortizone on the cuts at his ear lobes, otherwise he used to pull & scratch them through the day & night and the skin there got cut and startted bleeding. At about 1 year of age, his eczema from calf and cheeks had more or less gone. He now had the cuts on ear lobes left and in addition eczema on inner elbows and behind knees. This too has now gone. At present he has small comparatively less itchy rashes here & there on his legs outer calves and the cuts where ears join face.

He could also be possibly allergic to some pollen - not sure. He had once developed allergy around eyes after playing outside in the month of May which was ok only after putting eye drops for 15 days.

2. Food Allergies :
He was only on mother's milk for the first five months. Thereafter wheat, rice cereal were introduced. He developed more rashes on cheeks & calves each time I gave him wheat. He used to be very uncomfortable. I stopped giving him anything other than rice, moong dal. He seemied to be developing rashes if I had food, egg, chocolate,etc. so I cut down my own wheat, dal, egg, milk, chocolates etc while I was feeding him. He seemed to be doing better with me off all these possibly allergic foods. I was feeding him for a year. In his blood test for allergies at one year of age, he was foung to be allergic to the protiens (IGe related) of Egg-white, Milk, Wheat, Soyabeans, Dust Mites, Dust. In addition I found him allergic to strawberries, all kinds of beans, masoor dal, chana dal, peas. I have not tried any food colors as yet. On his visit to allergist at 2.3 years of age, he was found allergic to Dust, dust mite, Egg yolk amd Milk. His allergies were present but to a very less extent to wheat, soya as compared to the earlier test at age 1.
His reaction to the foods he is allergic to is vomiting two three times, swelling of face and lips, red eyes, nonstop crying. Once on exposure to sea food smoke(possibly), he has had an immediate wheezing.

3. Asthma : He had his first asthma attack by way of wheezing and refusal to eat/drink anything at 8 moths of age. This was after 3 days of viral infection of cold & cough. He had to be nebulised by Xopenex two doses. The next time he had an attack in winters, we were told to give oral steroid. When things were just getting out of hand I had to give him two doses of the week long prescribed doses. Since I didin't want any inhaled steroid, he was put on Cromolyn Sodium - a meta blocker as a preventive medicine twice a day. After approval from thedoctor, I have been trying to manage with one of the two prescribed dosages at night. Each time he gets a cold & cough, he starts wheezing with excessive mucus colloction by the second/third day. He is well with two doses of nebulising with Xopenex Inhalation Sloution(levalbuterol HCl). At times after excessive activity he starts coughing and sometimes even wheezing but is better after complete rest. On two instances, he has been coughing without runny nose and is unable to even eat food, if not nebulised once.

Whenever, he is eating food, if the food irritates him even a little bit, he starts sneezing with mucus. Many a times he has even vomited out all his food if he feels there is something wrong(as in he might be allergic to it) for him in that food. He often wakes up coughing in the first part of the night. He will then cough a lot be crying non stop with his eyes closed, wants to be held and comforted. When we distract him, take him outside/put the t.v. on, he will wake up, open his eyes, relax and stop crying.

He usually coughs at the first sip of water but therafter drinks half a glass of water with ease.

He is a very sharp & bright boy. But he is a little stubborn and naughty. If we get angry with him or scold him for being naughty, he gets so upset that he will start crying and after some time, may even start wheezing. He is very simple to deal with, if we give him reason why he should do this/not do something.
Other than the morning time, any other time of the day he sleeps, he wakes up crying with or without very little mucus and he needs to be immediately held and attended to. Manya times he sneezes so badly that he even gets hurt on the tongue.

Family history : My husband had skin allergy to dust when he was young.At present he doesnot have that allergy but he has Diabetes. My mother in law has asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure. My brother in law was allergic to milk when he was young, but I am not sure if it was the milk protein he was allergic to or was it lactose allergy. He too has asthma and High bllod pressure.

Medications :

Allopathic :
Preventive medicine : Cromolyn Sodium Inhalation Solution - being given once before sleeping. I believ we are able to prevent him from reaching the stage of steroid with this. one/two doses of Xopenex are sufficient to stop his wheezing.
In wheezing : Xopenex Inhalation Solution(levabuterol HCl).In addition, told to keep Epipen(Epiphrine with us).

Homeopathic : On our visit to a homeopath, we were told that the doctor did not believe that a child can have asthma at such a young age as 8 months and that the lungs will mature with time. The doctor recommended the following medications :
Preventive medicines : 1. To improve immunity : Tuberculinum 200 2-3 drops in a spoon of water in moring every alternate day
2. Bio Combination 6 - 4 tablets 3 times a day.
For Acute Stage :
1. ANTIM TART 30 - 2-3 spoons ina spoon of water three times a day
2. Grindilia Q - 10 drops 3-5 times a day.

I am at present giving him the allopathic & homeopathic preventive medicines. )
sadhna last decade
Hi Joe

Appreciate if you could kindly prescribe proper homeopathic medicine for my son of 6 years old having soft tissue on the posterior wall of nasopharynx which
said to be mildly enlarged in size slightly encroaching nasopharyngeal air wiay. it was found found in x-ray in november 2009. He was prescribed some antibiotic
( peniciline) by doctor but did not help. He complaint pain and some time coughing as if some thing block the air way.

Beat Regards / Naim
rezwan last decade
Hi Joe
It is about my wife ( mother of 3children and 38 yrs old with weight of 55kgs) suffering from migraine for many years. She has tried both homeopathic as well as allopathic medicines but did not help her much. She complaint about headache very frequently from mild to severe mostly one side of the head . some time the headache last for more than 3 days when she can not properly eat and vomit. It gets worse when she expose herself to sun or late in taking foods or late to bed.

Is there any medicine in homeopathy that can heal her problem?? Appreciate if you could recommend a medicine with dozes to be taken.

Best Regards/ Naim
rezwan last decade
Migraine that results from exposure to strong light is usually helped by Glonoine 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily for about a week.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

I regret to inform you that I am not able to help your son's problems which I believe call for surgery.

I would welcome the assistance of other Homeopaths who may differ from my diagnosis for this boy.
Joe De Livera last decade

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