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Help allergies1Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema6Eczema and food allergies45 months old baby severe eczema9Food Intolerances/Allergies4


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

To Joe,20 months old suffuring from Eczema,Asthma,multiple food allergies.3 in 1 Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Joe, I will follow your instructions. I will keep u update his condition..

Thnaks a lot
nr786 last decade
Dear Joe,

Asthma: My son had cough with wheezing early in the morning,and with in half an hour he was normal with out any medicine. Later in the day he was having very little wheezing sound,and he was cranky all the day. Now he is sleeping.

Eczema: I Dab on his eczema with Arnica 6c wet dose,those areas are getting very dry and he is scratching a lot and bleeding.

Please advise me what should I do for his eczema.

Thanks a lot
nr786 last decade
Did I ask you to use the Steam therapy ? This too helps but you will have to be very careful with a 20 month old boy as he can burn himself with the electric jug with the lid open. He can inhale the steam for about 5 minutes at a session and this will soften his phlegm which he can then cough out easily.

You can give him a teaspoonful of Arnica 6c twice daily for his Eczema and watch his response. If his Asthma does not get worse you can continue to give it to him daily. 1 teaspoon of Nat Sulph and 2 doses of Arnica and you will also dab his lesions with the Arnica water but you must be very careful not to put the cotton wool into the water in the bottle as this will contaminate it.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe, I will try steam therapy. How should do I prepare steam therapy? Do I need to add anything to water or only plain water?

I will give him Arnica 6c and Nat sulph as well.

nr786 last decade
Dear Joe,

Should I do steam therapy in the morning or eveing. How long(days) do I need to do..

nr786 last decade
You will have to get some advice from Shiny and Fauzia who also have children about your son's age and have successfully used the steam therapy.

Whatever you do, please ensure that your child is not hurt by the steam from the electric jug.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,

Asthma: From last two day my son is getting cough,and wheezing. I am giving him Nat sulph6c in slpit does,Ars when needed. But this time he is not responding. One reason could be for his situation is the changes in weather,its little cold here. I tried steam therapy but he did not let me do properly, yet I will try my best.

Shall I give him direct wet does?

Eczema: He is not responding to Arnica 6c, he is very itchy and scratching a lot. I stoped giving him Arnica.. Like I mentioned in my first post he responded well to Bacillinum and Graphities. He is cancky all the day becaause of itching. what do u suggest? please advise me..

Thanks a lot
nr786 last decade
Yes I agree that he has to be given the wet dose of 1 teaspoonful direct from the bottle after succussion as the split dose does not seem to help.

You can give him the 2 remedies Bacillinum and Graphites instead of the Arnica and report results.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe I will follow your advise and let u know about his improvment.

nr786 last decade
Dear Joe, as per your advise I gave my son Nat sulph 6c wet does, unfortunately I dont see any improvment in his cough and wheezing. He had chick peas in his diet after awhile he started coughing and wheezing a lot, and his Nutritionist told to give him Coke and Sprite so that he can get some calories out of it,these two things happens after I start giving him wet dose,assuming these two things could be culprits,so I stopped them.
I had to give him Nebulizer one time as he was coughing a lot. Today his condition is little better.

Eczema: For his eczema I gave him Bacillinum and waiting for its response.

Any adivse will be great help.

Thanks alot.
nr786 last decade
I note that it is now 3 weeks since you started on the Nat Sulph therapy and if it has not helped your son so far you can stop it.

I have had some success with Blatta Orientalis 6c which can also be used in the same manner as the NS and you are welcome to use it.

His case is obviously one that can be classified as difficult and it is by using remedies that are used for the ailment that he can be helped.

I would not recommend that you use Coke as it has a gamut of chemicals that can harm his already sensitive constitution. Sprite is perhaps not so bad but I would prefer that you do not use these drinks. Just plain water will do.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe, I dont have Blatta Orientalis 6c with me, till then it arrives I will continue Nat sulph 6c wet does. Its just 4days I started wet does of Nat sulph I can wait for a while to see the results.

I have one question: as you know my son has lot ot allergies(animal), Blatta O is made of Cockroach, will it be safe if I use that medicine. Because Cockroaches are also allergic to some sensitive people.

Please adivise me

nr786 last decade
I note that you did not give the Nat Sulph 6c although you stated in your first post of September 17 that you had given it to him 20 days ago on that date.

You now state that you have only given it to him for just 4 days and if this is the case you can continue to give it to him without changing over in 4 days to Blatta O. I note your concern about this remedy being extracted from the Indian Cockroach but there is no danger of your son reacting against it as the actual content of the insect is only 1 Million Millionth.

It is important that the patient follows the instructions of the prescriber as otherwise there is no possibility of any cure of the patient and you are only wasting my time. You may like to know that when I prescribe a remedy for an ailment, which in this case you have clearly stated that you had used for 20 days before you first posted on the ABC, I naturally presumed that you were giving it on a daily basis up to today.

I cannot visualize the reason why a remedy does not evoke any positive response as it has done in other cases when the real reason is that you have not used it although you stated:

' I saw your Nat sulph 6c theropy,and started the theropy 20days back (stoped all other medicines) he did responde well,he had only two times cough with wheezing then I gave him Ars 200c he was normal in one day.. because he is not tacking any eczema medicine he is scraching(not too bad)before his skin was clear. '

Please confirm that you are willing and able to follow my instructions on treating your son as otherwise you will compell me to withdraw from your case.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,

It looks like there is some misunderstading. Might be I am not able to express myself properly. I should have menstioned that Nat sulph 6c theorpy WET DOSE form last 4 days, before I was giving him SPLIT DOES from August month onwards on rugular basis. I took your advise on 2nd of October when I was changing it to direct wet dose, you said as he is not responding to split does you can give him wet dose. I hope I make it clear.

I note your explanation about Blatta Orientalis. Thnank you very much for your effort. Plase advise me what should I do now?

Thanks a lot
nr786 last decade
Let us try the wet dose direct from the bottle for a few days and observe how he responds.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,


My son was having cough and wheezing in the evening,
I gave him Nat sulph6c wet does at night he went to sleep and early in the morning at 3 am cough and wheezing starts againg,after an hour later he went to sleep again though he had little wheezing,again at 7 am he woke up with cough and wheezing, now he is playing but still has some wheezing sound.

Eczema: Like I mention in my last post I gave him Bacillinum 1m(as per his Indian doctors advise). His eczema on his foot and in bends of keens looks like healing and he is not scraching much.

Please adivise me

Thnaks alot..
nr786 last decade
If your son responds positively to the Nat Sulph which you give directly from the bottle in the Wet Dose, you can continue with it for a few days and observe the results.

I note that you are giving him Bacillinum 1M and trust that you do not give it to him in a daily dose as this is dangerous.

I would prefer you use the Arnica 6c dose 1 teaspoonful twice daily and dab the remedy on his lesions.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe I am giving him Nat sulph 6c wet dose,he is still getting on and off cough and wheezing. From yesterday he catch cold,and loose motions. I gave him Chamomilla 30,from last 15 hrs he din't do any motion. Can u plase adivese me besides this,what should I do now?.

I gave Arnica 6c for his eczema he is not responding well, his skin was gettng very dry and more itchy,and bleeding. So I stoped giving him Arnica almost 3 weeks back, I wish Arnica could help him like it does in one of your patients. I saw his hand eczema pic.

Thanks a lot
nr786 last decade
Since your son has not responded to Nat Sulph for some time, let us start him on Blatta Orientalis 6c which you can use in the same manner as the Nat Sulph 6c.

I would like to see how the Blatta O helps his Asthma and then decide what remedy to prescribe for his Eczema.

Arnica has helped many patients but your son is a difficult case as you have discovered from the time he was just 2 months old. Let us hope that both your dad who is a homeopath and I can join to help him.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,

My sons loose motions are gone and he was playing very well today. He has still some cold. From the after noon he started cough with out wheenzing,by night his cough was comming continuously and I gave him Nat sulph 6c wet dose still he was coughing with out stoping and vomitting some mucus, he couldnt stop his cough so I gave him Inhaler still he was continuously coughing with out wheezing, I called my dad and he heard his cough and told me give Bry, with in 5 min his cough is gone and now he is sleeping. Its night over here.

My Dad is sending Baltta O by mail when I received it then I will Start your anohter miracle medicine for Asthma. I wish I could also join in your cured patients list like Shiny,Fauzia,etc.,

As of now his eczema is not bothering him much..
nr786 last decade
Please compliment your dad on his selection of Bryonia (30c?) which helped your son to overcome his cough.

Do not give the Inhaler unless on a SOS basis and only if he cannot breathe. You can use Ars Alb 200c in the dry pellets 4/dose instead to help open up his airway in the event of an attack. It usually helps in about 15 minutes. Ask your dad to send this too by post.

I do hope that the Blatto O will help him but you may like to know that I have helped many to overcome their Asthma and Eczema when others have just given up treatment. As you are aware these 2 ailments are very difficult to treat and I do believe in prayer which also helps to cure impossible cases.

You might ask your dad for advice for the Eczema as you indicated that Arnica did not help.
Joe De Livera last decade

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