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Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression187Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1Postpartum depression1anxiety, urine drops, depression2Anxiety and depression3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi. I am looking for some guidance to deal with the following symptoms:

extreme muscle stiffness (esp legs)
heavy/tired body
sore eyeballs/eyes
excessive (!!!) thirst for cold soft drinks (diet coke)
crave crunchy salty foods and salty fish, chocolate and cold fruit yogurt
cold hands and feet
dry skin and hair
diminished sexual desire
ZERO energy
stooping/slumping shoulders
expression tired and older and sunken, wary
pessimistic about future
pessimistic about domestic affairs
ridged brittle nails
sensitive itchy skin (esp around jawline and hairline)
chills easily
profuse 'hot flash' like sweating 2-3 minutes 1-2x a month for 15 yrs.
near sighted (can't see in distance)
dull vision
dull minded
diff to concentrate
easily forgets (mid-range memory)
irritable with partner
dwells on past hurts
low self esteem
weak cracking voice
sinus congestion
pain in joints-knees and hips worse in cold weather
thick yellow or white mucus on swollen tongue (teeth marks visible) and many bumps on tongue-quite large in back
feels unnoticed
feels powerless

37 year old female. Premature birth. Heart probs as child-surgically corrected age 9. Car accident age 13 oral trauma (repaired with orthodontics & bridge). No children. 28 day cycle-heavy first 2 days. Honest, patient, thoughtful.

Depression and exhaustion new (3 months) and worsening. Muscle and joint pain also worsening.

I would appreciate any advise for a remedy (with dosage and timing info if poss-this is new to me)

Thanks! Sangye
  sangye on 2004-10-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I forgot to mention also a general weakness of bladder, feeling of downward pressure on bladder, feeling of need to urinate frequently (even when none present)
sangye last decade
Causticum 200 three doses (three days).Wait for atleast three weeks and post response.

No other medicines in between.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
first of all you must check your thyroid. you seem to have a lot of symptoms of a low thyroid.
check with your doctor your TSH, T3, T4 free hormones.
check this site: www.drlockie.com, chapter Mind& emotions, you will find many important things about depression and the remedies for this.
Take Calcium, magnesium, vitamin B complex with folic acid. you can try St.John's wort pills. it's a very good solution for mild depression.don't jump to take any kind of antidepressive drugs, because of the strong side effects. St.Johns wort has very little side effects or none.
good luck!
gabituca last decade
Firts, let me thank you both for your responses!

Murthy, I will get the Causticum 200 this evening (if it's available) and begin. May I ask what potency that is-is it 200C? How many globules should I take at a time (they are very small here). Is it relevant at what time of day to take it? Do I need to use a non-mint toothpast now?

Gabituca. Yes I have long thought that I had a low thyroid but I recently asked my doctor to check it and she said it was 'normal'. When I asked for more information about which tests they ran and the result numbers they just kept saying it was 'normal' with no further information and I should accept that. Hmmm...I checked out the site you referred me to and it is very useful-thank you!

Warm Regards, Sangye
sangye last decade
yes.Causticum 200c.4 to 5 globules at a time.Best time is in the morning,after getting up,without brushing.

You can use your normal toothpaste after half an hour.

Keep the globules preferably under the tongue till they get dissolved.

One word of caution though:

I am not a professional homeopath.But I was learning it since the last four years.
Your case seemed to be very close to causticum,and hence I ventured to suggest.

If possible,get a second opinion.

However onething I can assure you.Taking causticum the way i told you to take and then waiting for 3 weeks will not do any harm.The medicine will definitely bring some improvement to the extant it can.

The choice and decision is yours.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I understand and I appreciate your input! Your knowledge certainly exceeds my own!
best, Sangye
sangye last decade
Hi murthy,
Is that o.k to take 200 potency daily one dose, three days continuously? ( 3 doses)
anon99 last decade
Yes.Strictly speaking single dose should be enough.

But in these days of pollution,and in view of our habits,there is always a danger of antidoting the medicine,in the process of taking itself.

Strong odors around you (For ex.that of Camphor,incense stick etc) antidote the medicine.

That is why doctors suggest three doses because the probability of atleast one dose being taken correctly is high.

Moreover in chronic cases the medicine starts acting,a bit late, perhaps after a week,and hence even if you take three doses,it may be construed as a single dose only.

You should not disturb the action of medicine once it starts acting,but before that, repetetion, as suggested,may not really matter.

For your information, I take a single dose only.

If you feel like you can ensure ideal conditions around you, while taking the medicine, you can stop with one dose.

Hope, I have clarified your doubts.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Thyroid tests are not very reliable.
Use Dr. Broda Barnes basal temperature test which is considered a better alternative to lab tests. more information is available in the web. search for hypothyroi+basal+temperature+test

If it is confirmed, thiroidinum will be helpul. Some experienced person in this forum could help with the potency required.
rkguru last decade
Start with a colon and liver cleanse. There's lot's of conflicting info on how to do this and the benefits, however I personally was cured of jaundice and severe chnroic fatigue/muscle issues and depression. Google angel farms -
worth evey penny. read the testimonials and you'll get it. Stagnant intestines/parasites and bile blockage can cause alot of these issues.
jonno last decade

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