Homeopathic Remedies - Fungi
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Top 3 Fungi
In order of popularity (scroll down for full alphabetical listing)
Candida AlbicansRank: 🛒81 ✚0
AKA: CandidaBovistaRank: 🛒85 ✚140
AKA: Puff-ball, Bovista Gigantea 📖Agaricus MuscariusRank: 🛒97 ✚25
AKA: Amanita, Toad Stool, Bug Agaric, Agaric, Amanita Muscaria 📖 📷
All Fungi
Agaricus Muscarius Available
AKA: Amanita, Toad Stool, Bug Agaric, Agaric, Amanita Muscaria 📖 📷
Bovista Available
AKA: Puff-ball, Bovista Gigantea 📖
Candida Albicans Available
AKA: Candida