Homeopathic Remedies - Insects
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Top 2 Insects
In order of popularity (scroll down for full alphabetical listing)
Apis MellificaRank: 🛒27 ✚18
★ ★ ★ ★
AKA: The Honey-bee, Bee sting, Apis Mellifera, Apis mel, Apisinum 📖 📷CantharisRank: 🛒49 ✚43
★ ★ ★ ★
AKA: Spanish Fly, Cantharidin 📖
All Insects
Aphis Chenopodii Glauci Available
AKA: Plant-lice From Chenopodium, Chenopodium Glauci Aphis, Chenopodii Glauci Aphis, Chenopodium Glaucum 📖
Apis Mellifica Available
AKA: The Honey-bee, Bee sting, Apis Mellifera, Apis mel, Apisinum 📖 📷
Apis Venenum Purum Available
Blatta Orientalis Available
AKA: Indian Cockroach 📖
Cantharis Available
AKA: Spanish Fly, Cantharidin 📖
Coccinella Septempunctata Available
AKA: Lady Bug, Coccinella 📖 📷
Doryphora Available
AKA: Colorado Potato-bug, Doryphora Decemlineata 📖
Formica Rufa Available
AKA: Myrmexine, Crushed Live Ants, Formica 📖
Oniscus Available
AKA: Millepede, Wood-louse, Oniscus Asellus 📖
Vespa Crabro Available
AKA: Live Wasp, Vespa, Vespa Crabo, Vespa crabo, frelon, Vespa crabo frelon, vespa vulgaris 📖