Artemisia Abrotanum
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Artemisia Abrotanum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
A. Abrotanum abrotanum, L. Nat. order, Compositae. Common names, Southernwood, old man, etc. Preparation, Tincture from the stems and leaves.
Authority. Gatchell, U. S. Med. and Surg. Journ., 5, 291; two lady provers, tincture used.
Authority.3, A.M. Cushing, M.D., Trans. Mass. Hom. Med. Soc., 1866-70, vol. iii, p. 19, took 6 drops at 10.30 P.M. (first day).
8 drops at 10.35 P.M. (second day).
15 drops at 10.30 P.M. (third day).
15 drops at 10.30 P.M. (fourth day).
20 drops at 11 P.M. (fifth day).
25 drops at 9 P.M. (sixth day).
40 drops at 10 P.M. (seventh day).
25 drops at 12 P.M. (eleventh day).
50 drops at 10.30 P.M. (twelfth day).
100 drops at 9 P.M. (thirteenth day).
500 drops 1st dil. at 10 P.M. (sixteenth day).
1000 drops at 10 P.M. (seventeenth day).
No capacity for thinking, as if all bodily and mental power were gone,
Very nervous (eighteenth day),
≡ more ...▲ HEAD
The left brain seems especially weak, easily fatigued by conversation or mental effort,
Headache (sixteenth day),
Itching of scalp.
≡ more ...▲ EYES
Eyes smart in the evening; pain in left eye, could not open it for several seconds (fifteenth day),
≡ more ...▲ MOUTH
Mouth dry and sore (twentieth and twenty-first days),
Mouth better (twenty-fourth day),
≡ more ...▲ CHEST
Pricking pain in right side of chest (thirteenth day),
Pulse quick (seventeenth day),
Voice weak,
Difficult breathing (twenty-second day),
≡ more ...▲ SKIN
The old eruption feels sore, with violent pricking itching, extending to the head and arms (seventh day),
Very severe itching of corn on left foot (seventeenth day),
≡ more ...▲ BACK AND NECK
Back weak, with ovarian pains,
Pain in back and testicles (twenty-fourth day),
≡ more ...▲ ABDOMEN
Colic pains,
Pain and heat in the bowels (fifteen minutes after a dose, seventeenth day),
Nausea and sour eructations (seventeenth day),
Burning in stomach like acidity (after ceasing the drug),
Heat and pain at epigastrium, at night (twenty-second day),
≡ more ...▲ RECTUM, ANUS, STOOL
Urgent call and loose stool, at 6.30 A.M. (twenty-first day),
Piles appeared, and became worse as the rheumatic pains abated, with frequent inclination to stool, hardly anything but blood being passed (second day),
≡ more ...▲ GENITALS ETC
Urine scanty,
At 2 P.M., hurried desire to urinate after stool (fourth day),
Urine profuse (twenty-fifth day),
Pain in testicles and back (seventeenth day),
Twitching in both ovarian regions, seems to extend to the back,
Extremities, limbs
On waking, both arms, legs, and feet were very lame and painful, but relieved after motion. In half an hour right hand so lame as to be useless (twenty-third day), Joints all sore and lame (twenty-seventh day),
Prickling and burning in joints,
Upper extremities
Arms very weak,
Dull aching in first finger of right hand, followed by similar pain in other fingers of the right and left hand (half an hour),
Severe aching pain in both axillae, as if a sore were forming (tenth and eleventh days),
Pain in left elbow and right hand (twenty-fifth day),
Hands painful and sore all day; handles everything with difficulty (twenty-fourth day),
Lower extremities
Right knee lame and painful in the morning (twentieth day),
Aching pain in the ankles and feet, worse on the outside of the left ankle (seventh day),
Pain in ankles and knees; the feet are lame and painful (eighth to eleventh day),
≡ more ...▲ GENERALITIES
Unrefreshing sleep (twenty-second night),
Frightful dreams of mad dogs, etc. (fourteenth day),
Darting pain in various parts of the body and limbs (twenty-fifth day),
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Artemisia Abrotanum is not available to buy over the counter.