Aristolochia Clematitis
Aristochlia Clematitis, Arist-c.Not available to buy through our store.
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Aristolochia Clematitis in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
HOMEOPATHIC -- Excess of estrogen hormones produced. Marked affect on the urinary passages, kidneys, venous system, skin. Menses irregular. Pre-menstrual insomnia with agitation and congestion of the pelvis. Joint pains improved by movement. State of fatigue, or the opposite. Worn out with vertigo, chilliness, slightly improved by heat. Hunger pangs and need to eat despite feeling nausea. Tendency to plumpness.
CLINICAL - After-pains. Amenorrhea. Anorexia. Arthritis. Bedwetting. Bronchitis. Chills. Colic. Cystic mastitis. Cystitis. Depression. Dysmenorrhea. Eczema. Enteritis. Hormonal imbalances. Insomnia. Laryngitis. Mastitis. Menopause. Metritis. Nephritis. Pre-menstrual syndrome. Rheumatism. Spasmodic colitis. Sinusitis. Vaginitis. Varicose veins. Vertigo.
PHARMACY - Arist-cl. Aristolochia Clematitis. The presence of Aristolochic acid, isolated from the subterranean parts of the plant, must be emphasized here. It is toxic and an irritant, as well as a stimulant of phagocytosis. It is a yellow, bitter substance with a phenathrenic nucleus, and it comprises a nitrate group. Historical dose: Trituration and all potencies, 3x to 30c. Planets: Moon, Venus.
Herbal - Aristolochia Clematitis, of the Aristolochiaceae family, grows in Southern Europe and South America. Aristolochia Clematitis's active principle is clematine, which is identical to the Aristolochia or the Serpentarin as well as to non-purified Aristolochic acid. Aristolochic acid causes menorrhagia, tends towards miscarriage, and has a toxic action on the kidneys and liver parenchyma as well as intestinal mucous membranes.
Aristos means better, locheia means giving birth. In popular medicine to induce birth or stimulant the menses. Also as a diuretic, and against rheumatism. In high doses it is an emetic and cathartic. In South America, some Aristolochia are used for blindness.
The proving by Mezger made use of the Spring rhizome. The experiment was carried out by eighteen provers, of whom thirteen were women. The following potencies were studied: 5x, 2x, 12x and mother tincture. The experiment lasted for twelve weeks.
Constitutions - Hormonal imbalances. Subjects of a nervous constitution, with extreme sensitivity, and who cry easily. Tubercular conditions of the ‘worn-out’ type.
Modalities etc
Modalities - Better during menses. Better from elimination of secretion and worse from suppression. Worse before and after menses.
COMPARE - (1) Puls. - close therapeutic relationship, acting on the same type of patient. (2) Calendula Officinalis Calen. - which is also an excellent healing plant. (3) Rhus-t. - also shows amelioration from movement.
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MIND - Sensation of solitude. Fear for the future. Rejects company. Psychosomatic complaints tending towards depression, especially in women who are going through the menopause (Sep.). State of mental depression. Amelioration of depressed state by fresh air and menses. Mental condition aggravated before and after periods, clearly ameliorated during menstrual flow.
Vertigo, dizziness
Vertigo - Vertigo with headache in the morning, worse when learning forwards.
Head - Diffuse headaches, improved in the fresh air and by cold, damp compresses. Congestive headache (Bell.).
Nose - Sinusitis. Coryza in the morning, improved by getting up, by fresh air. Watery flow, improved between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m.
Mouth - Mouth painful, with cracked corners of the lips. Teeth painful, aggravated by cold food, and ameliorated by hot food.
Throat - Throat discolored, yellow, dry. Tonsils inflamed, swallowing painful. Laryngitis.
Chest - Chest feels hard, like a breast-plate.
Breasts - Pain and feeling of hardening of the left breast. Pain in the breast. Cystic mastitis.
Lungs - Bronchitis. Angina, laryngitis with hoarseness. Morning cough, thorax painful on left side.
Skin - Varicose eczema. Acrocyanosis in young girls. Burns, also for external use in compresses of liquid extract at 15%, diluted 1:50 in water.
Abdomen - Colic. Spasmodic colitis. Enteritis. Abdomen distended, painful, before and during menses.
Kidneys - Pain in the kidneys and bladder with a frequent urination. Bedwetting, especially in older women. Incontinence and compelling need to urinate. Pyelitis. Cystitis. Albuminuria with white discharge.
Stomach - Acrid dyspepsia.
Food - Anorexia, nausea with vertigo and cold sensations.
Rectum - Rectum prolapsed after eating. Rectal weakness. Mucus diarrhea, hemorrhoid bleeding between stools, which contain mucus.
Female - Brown discharge, watery flow. Eczema of the vulva. Sensual itching, aggravated before menses, ameliorated during menses, aggravated after menses. Menses absent, late or short, Blood black, with clotting. Varicocele. Amenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea. Infrequent menses. Metritis. After-pains with laryngitis. Vaginitis.
Extremities, limbs
Limbs - Arthritis in women with the menopause. Rheumatism of the knee. Limbs cold, with chilblains, skin discolored or red. Legs heavy before menses. Joint pains improved by movement, aggravated in the sitting position. Fingers and toes swollen before menses. Swollen, distended varicosities before menses. Varicose veins.