Astragalus Mollissmus
Loco-weed, Purple Loco-weed, Woolly Loco-weed, Astra-mo.Not available to buy through our store.
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Astragalus Mollissmus in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Affects animals like effects of Alcohol, tobacco and Morphine in man. First stage, period of hallucination or mania with defective eye sight during which the animal performs all sorts of antics. After acquiring a taste for the plant it refuses every other kind of food. Second stage brings emaciation EMACIATION:x
abnormally thin / weak , sunken eyeballs, lusterless hair and feeble movements-after a few months dies as from starvation (U. S. Dept. Agriculture). Irregularities in gait-paralytic affections. Loss of muscular coordination.
Sixth potency.
Compare: Aragallus Lamberti-White Loco-Weed-Rattleweed; Baryta; Oxytropis.
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Fullness in right temple and upper jaw
Pain over left eyebrow
Painful facial bones
Pressive pain in temples
Pain and pressure in maxillae.
Stomach; Weakness and emptiness
Burning in oesophagus OESOPHAGUS:x
muscular tube connecting mouth to stomach; gullet and stomach.
Extremities.--Purring sensation in right foot outer side from heel to toe
Icy coldness of left calf.
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