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Not available to buy through our store.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Euphorbia in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Authority. Bigelow's Sequel, 1822, p. 177, experiment.

In doses of from ten to twenty grains it is both and emetic and cathartic, that is more active than Ipecacuanha ipecacuanha in proportion to the number of grains administered.

in small doses it operates with as much ease as most emetics in a majority of instances. If it fails, however, at first, it is not so safely repeated as many of the emetics in common use. If accumulated in the stomach to the amount of two or three scruples, it finally excites active and long-continued vomiting, attended with sense of heat, vertigo, indistinct vision, and great prostration of strength. Euphorbia's operation seems exactly proportionate to the quantity taken, and the vomiting is not checked by the powder being thrown off in the first efforts of the stomach.

Euphorbia has never been mentioned on our forum.

Euphorbia is not available to buy over the counter.

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As a gesture of goodwill to all our customers from the past 20+ years, we'll keep the site live for the time being but it is no longer viable to run the store.