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Euphorbia Peplus


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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Euphorbia Peplus in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



1, Dr. Bernard, Journ. de Méd. de Toulouse and Report de Pharm., Paris (Pharm. Journ., 2d Ser., vol. ii, 1861, p. 436) a lady applied the juice of the stems to her already swollen gum; 2, J. Murray Moore, M.D., Hom. World, vol. xii, p. 496, a boy applied a poultice of the leaves to a "black eye."

Instantly her mouth became so much inflamed that the doctor, when he saw his patient, thought that the inflammation was due to the action of mercurial medicines. For several days the pain was intolerable and wrung cries from the patient, who, deprived of sleep and unable to drink, was a prey to indescribable agitation,

After a week his condition was as follows Phlegmonous erysipelas had appeared under the left eye, spreading downwards and forwards over half the cheek. Five or six pustules also had risen on the face, one on the forehead, one on each ala nasi, one on the root of the nose, and others elsewhere, one also on the left elbow. They were characterized by a burning pain. The lower half of the nose was red, swelled, and inflamed, with a shiny surface. The lips were parched, swollen slightly, and the lower one covered with a crop of small pustules, another larger pustule appearing on the upper lip, half way between mouth and nostril. Prescribed Arnica Arnica 1, pil. i, 4tis horis. Euphorbia Peplus did not seem to change the symptoms for a week later. We found additional pustules on the side of the neck, and these, as well as two or three of those near the nose, had developed into hard boils, from which, doubtless, we could have extracted a pultaceous or cheesy matter. As he did not molest them, they slowly subsided,

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Euphorbia Peplus is not available to buy over the counter.

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