Hedysarum Ildefonsianum
, HED.Not available to buy through our store.
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Hedysarum Ildefonsianum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
(Name given by Murex Mure; true species doubtful.)
Natural order, Leguminosae. Common names (Brazilian), Barba de boi; Amar de Campo; Carapicho.
Preparation, (?).
Authority. Murex Mure, Pathogénésie Brésilienne.
≡ show all authors ...▲ EYES
Redness of the sclerotica.
Pain and pricking in the eyes.
Smarting in the eyes, with lachrymation.
≡ show all authors ...▲ ABDOMEN
Very painful tearing, extending from the loins to the navel; better on the second day.
≡ show all authors ...▲ GENITALS ETC
Sudden appearance of a yellowish discharge (from urethra?).
Profuse urine.
Redness and smarting of the penis.
Painful swelling of the penis, with erysipelatous inflammation; it causes a thin stream of urine.
Itching of the penis.
≡ show all authors ...▲ EXTREMITIES, LIMBS
Extremities, limbs
Pain in the upper and lower extremities.
Upper extremities
Painful contraction of the fingers.
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Hedysarum Ildefonsianum is not available to buy over the counter.