, Limu.Have you ever used Limulus? Yes No
Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Limulus in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Limulus cyclops, Fabricius. (Polyphemus occidentalis, Lamarck; under which name it is figured and described in the Nat. Hist. of New York); Limulus polyphemus, Say.
Class, Crustacea. Order, Poecilopoda.
Common name, Horse-foot, Sauce-pan; early colonial name, King crab.
Preparation, Triturations of the dried blood.
Relaxation of mind and body,
Very weary; could scarcely sit towards evening; must lie down; went to bed at 9 o'clock,
Sudden great weakness and disinclination to work, even in the open air, the whole afternoon (after three hours),
Excessive weakness, especially of the limbs (third day),
Most extreme exhaustion of body, and just as much mental fatigue, with inclination to yawn and stretch,
The heat of the day at noon was intolerable,
Very well feeling (after half an hour),
Inclination to stretch,
Confused feeling of the whole body; in the abdomen it increases to heat and a kind of burning, in the evening (first day),
Singular feeling of dulness over the whole body, as if the nerves were too full,
≡ show all authors ...▲ MODALITIES ETC
(Afternoon), Difficulty of breathing; heat in face.
(Evening), Confusion in head, etc.; coryza, etc.
(Night), On going to bed, pressure in head; on going out, pain in haemorrhoids.
(Drinking water), Respiratory troubles.
≡ show all authors ...▲ HEAD
General Head.
Confusion of the head, and pressure, at first over the whole forehead, and then only on the right side; five to ten minutes later a pain in the articulation of the left great toe,
Violent pain in the right side of the head "locality;" the right side of the head remains confused (after fifty-five minutes),
Pressure in the right side of the head, deep internally, extending back and forth several times during the day (first day),
≡ more ...▲ EARS
Stopped sensation deep in the right ear in the evening (first day),
Bubbling deep in the right ear,
≡ more ...▲ FACE
Lines in the face, as in a dying person (in a kind of cholera),
Jerking pain in the left side of the upper jaw, in the evening (first day),
≡ more ...▲ MOUTH
General Mouth.
Earthy taste extending back into the palate (while triturating),
≡ more ...▲ CHEST
Violent pain below the sternum (which he had never had, nor anything like it), seeming like a transient cutting from above downward, and from right to left; especially on stretching out the right arm; in the forenoon, then at noon, then at 2 o'clock (sixth day),
A peculiar difficulty of breathing in the lower part of the chest, as if there were an impediment below the diaphragm, so that he cannot take a deep breath, even when outstretched, as if there it were too full, in the afternoon; better in the evening (fourth day),
≡ more ...▲ SKIN
Burning-itching points, here and there, immediately,
Prickling as in perspiration, with only a moist skin (second day),
Violent itching in the hollow of the left knee (first and second days), ; lasting a week in both, continuing still longer in the right,
≡ more ...▲ BACK AND NECK
Pains in the small of the back and loins; a bruised feeling on bending backwards (from taking cold?), (third day),
≡ more ...▲ ABDOMEN
Diarrhoea-like sensation in the abdomen (immediately),
Cutting colic, with a feeling of heat in the abdomen (after one hour),
Sensation as though he had a dissolving acid in the intestines, and all the pains seemed to be caused thereby; as though he had a gangrene in the stomach, and then burning in the intestines,
≡ more ...▲ RECTUM, ANUS, STOOL
Stool very watery towards the end (he had not had a watery stool for several weeks); followed by tenesmus and cutting colic, alternating with a sensation of heat in the abdomen (after one hour),
Discharge of some fecal masses, after much pressing,
Stool omitted in the morning (second day),
Urging to stool, from 6 to 7 P.M., only wind passed (fifth day),
≡ more ...▲ GENITALS ETC
Emission wanting during coition in the evening (first day), ; (third day),
Extremities, limbs
Cramplike sensation in the limbs (second day),
Upper extremities
Violent pain in the metacarpal bone of the left hand; then a kind a shivering and coldness, with headache above the eyes, ; again in the hands,
Lower extremities
Great weariness in the knees and above them (after four hours),
Frequent rush of blood to the face and painful fulness of the whole right half of the body, especially here and there, and in the lower extremities (first day),
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