Rhamnus Catharticus
, RHA.Not available to buy through our store.
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Rhamnus Catharticus in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Violent rumbling and griping, especially cutting pains in the ileo-caecal region and in the transverse colon,
The abdomen became hard and distended,
Abdomen tympanitic,
Complete loss of appetite,
≡ show all authors ...▲ EXTREMITIES, LIMBS
Extremities, limbs
Weakness and prostration in all the limbs,
≡ show all authors ...▲ FEVER AND CHILL
Violent chilliness,
Skin at one time warm, at another cold,
≡ show all authors ...▲ APPENDIX
1, All. Zeit. f. Hom., 2, 139, 1850; 2, Leopold, Casp. Woch., 1850 (S. J., 68, 180), effects of the berries, in a boy.
Rhamnus catharticus, Linn.
Natural order, Rhamnaceae.
Common names, Buckthorn; (G.), Wegdorn; (F.), Nerprun, Bourguépine.
Preparation, Tincture or fluid extract of the ripe berries.
≡ show all authors ...▲ GENERALITIES
The boy was unable to rise, could not walk; he seemed to endeavor to press the head against the wall of the room,
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Rhamnus Catharticus is not available to buy over the counter.