Trifolium Pratense
Red Clover, Trifol, Trifolium pratense, trefle rouge, Trif-p.Have you ever used Trifolium Pratense? Yes No
Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Trifolium Pratense in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Compare: Trifolium repens - Melilotus Officinalis White Clover - (Prophylactic against mumps, feeling of congestion in salivary glands, pain and hardening, especially submaxillary; worse, lying down. Mouth filled with watery saliva, Worse lying down. Taste of blood in mouth and throat. Sensation as if heart would stop, with great fear, better sitting up or moving about; worse, when alone, with cold sweat on face.)
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Dullness in anterior brain
Mental failure, loss of memory.
Confusion and headaches on awaking
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Increased flow of saliva ( Merc Viv Merc.; Syphilinum (Luesinum) Syphil.) Sore throat, with hoarseness.
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Coryza like that which precedes hay-fever; thin mucus, with much irritation
Hoarse and choking; chills with cough at night
Cough on coming into the open air
Spasmodic cough; Whooping cough, paroxysms; worse at night.
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Night; in night air
Sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); from irritation in air passages; bronchia
from irritation in air passages; in wind pipe
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Neck stiff; cramp in sterno-cleido muscles; relieved by heat and irritation.
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