Search results for PITUITARUM POSTERIOR | |
Below are search results for PITUITARUM POSTERIOR in the shop, the remedy finder, and the forum. Remedy indications are in accordance with traditional homeopathic practice and have not been reviewed by the FDA. If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional. Minor symptoms can sometimes be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. |
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⚕ Pituitarum-posterior Single Remedy
Alternative names: pituitarum Posterium
Not available to buy. Indications listed for completeness.Closest matches to PITUITARUM POSTERIOR:
The remedy finder gathers a detailed picture of your symptoms and uses that to show you which homeopathic remedies fit your symptoms.Top symptom matches for pituitarum posteriorRectum; constipation; Stool remains in rectum for a long time with no urging
Rectum; constipation; Inactivity of rectum
Rectum; itching; Like insects crawling on skin in anus
Rectum; Catarrh of the rectum (see mucus, moisture)
Rectum; constipation; From dryness of rectum
Extremities, limbs; pain; Buttocks
Rectum; itching; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Extremities, limbs; pain; hip; Buttock region
Rectum; Sensation of prolapsed rectum
Rectum; Sensation of foreign body in rectum
Rectum; Desire to draw in anus
Rectum; Open anus (see relaxed)
Rectum; itching; like insects crawling on skin in anus; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Rectum; Cramp perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; Buttock muscles and thighs
Extremities, limbs; contraction of muscles and tendons; Buttocks
Rectum; skin and lining; Out-break on skin around anus
Rectum; pain; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Rectum; constriction, contraction, closure, etc.; Extending into rectum
Ear; itching; in ear; Alternating with itching in anus
Rectum; skin and lining; Splits in lining of rectum
Rectum; pain; burning; In split in rectum
Extremities, limbs; pain; sore, bruised; hip; Buttock muscles
Genitals; male; itching; scrotum; Extending to perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Rectum; pain; burning; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Chest; Alternating with rectal symptoms
Rectum; pain; burning; With prolapsed anus
Back; pain; as if sprained; lumbar; Extending to buttock muscles
Genitals; male; wart-like growth; Anus, and genitals
Rectum; open anus; Sensation of anus being open
Rectum; pain; drawing, pulling; Perineum (between rectum and genitals - see prostate gland)
Extremities, limbs; numbness; Buttocks
Extremities, limbs; skin; itching; Buttocks
Extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; hip; Buttock muscles
Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; Buttocks
Rectum; Chilliness in rectum before stool
Rectum; Sensation of cord extending from anus to navel
Extremities, limbs; pain; aching; lower limbs; Buttocks
Extremities, limbs; emaciated, extremely thin; hip; Buttock muscles
Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; Buttocks
Genitals; female; excoriated; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; Buttocks
Extremities, limbs; cramps; Buttocks
Rectum; pain; Clawing squeezing, as from a claw in anus
Rectum; pain; pressing; Perineum (between rectum and genitals, see prostate gland)
Extremities, limbs; coldness; Buttocks
Rectum; pain; pressing; As if faeces were lodged in rectum
Extremities, limbs; tension, tightness; Buttocks
Extremities, limbs; cramps; hip; Buttock muscles
Rectum; skin and lining; Perspiration about the anus and perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Extremities, limbs; pain; sore, bruised; Buttocks
Rectum; swelling of anus; Line of perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; hip; Buttock muscles
Back; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp, shooting; sacrum; Extending to buttock region and hips
Rectum; skin and lining; excoriated; Between buttocks
Rectum; skin and lining; abscess; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Rectum; skin and lining; boils; Near anus
Extremities, limbs; skin; itching; Between buttocks
Extremities, limbs; abscess; Buttocks
Extremities, limbs; emaciated, extremely thin; Buttocks
Back; cracking; lumbar; Extending to anus
Rectum; dragging, heaviness, weight; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Rectum; prolapse; After haemorrhage of rectum
Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; Buttocks
Extremities, limbs; tingling, prickling, asleep; Buttocks
Abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate; With pressure in rectum
Rectum; moisture; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Rectum; fullness; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Rectum; skin and lining; out-break on skin around anus; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Rectum; heat; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Extremities, limbs; swollen; Buttocks
Rectum; pain; soreness; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Rectum; sensation of lump; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Extremities, limbs; skin; painful boils, shedding skin and tissues; Buttocks
Extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; hip; Buttock muscles
Rectum; tension; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
Genitals; female; vaginal discharge; copious; Serum like discharge from anus and vagina
Extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; Buttocks
Rectum; pain; cutting; Extending up rectum
Back; pain; coccyx; Extending to rectum and vagina
Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; buttocks; Between buttocks
Extremities, limbs; constriction; Buttocks
Extremities, limbs; skin; itching; hip; Buttock region
Extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; buttocks; Upper part of buttocks
Abdomen; pain; dragging, bearing down; Extending to anus
Rectum; skin and lining; excoriated; Must rub anus until raw
Rectum; sensation of weight; Perineum (between rectum and genitals)
H.C. Allen > This Remedy Is Not A Reliable Preventative For Malaria
L. H., aet. 50, for three weeks has had pain in the right side of back, about the floating ribs (posterior aspect of liver), hurting through the right side.H.C. Allen > This Remedy Is Not A Reliable Preventative For Malaria
Reports himself a great deal better, "The drawing feeling let go within three hours and has not returned." Pain in posterior aspect of liver much better.H.C. Allen > X Rays
...iac region, then on posterior aspect of left thigh and calf, a du...H.C. Allen > X Rays
After that in the course of two or three days a trouble which he had once before, a catarrhal condition of inflammation of rectum with discharge of mucus, slightly bloody, after action of bowels.H.C. Allen > X Rays
Sense of pressive fullness starting from posterior prominence, of vertex in a straight line to bridge of nose, followed by fullness in entire vertex extending to bridge of nose.H.C. Allen > X Rays
On straining at stool, a sore sensation in nates.T.F. Allen > Canna
Heat at the anus.T.F. Allen > Green Dragon
August 7th. No change in symptoms, except that I have had three copious bilious passages from the bowels, attended with aching in the abdomen and burning in the rectum.T.F. Allen > Carboneum Oxygenatum
...About twenty herpetic vesicles, as large...T.F. Allen > Carboneum Oxygenatum
Abscesses form upon the chest and upon the left nates, caused by subcutaneous ecchymosis,T.F. Allen > Exogonium Purga
Soreness of the anus.T.F. Allen > Lithium Muriaticum
prickling in the anus.T.F. Allen > Pyrus Americana
as if rectum were shrunken, dried up.Boericke > Great Yellow Wolfsbane
Swelling of glands; Hodgkin's disease. Diarrhoea after eating pork. Itching of nose, eyes, anus and vulva. Skin of nose cracked; taste of blood.Boericke > Aletris
An anaemic, relaxed condition, especially of the female organism, is portrayed by this remedy. The patient is Tired all the time, and suffers from prolapsus, leucorrhoea, rectal distress, etc. Marked anaemia. Chlorotic girls and pregnant women.Boericke > Aloes
...An excellent remedy to aid in re-establi...Boericke > >Remedy shown to professionals only
...The clinical application of this remedy ...T.F. Allen > Pyrus Americana
feels pains drawing, rending along posterior aspect of thighs and down to toes.Boericke > Anacardium
...The Anacardium patient is found mostly a...Boericke > Antimony Tart
...Has many symptoms in common with Antimon...Boericke > Arelia Racemosa
This is a remedy for asthmatic conditions, with Cough aggravated on lying down. Drenching sweat during sleep. Extreme sensitiveness to drafts. Diarrhoea, prolapse of rectum. Aching in rectum extending upwards; worse lying on side lain upon.Boericke > Barium Carbonicum Baryta Carb
...rangers. Catarrh of posterior nares, with frequent epistaxis. Oft...Boericke > Barium Muriaticum Baryta Mur
...The different salts of Baryta are called...Boericke > New Jersey Tea
Rectum.Boericke > New Jersey Tea
Diarrhoea; bearing down in abdomen and rectum.Boericke > China Sulf
...A dose of Chinin, Sulph. in high potency...T.F. Allen > Uranium
...Authority. (E. T. Blake. M. B; Hahnemann...Boericke > Cistus
...olds that center in posterior nose. Sniffling....Boericke > Collinsonia
...Pelvic and portal congestion, resulting ...Boericke > Round-leaved Dogwood
Loose, windy, dark stool, immediately after dinner. Burning in anus. Dark, bilious, offensive diarrhoea, with sallow complexion.Boericke > Fagopyrum.
Its action on the skin, producing pruritus, is very marked. Visible pulsation of arteries. Fluent coryza. Offensive excretions. Itching erythema. Pruritus senilis. Post-nasal catarrh; dry crusts, granular appearance of posterior nares with itching.Boericke > Ferrum Magneticum
...The abdominal sufferings are felt more o...Boericke > Ferrum Magneticum
Mouth - Accumulation of water and saliva in the mouth. Itching sensation in the posterior part of the palate.Boericke > Ferrum Magneticum
Rectum - Urgent want to evacuate with expulsion of flatus only. On expelling the flatus there escapes a small liquid evacuation. Itching and shooting in the anus. Tingling and itching in the rectum.Boericke > Ferrum Magneticum
... contraction of the posterior cervical muscles, against which no ...Boericke > Gettysburg
...CUS from throat and posterior nares. RAWNESS. Neck muscles rigid....Boericke > Millepertuis
...The great remedy for injuries to nerves,...Boericke > >Remedy shown to professionals only
Profuse, BLACK, FETID STOOLS, with pain at umbilicus. Bleeding piles. Typhoid stools turn black and look like tar. Clay-colored stools with jaundice. Prolapse of rectum with hemorrhoids. Rectal hemorrhage.Boericke > Lobelia Syphilitica
...enza, involving the posterior nares, palate, and fauces. Very depressed. Pain in forehead over eyes; pain and gas in bowels, followed by copious watery stools with tenesmus and soreness of anus. Pain in knees. Prickling in soles. GREAT OPPRESSION IN LOWER PART OF CHEST, as if air could not reach there. PAIN IN CHEST UNDER SHORT RIBS OF LEFT SIDE. Dry, hacking cough. Breathing difficult. Dull, aching pain over root of nose. Eustachian catarrh. Pain in posterior part of spleen....Boericke > Magnetis Poli Ambo
CLINICAL - Fainting. Hemorrhage. Orchitis. Paraphimosis. Prolapsed anus. Rheumatism. Toothache. Ulcers.Boericke > Magnetis Poli Ambo
Rectum - Constipation, as from contraction of rectum. Painless diarrhea with flatulence. Hemorrhoids, smarting pain in anus after evacuation with constriction in rectum. Blind hemorrhoids. Prolapsed rectum.Boericke > Magnetis Poli Ambo
COMPARE - (1) Mag-arct., Mag-aust., Ferr. magnet., Mang. ox. (2) Burnt smell in nose, Anac. (3) Prolapsed anus, Podo., Caust., Ign. (4) Bell., Lyc., Nux-v., Petr., Puls., Stram., Sabina, Teucr.T.F. Allen > Dictamnus
Itching in the anus.Boericke > Merc Cor
...This salt leads all other remedies in te...Boericke > >Remedy shown to professionals only
...Has marked effect on catarrhal inflammat...Boericke > Sulphuricus
...Watery stools, burning in anus. Sore tip...Boericke > Acid Mur
...This acid has an elective affinity for t...Boericke > >Remedy shown to professionals only
...Blisters and ulcers in mouth, tongue, ge...Boericke > Acid Nit Mur
...Almost a specific in Oxaluria. Removes t...Boericke > Paeonia
The rectal and anal symptoms are most important. Chronic ulcers on lower parts of body, leg, foot, toes, also breast, rectum.Boericke > Penicillium Caseicolum
...purple and relaxed. posterior nares feel moist and raw; nose and ...Boericke > Plumb
...multiple sclerosis, posterior spinal sclerosis. Contractions and ...Boericke > Polygonum
Metrorrhagia, also Amenorrhoea in young girls. Varicosis; hemorrhoids and rectal pockets. Burning in stomach followed by feeling of coldness in the pit of the stomach.Boericke > Prunus Padus E Cortice
Bird-cherry — sore throat, pressure behind sternum and sticking pain in rectumBoericke > Krameria-mapato
The rectal symptoms are most important, and have received much clinical confirmation. It has cured pterygium. Violent hiccough. Cracked nipples (Graph; Eup ar). Pin worms.Boericke > Saccharum Lactis
...Rectum - Stool preceded by shooting pain...Boericke > Saccharum Lactis
...COMPARE - (1) Sacch., the Lacs. (2) Righ...Boericke > Saccharum Officinarum
Opacity of cornea. Dim sight. Acidity and anal itching. Cold expectoration. Myocardial degeneration.Boericke > Sanguinaria
Diseases of rectumBoericke > Selenium Metallicum
...Limbs - Pains in all the limbs, as if ca...Boericke > Selenium Metallicum
...Rectum - Anal and rectal itching, especi...Boericke > Selenium Metallicum
...COMPARE - (1) Agn., Calad., Sulph., Tell...Boericke > Sinapis
...Throat symptoms marked; especially PRESS...Boericke > Symphytum Off
...The root contains a crystalline solid, t...Boericke > >Remedy shown to professionals only
...The symptomatology of Tabacum is exceedi...Boericke > Marum Verum Teucrium Marum
...Nasal and rectal symptoms marked. Polypi...Boericke > Wyethia
Has marked effects on the throat, and has proven an excellent remedy in Pharyngitis, especially the follicular form. Irritable throats of singers and public speakers. Useful also in hemorrhoids. Hay-fever symptoms; Itching in posterior nares.Boericke > Adrenaline
...Its chief therapeutic use depends on its...Boericke > Lychnis Githago
...Burning sensation in stomach, through oe...Boericke > Sea Water
Rectum - Heaviness, pain before and during defecation, even when stools soft. Anal burning, heavy bleeding when first going to stool. Stools: hard at first, then soft in great quantities. Evacuation of small worms.Boericke > Aristochlia Clematitis
Rectum - Rectum prolapsed after eating. Rectal weakness. Mucus diarrhea, hemorrhoid bleeding between stools, which contain mucus.Boericke > Cadmium Iodatum
Itching of anus and rectum felt during the day only; constipation, frequent desire, tenesmus, abdomen bloatedBoericke > Foliculinum
Rectum - Feeling of heaviness in the rectum. Chronic constipation, sometimes alternation of constipation and diarrhea.Boericke > Glechoma
Ground Ivy — Hemorrhoids with RECTAL IRRITATION and bleeding. Diarrhoea. Anus feels raw and sore. Cough with laryngeal and tracheal irritation. Glandula sub-mentalis inflamed.Boericke > Helleborus Ftidus
Acts especially on spleen; also rectum and sciatic nerve. Splenic pains extend to scapula, neck and head, worse left side and evening; chronic ague cake; hypertrophied uterus; glandular enlargements; hair and nails falling off; skin peeling.Boericke > Linaria
...Acts prominently within the domain of th...Boericke > Negundium Americana
Engorgements of rectum and piles with great pain, ten-drop dose of tincture every two hours.T.F. Allen > Rhodium Met.
...2. The evacuation of the bowels used to ...T.F. Allen > Rhodium Met.
7. At 10 o'clock P.M., an evacuation in small round balls, like cockles, with burning in the anus during the evacuation and for some time afterwards.Boericke > Sedum Acre
HISTORY - Hemorrhoid pains like those of anal fissures, constricting pains, worse few hours after stool. Fissures.Boericke > Sedum Acre
CLINICAL - Anal fissures. Hemorrhoids.Boericke > >Remedy shown to professionals only
...COMPARE - (1) Mucuna Urens - for the hem...Boericke > Acid Tan
Nasal hemorrhage; elongated uvula; gargle; constipation. MANGES. ARTIFICIALIS great hunger in evening, profuse sweat on face, bruised pain in joints, rectal constriction after stool.T.F. Allen > Rhodium Met.
...21. August 19th, in the afternoon, about...Boericke > Thymol
...General weakness with headaches. Constri...Boericke > Thymol
Back - Tired, aching throughout lumbar region. Worse mental and physical labor. Back pain during the headaches. Pain in the lumbar and sacral regions, spreading to the buttocks.Boericke > Thymol
...Kidneys - Urinary burning and subsequent...Boericke > Thymol
Rectum - Hookworms. Diarrhea after constipation. Glairy or membranous diarrhea. Anal pain following diarrhea. Mucous, membranous stools, gray in color.T.F. Allen > Rhodium Met. 9 o'clock the excrementa were fel...T.F. Allen > Rhodium Met.
43. Itching of the anus, as if caused by the piles, lasting several days, and the stools tardy.Boericke > Bacil
Rectum - Sudden diarrhea before breakfast, with nausea. Obstinate constipation with offensive flatus. Severe hemorrhages from bowels. Stitching pain through hemorrhoids. Passes much ill-smelling flatus.T.F. Allen > Lilium Superbum
...Constipation the first few days; afterwa...T.F. Allen > Astragalus Menziesii
8 A.M., slight burning at anus, recurring occasionally.Boger > Cornus
Liver symptoms, with aching eyeballs Dark, foul stools, with burning at anusBoger > Fagopyrum.
Itching; eyes; ears; posterior nares; anus; deep in hands; legs, etcBoger > Paeonia
Moisture (foul) at anusBoger > Paeonia
Excessive pains at anus, continue long after stool; must rise and walk aboutBoger > Merc Cor
Violent effects Burning, internal; throat, stomach, rectum, neck of bladder, kidneys, etcBoger > Croton.
Pressure excites rectal pain or a stoolBoger > Erigeron Canandensis
Anus seems torn
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