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Ozone (Oxygenium)

Ozonum, Oxygenium, Ozone.

Not available to buy through our store.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Ozone (Oxygenium) in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



SACRAL pain; tired feeling through pelvic viscera and perineum

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Ozone (Oxygenium)

Eucal > relationships
Compare: Oil of Eucalyptus Globulus ( Produces remarkable bodily exhaustion, no desire for any motion, unable to do any real mental work, study, etc. The volatile oil possesses, in common with other, the property of converting water, in presence of air and sunlight, into hydrogen peroxide, or to convert oxygen into Ozone, which is the explanation usually given of its deodorizing and antiseptic properties ( Merrel.) (Locally, in catarrhal affections, especially when of a suppurating or putrid nature.) Eucalyptus tereticortis (menstrual cough and Prostration). Eucalyptol (depresses temperature of healthy body more than Quinine; acts on kidneys like Terebinth.); Anacard.; Hydrast.; Kali-sulph. Eucalyptus neutralizes ill effects of Strychnin. Angophora-Red Gum (dysentery, pains, tenesmus; better lying flat on face; obstinate constipation). Eucalyptus rostrata; Kino.

Sep > relationships
Compare: Lil; Murex; Silica; Sulph.; Asperata-Nacent oxygen. Distilled water charged with the gas - (leucorrhoea of young girls and uterine catarrh); Ozonum (SACRAL pain; tired feeling through pelvic viscera and perineum); Dictamnus Burning Bush - (Soothes labor pains); (metrorrhagia, leucorrhoea, and constipation; also somnambulism). Lapathum ( Leucorrhoea with constriction and expulsive effort through womb and pain in kidneys).

Phos > general
it is still questionable whether the disease is due to Phosphorus, Phosphoric acid, or to the ozone generated by the Phosphorus, or even whether it may not be due to general chronic Phosphorus poisoning. The lower jaw was affected in nine cases out of ten, the upper jaw in one case.

Ozone (Oxygenium) is not available to buy over the counter.

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