Below are search results for PITUITARUM POSTERIOR in the shop, the remedy finder, and the forum. Remedy indications are in accordance with traditional homeopathic practice and have not been reviewed by the FDA. If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional. Minor symptoms can sometimes be a sign of a more serious underlying condition.

  Results for PITUITARUM POSTERIOR in remedy names

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Partial matches for PITUITARUM POSTERIOR:

⚕ Pituitarum-posterior Single Remedy
Alternative names: pituitarum Posterium
Not available to buy. Indications listed for completeness.

Closest matches to PITUITARUM POSTERIOR:

  PITUITARUM-POSTERIOR (Pituitarum Posterium)

  Pituitarum-posterior (PITUITARUM POSTERIUM)

  Results for PITUITARUM POSTERIOR in the remedy finder

The remedy finder gathers a detailed picture of your symptoms and uses that to show you which homeopathic remedies fit your symptoms.

📖   Results for PITUITARUM POSTERIOR in the Materia Medica:

H.C. Allen > This Remedy Is Not A Reliable Preventative For Malaria
L. H., aet. 50, for three weeks has had pain in the right side of back, about the floating ribs (posterior aspect of liver), hurting through the right side.

H.C. Allen > This Remedy Is Not A Reliable Preventative For Malaria
Reports himself a great deal better, "The drawing feeling let go within three hours and has not returned." Pain in posterior aspect of liver much better.

H.C. Allen > X Rays
...iac region, then on posterior aspect of left thigh and calf, a du...

H.C. Allen > X Rays
After that in the course of two or three days a trouble which he had once before, a catarrhal condition of inflammation of rectum with discharge of mucus, slightly bloody, after action of bowels.

H.C. Allen > X Rays
Sense of pressive fullness starting from posterior prominence, of vertex in a straight line to bridge of nose, followed by fullness in entire vertex extending to bridge of nose.

H.C. Allen > X Rays
On straining at stool, a sore sensation in nates.

T.F. Allen > Canna
Heat at the anus.

T.F. Allen > Green Dragon
August 7th. No change in symptoms, except that I have had three copious bilious passages from the bowels, attended with aching in the abdomen and burning in the rectum.

T.F. Allen > Carboneum Oxygenatum
...About twenty herpetic vesicles, as large...

T.F. Allen > Carboneum Oxygenatum
Abscesses form upon the chest and upon the left nates, caused by subcutaneous ecchymosis,

T.F. Allen > Exogonium Purga
Soreness of the anus.

T.F. Allen > Lithium Muriaticum
prickling in the anus.

T.F. Allen > Pyrus Americana
as if rectum were shrunken, dried up.

Boericke > Great Yellow Wolfsbane
Swelling of glands; Hodgkin's disease. Diarrhoea after eating pork. Itching of nose, eyes, anus and vulva. Skin of nose cracked; taste of blood.

Boericke > Aletris
An anaemic, relaxed condition, especially of the female organism, is portrayed by this remedy. The patient is Tired all the time, and suffers from prolapsus, leucorrhoea, rectal distress, etc. Marked anaemia. Chlorotic girls and pregnant women.

Boericke > Aloes
...An excellent remedy to aid in re-establi...

Boericke > >Remedy shown to professionals only
...The clinical application of this remedy ...

T.F. Allen > Pyrus Americana
feels pains drawing, rending along posterior aspect of thighs and down to toes.

Boericke > Anacardium
...The Anacardium patient is found mostly a...

Boericke > Antimony Tart
...Has many symptoms in common with Antimon...

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