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Santalum Album

, Santa.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Santalum Album in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Santalum album (India); and S. Freycinetianum and S. paniculatum (Sandwich Islands). Sandal Wood. N. O. Santalaceae. The oil distilled from the wood. Dilutions with alcohol.


Gonorrhoea. Kidney-ache. clinical


The word Santalum is of Persian origin. Sandal-wood oil is obtained from several species of Santalum, S. album being the chief. Santalum Album's chief use in old-school practice is in gonorrhoea. Shirtliff (H. W., xxxi. 456) observed in a man taking the oil for gonorrhoea, soon after each dose, an acute aching pain felt in the kidney region, so severe that if he was standing he was obliged to sit, which gave some amel. On this hint Shirtliff gave it in this case An elderly man, looking worn and haggard, complained of pain in region of left kidney from ribs to crista ilii, brought on by walking, amel. leaning forward, completely amel. by lying down. amel. Pressing clenched fist into back. The pain had lasted six months, and was very acute when on. Sulphur Sul., Berberis Vulgaris Berb., and Bryonia Bry. gave no relief. Santal. (oil), one drop every four hours, soon gave great relief, and entirely removed the pain in two months.

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Santalum Album

Eriod > general
Eriodictyon Californicum. Yerba Santa. N. O. Hydrophyllaceae. Tincture of whole plant.

Eriod > general
Eriodyct., says Allen, "has a strong terebenthine taste, and abounds in a resinous matter which sometimes exudes so copiously that, in drying, the specimens stick firmly together and to the paper." "Yerba Santa" (holy plant) is a popular expectorant remedy in Mexico and California. By homoeopaths it has been chiefly used in phthisical conditions, especially bronchial phthisis. Asthmatic breathing with accumulation of mucus.

Kali-i > relationships
"Yerba Santa "-(catarrhal phthisis) Ant. t. (threatened paralysis of lungs); Arsen. (catarrhal symptoms wasting; restlessness); Bell. (brain congestion); Apis (dropsy; agg. by heat); Lyc. (flatulent distension); Mez., Pul., Sil., Sul.; Act. r., Chi., Nat. sul., and Carb. sul. (noises in the ears). Causation.

Cupr-ar > appendix
20, (Berridge), Echo du Monde Savant (Med. Times, 1840, vol. ii, 141), five persons drank water impregnated with Cup. ars; 21, (Berridge), Dr. Mitchell, Dublin Med. Press, 1843, vol. ix, p. 52, fifteen children ate sweetmeats colored with Ars. and Cu.; 22, omitted; 23, (Berridge), Scheele's green, from Encyclop. des Sci. Méd. (Am. J. of M. S., 1846, vol. xi, p. 252); 24, (Berridge), Dr. Prosper de Pietra Santa, L'Union Med., Sept., 1858 (Edin b. Med Journ., 1860, vol. v, p. 961), diseases of workers in Schweinfurt's green; 25, (Berridge), Dr. S. Griswold, N. Y. Journ. of Med., 1858, vol. v, p. 64, J. F., aet. thirteen years, was engaged in making paper in which Scheele's green was used; 26, (Berridge), Dr. H. Cooper Rose, Lancet, 1859 (1), p. 237, poisoning of a child, aet. nine months; 27, omitted; 28, (Berridge), Dr. W. G. Blogg, Lancet, 1860 (2), p. 596, effects on wokmen in Scheele's green; 29, (Berridge), Dr. Hassal, Lancet, 1860 (2), p. 535, effect on manufacturers of Scheele's green; 30, ibid., effect on a man, aet. forty-five years; 31, ibid., effect on a man, aet. twenty-seven years; 32, (Berridge), Dr. J. B. Metcalfe, Lancet, 1860 (2), p. 535, case of poisoning; 33, (Berridge), Dr. Wintrebert, Bull. Méd. du Nord. (Lancet, 1873 (2), p. 49), effect of local use of green paper; 34, (Berridge), Kittel, Allg. Wiener Zeit. (Lancet, 1873 (1), p. 174), conjunctivitis due to Schweinfurt's green; 35, Joseph Farrar, Brit. Med. Journ., Jan. 6th, 1877, a man, aet. twenty-two years, was in the habit of holding his paint brushes between his teeth, and neglected to wash his hands before eating.

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