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Tuberculinum and Bacillinum - Remedy Relationships

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Tuberculinum Tub > compare
Compare: Bacil.; Psorinum Psorin.; Lachesis Lach. Kalagua (tuberculosis; garlicky odor of all secretions and breath). Teucrium Marum Verum Teucrium Scoradonia.

Tuberculinum Tub > compare
Compare Bacillinum (including Tuberculinum of Swan), Bacil. test., Aviaire Aviaire. In tubercular meningitis, Iodf. Irregular distribution of circulation; constitutional remedy, Sulphur Sul. Analogous constitutional remedies, Psorinum Pso., Med., Syphilinum (Luesinum) Syph., Thuja Occidentalis Thuja. Sensation of an iron band compressing brain (Thuja Occidentalis Thuj. hoop round forehead). Sensitive to music, Thuja Occidentalis Thuj. Phthisis, insanity, Thyroid. Pain in region of appendix, Ir. t., Arsenicum Album Ars., Lachesis Lach. Pains in breasts at menses, Conium Maculatum Con., Calcarea Carbonica Calc. Compatible Hydrastis Canadensis Hydrast., "it actually seems to fatten up tuberculous patients" (Burnett; confirmed by Nebel), Calcarea Carbonica Calc., Calcarea Iodata Calc. iod., Calcarea Carbonica Calc. ph., Phosphorus Phos., Thuja Occidentalis Thuj., Sepia Sep., Pulsatilla Puls. Sensitive to music, Aconitum Napellus Aco., Amb., Natrum Carbonicum Nat. c., Nux Vomica Nux, Phosphoricum Acidum Pho. ac., Sepia Sep., Thuja Occidentalis Thuj., Vio. o. (amel. by music, Trn.).

Information sources




The links in the left margin point to explanations of remedy relationships on the forum. For a full explanation, please see those threads. Here though is a summary of the terms used:


The remedies are antidoted by the stated remedy, when given in homeopathic doses.

Chemical Antidotes

The remedy antidotes poisoning by these remedies. These are included for completeness, but if you suspect you, or anybody, has been poisonned, you'll obviously be seeking immediate professional medical advice.

Cognates / Similar / Compare

Similar remedies for comparison purposes.
≡ ≡ Compare Tuberculinum and Bacillinum side by side


These remedies work well in pairs, with the second remedy given later to finish what the first has started.

Inimical / incompatible

These remedies should not be taken one after another.