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Vernonia Anthelmintica

, Vern.

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Vera > general
and often involuntary muscular tremors come on. A peculiar creeping and prickling sensation in the skin generally accompanies these symptoms. Externally applied to the unbroken skin it has no marked action, but if rubbed on with some fat, it passes through the epidermis and acts on the true skin, causing first irritation and then paralysis of the ends of the sensory nerves, and producing a prickly and creepy sensation, succeeded by numbness. This effect is produced whether applied locally or taken internally. Its irritating action in the sensory nerves is also observed if it be inhaled through the nose, when it causes violent sneezing, which also occurs after absorption through the stomach" (Brunton). A large number of the effects of Vern. were the result of inunctions. Vern. is both a paralyser and a great pain producer. It causes electric pains.

Vera > general
shooting pains like electric-shocks in veins, muscles and joints. Vern. causes tetanus, which Farrington distinguishes from the convulsive action of Nux in that Vern. causes purgation and vomiting with the spasms, and that general paralysis does not take place from exhaustion as with Nux, but from devitalisation of the muscles. Twitchings, subsultus tendinum, fibrillary twitchings are marked. Startings and tremors occur in limbs previously affected by paralysis or pain. The pains are tingling, sparkling, prickling, burning. There is a drawing pain along the spine. Sensations of oppression in head, suffocation.

Vernonia Anthelmintica is not available to buy over the counter.
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