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Need urgent help please, boy 4 years old, provided all details. Page 3 of 4

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Doctor, I will try to find this medicine tonight, because I saw that it is not available on ABC. I have not found it yet, because both my kids are sick, my oldest one has bad cough, and runny nose and fever, and my little one has very high fever. This has been going on since thursday. Can you please advise me a medicine that I can give them to support their immune system, because they have been sick 4 times for the last month and a half. Thank you
Lexus last decade
For a first aid prescription I would still need some more symptoms. Can you give separate symptoms for each of them.

I believe Sacch will help at least the child we have been discussing here.

Do you have acute remedies at home?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
The child discussed here had fever, but 38.5 on Friday and he felt a little sick, he was weak and was lying down, so the principal of childcare called me to ask me to pick him up. He slept at home, and next day he developed cough, today after day nap he woke up with very harsh cough, almost like croupy cough. He is eating not great, but OK, he is active. But he started grinding his teeth a little in his sleep and it takes him a very long time to fall asleep for his night sleep.

My little one is a very loving baby, he is 2 years old.

Here is information about him
My son is 2 years old, and he was born with bilateral hydrocele.

He was born in April 2009, pregnancy was normal, though I was sick throughout whole pregnancy, and my legs hurt, I had no energy during pregnancy. When I got pregnant with my son I did not smoke or drink for a long time, but I was nursing my first child still. I got pregnant with him, while I was on copper IUD. The doctors removed IUD (Intrauterine device) and pregnancy was without complications. During ultrasound when I was pregnant 18 weeks, the doctors spotted cysts in the brain, or pseudocysts, as well as echogenic bowel, which could be indication of some chromosomal abnormalities in a baby. I was extremely worried for a month, could barely eat and sleep. I had amniocentesis done and confirmed that the baby is healthy. But the baby was born healthy. I refused immunization for him. He stayed with me right away and was breastfed right after he was born..When he was 1 month old he had severe upper respiratory tract infection. I was nursing him until he turned 1 year and 2 months, the first 2 weeks of his life he was gaining weight very well, and after that he had colic and refused to eat, he did not want breast milk, I could feed him only in his sleep, this was very stressful for me, because he would not eat at all, he was not gaining weight very well, and was crying a lot. His crying stopped when he turned 12 weeks. Physically he developed great, he sat up early, crawled early and started walking at 11 months.Emotionally he has always been a very easy baby, he is not demanding of attention, he is happy, he easily shares, when we fly to Moscow I put him in the car seat and he sits quiet there looking at the phone or watching cartoons for 16 hours. He does not sleep there though, he sleeps when it is quiet and he is comfortable, he sleeps through the night, but in the airplane or airports he will not sleep unless it has been 24 hours after he has last slept. Unlike my older son, who is very loud but I can talk him into doing something, my little one is not like that, he is quiet, but he knows what he wants and how to get it. When I started brushing my oldest son's teeth, he would yell, but open his mouth, with my little one, when I started, he would not yell, but he would bite my finger very much. He is more aggressive than my oldest son, when my oldest son takes his toys away, he yells and may hit or bite. At the same time, he is very loving, he comes over to me to cuddle and get hugs and kisses. He loves to make cats sounds and says he is a cat, and he moves closer in bed to me to hug and kiss me. He is very smart, started talking early, is well developed for his age.
He likes adult food, he does not like to be fed, and he is very picky. Recently he likes eating porridge with milk, as well as soups. He loves french fries and he is a dipper, which means he loves to dip food in sauce. He will dip pieces of chicken in ranch sauce, when we are in Mexican restaurant, he will dip chips in hot salsa and eat, or he loves to dip french fries in ketchup. He loves bread, chocolate,lollipops, ice cream, he drinks a lot of water. He eats fairly little though, and I have to turn on cartoons to feed him, if I feed a little more than he wants, he might vomit. He can easily vomit, last week I was taking my children from pediatrician's office, and it has been already 4 hours after their lunch, they had fruit and berries for lunch (my little one still has his foods blended, even though he can chew perfectly well, he refuses to, because he does not feel like eating, I have to feed him, and if food is not blended he is choking on pieces of food. He eats pretzels, bread, meat, chips, and french fries, chewing it great when he wants to), I gave my little son a banana, I guess he choked on a piece, so he threw up. 2 months ago he choked on piece of bread in store and vomited there. When he got sick on Thursday, he vomited again fruit and berries because he was coughing, 6 hours after he ate. He gets car sick if we go to the mountains, and vomits.
He is very calm, he can sit in stroller and not get upset, he might fall asleep in the evening by himself. During day he sleeps not a long time, and if I am driving and he falls asleep in the car, he wakes up when I take him out of car and does not fall asleep. He is not irritable at all, and smiling a lot. He likes to share with his older brother, gets cranky though if his brother takes toys away from him, but he does not mind to trade. When he sleeps his head gets a little sweaty. He has thin legs, but big belly after he eats. He was born in California, and I was making sure he would get enough sun after he was born, he got plenty of that, and I was giving him liquid vitamin D when it was winter. He has no known allergies. He is short for his age, rather cautious, he likes to be safe, but he can climb heights and get in trouble when he watches his older brother and acts like him. He has brownish and blond on top hair. When he gets mad, he bites his brother. His sweat does not smell, his urine is very dark and brownish in the morning, right after he wakes up. And light during the day. He is not constipated, and has stool every day, sometimes couple times a day, it is normal consistency, and may be smelly.

His medical problem is
1) bilateral hydrocele of testicles, hydrocele was operated, but no visual results.His right testicle is larger than his left testicle, though both have water in there. My husband has hydrocele as well, his hydrocele was operated. His left testicle is enlarged, he says that there is scar tissue there and his right one is much smaller. One side is better than another side, and he is getting Arnica Montana 6 in luquid dilution 1 a day for his hydrocele.
2) he is short for his age, both my husband and me are not tall, but I would like him to be not as short as my husband. He is getting Alfalfa to increase his metabolism(or anabolism, I should say?). No apparent results of Alfalfa that I have noticed, only that he got diarrhea 1 time after alfalfa and that his stool is more liquid and often.
3) He also likes to pick his nose and eat buggers, which is devastating for me and my husband. He likes to do that when I read him books, and if I do not let him do that, he gets angry. He started that couple months ago, then he got sick with Upper Respiratory tract infection and it got a little aggrevated. I do not want it to become a habit.

Now to the medical problem that disturbs me with him. He got really sick for his 2 birthday, and we spent his birthday in emergency room, because the whole family was sick with URTI, and he was last, he had fever, and runny nose and bad cough, but then it got to his eyes and he had terrible conjuctivitis, he literally could not open his eyes because of puss. He was cranky and he was rubbing his eyes and then eating puss. I was constantly cleaning his eyes with black tea. Doctor prescribed antibiotic, but I believe that was viral not bacterial infection. Then he got sick when my oldest son got sick, right the next day, the day after I gave my oldest son Tuberculinum. He had very high fever, but nothing else, and it lasted 1 day. I did not give any medication. And now last Wednesday he had diarrhea, it was yellow, liquid and he had to go potty 10 times in a row. It might have been from Alfalfa, or it was a virus. Thursday he developed very high fever, and clear discharge out of his nose. The next day he was better, but my oldest son got sick. And on Saturday afternoon, closer to evening my little son developed high fever again, he did not sleep whole night, he was crying a lot, and today he has had very high fever, he enjoys sitting in bathtub in water for a little while. He refuses to drink any water, and I have to give him water in a spoon, even though usually he lies to drink water. He slept very bad during day, I fed him a little porridge in the morning, and fruit in the afternoon. In the evening he was better and ate some meat on his own.He still is cranky, cries a lot during sleep and calls for me. He has clear discharge from his nose.
It feels like his immune system is overwhelmed and can not combat this virus. Do you have any suggestions for us?

Thank you
Lexus last decade
I do not have any acute remedies at home, because I do not know what to give him. But I have a store close to home where they sell most basic homeopathic remedies, so I can buy there. They do not have Tuberculinum or Sacharum though, I have to order such medications online.

Thank you
Lexus last decade
Doctor, I got Saccharum Of. Please advise how to give it to my son. Thank you
Lexus last decade
Do you have pillules or liquid?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I have granules
Lexus last decade
I have saccharum off 200 CK by Boiron
Lexus last decade
Ok you will need a clean bottle with a dropper. Put a mixture of alcohol and water (1 part to 5 parts) in the bottle, then dissolve 2 granules into it. Hit the bottom of the bottle firmly twice only, then place 1 drop into a full cup of water, stir thoroughly, and give him 1 teaspoon. Do this once only and report in 3-5 days.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I will do it tomorrow. Thank you
Lexus last decade
Doctor, I have given my son the remedy as you advised and till now I have not noticed any changes in his behavior at all. There is nothing I can write you as he acts the same way he did before.Please advise, what should I do? Thank you
Lexus last decade
Repeat the remedy, after hitting the bottle 4 times instead of 2. If still no reaction within 3 days, then give a third dose, but with 6 hits of the bottle.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I will give him remedy on Wednesday morning and will report the results. Thank you
Lexus last decade
I gave my son remedy last Wednesday, but have noticed no effects, tomorrow I will repeat it. I am worried that he is still sucking his finger a lot, and now my little one has his fingers in his mouth all the time. my little son was getting Arnica 6c daily for his hernia, and he was already potty trained,but now goes in his diaper again.
I will report the results after I give my oldest son the dose hitting the bottle 6 times. Thank you
Lexus last decade
Give him a dose every day for no more than 3 days.

No reaction is odd, usually there is something even if the remedy is wrong.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I will look over the case again if we need to look for another remedy.

I only just noticed that you have posted several times about your son, and had prescriptions from other practitioners. I will need to look at those posts as well.

As for your other son, why were you giving Arnica 6c specifically?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes, doctor, I was giving my son medication before you took this case, precisely it was thuja, calc carb as far as I remember, but I have stopped everything since you took this case and was strictly following your recommendations.

I was giving my little son Arnica 6C because he has hydrocele. The remedy did not help though.
Lexus last decade
You should stop the arnica as it will not help the hydrocele and it could be causing side effects (causing a regression of his toilet training).
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Doctor I stopped Arnica today, did not give him his dose. Thank you for your advice. I will update you about my oldest son after I give him his medication tomorrow. Thank you
Lexus last decade
Just jutting in to get the case updates.
vikas_grower last decade
I am writing to give a feedback on the last dose of saccharum. I do not see very obvious changes, since my son is still very jumpy, he does not listen, he is constantly biting his finger nails, speech is not clear and thoughts are not clear in his head. He is still very impulsive, at practice he is lazy, does not want to run.
But there is one change, he sleeps in diaper and during night he would still wet his bed, he peed so much, it would actually go through his diaper and wet bed. He still pees, but not as much, and there have not been wet spots on his bed for couple of days. He wakes up early and tells me that he has to go to the bathroom. Before I was putting him to sleep in my bed, because he was scared of darkness and I could not convince him that he should sleep in his bed. Now it is actually better, he falls asleep with flashlight in his bed. I put him in my bed though, because he has another cold, he has very bad deep cough, it sounds wet now, but I do not think it is productive, because he constantly coughs and perhaps this is why his sleep is not deep and he does not wet his bed so much.
speaking about other remedies, I remember that Thuja 200 helped him a lot, he was grinding his teeth at night really bad, and I was worried for his teeth, after Thuja he stopped, and for 5 days or so in a row I did not see him bite his nails, after that he got sick and started biting his nails again. Calc Carb was working a little too, I think, he was more calm. I hope that helps. Speaking about his nails, his nails are not pretty, I was amazed when he was born, his nails were splitting and not pretty shape, now his toe nails are kind of flat, and not smooth, they are rough. On his hands the shape of nails is not pretty, and it is hard to judge, because his fingers are all bitten and I forgot already when I cut his nails, he eats them. His hair is blond, and really thin, though my husband's hair is thick and I have very strong long, thick and a little curly hair. His hair gets tangled really bad on the back of his head. Just for comparison, my little son looks very much like my oldest son, and they have same hair cut with long hair, but his hair is thick and never gets tangled. I remember that my oldest son as an infant had a bold spot on his back of the head, and when the hair started growing back there they were getting tangled right away. He is a climber, loves to climb, and he loves to throw, recently he loves to throw sand. He still refuses any ice cream, sugary drinks, cakes. He drinks water only and sometimes a little organic apple juice. He craves meat, loves orange cheese.

Please advise the medication for his condition as well as a medication to support his immune system, my children get sick way too often.

thank you

Lexus last decade
He certainly is a challenge to prescribe for.

Alright, I will re-examine the case again, adding in that extra information. Anything else you wish to add before I resprescribe?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
yeah, I guess he is hard case. I wanted to mention that he gets sores in his mouth sometimes, he complains when eating and brushing his teeth then. He has pimples on his upper arms, I do too though, inside those pimples is white solid content. The skin on his lower jaw is not smooth it has tiny pimples. when he was a baby, doctors thought it was allergy, but it was not.He is clumsy, he runs and hits walls, he falls, he gets bruises. But he is an excellent climber and can control his body while climbing very well. Oh, I forgot to mention that he is fascinated by women's clothes, he puts on my t-shirts and says it is a dress, he loves my underwear, my dresses. He loves the touch of silk on his body, he puts it on naked body. He loves high heeled shoes and walks perfect on high heels. I am telling him that boys do not wear such clothes, and he said that he was a girl, he changes his mind though when I told him that girls do not get to play with cars and planes. He is jealous of his brother, wants to take all toys away from him, wants to play same game the little one is playing. He is a little brat, he talks back a lot, like when we tell him 'stop it' he might say- no, you stop it. He is impulsive, he might hit me, or push me, but then he gets scared right away. He likes to lean to me and kisses me, if I am upset, he pets my hair and tells me to calm down. He always says- mommy, I am sorry, so he is a sweet natured little man. He likes to look in the mirror, to see that he is pretty. His favorite game now is to take my iphone, to turn camera on and to take pictures of his face while he is saying aaaa.
Lexus last decade
Doctor, I wanted to mention also that my son when he speaks is stuttering in his speech, almost like he does not know what he wants to say, or like he is searching for an appropriate word and he repeats words many times.
Lexus last decade
I am working on this today, reassessing all the information again.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you, Doctor, for all your time. I was trying to provide all even small details that could help you. Thank you.
Lexus last decade

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