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Why 'Joepathy' works in many cases Page 2 of 8

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Dear Rajiv

I was born on October 19th 1929.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and you may like to know that I have dedicated the rest of my life to helping those who consult me with my own brand of Homeopathy which is now accepted as Joepathy.

I agree with you completely that if only others too are more caring in their daily lives the world would be a far better place to live in. It is unfortunate that in homeopathic circles there still exists that aura of exclusivity which is, I believe, the real reason why Homeopathy does not achieve the status that medicine enjoys today. I believe that the many critics that have voiced their opinions against my therapy have done so as they wish to keep this science at the higher levels that the successors of Hahnemann have elevated it to, with that aura of mystery that a homeopath usually commands from his patients which originates in the standard procedure involved in the classical case taking process. I do not write off this process but I maintain the the human mind cannot do justice to identifying that one remedy that will help the patient according to the tenets of classical homeopathy without the assistance of Homeopathic Software like Radar which I too use when necessary. I state this as the choice of this single remedy cannot possibly be identified from the many thousands that are available as the odds against the correct choice being made even by the most experienced homeopath are a million to one and cannot possibly be done mentally. This is where the software can be relied upon if the strict application of the classical theory has to be successfully implemented.

In my case I have evidence to prove that the majority of practicing homeopaths in the Indian sub continent use the same direct method that I too use to identify a remedy as it is absolutely impossible for those who see over 20 patients per day to spend at least an hour per patient with the classical system. The unfortunate result of the application of the classical system without the software is that the patient is usually given a remedy that suits his 'picture' and he goes back home in the fond hope that the remedy will help him at least in some small way and that when he reports back to the homeopath which is usually in a week that he would have some visible alleviation of his ailment. This is sadly not the case and many patients who have gone through this routine have informed me that in spite of the hour long interview that they had with their classical homeopath the remedy that they got did not have the slightest effect to help their ailment. In some instances I was informed that their ailment flared up and caused greater discomfort than what they already were suffering from. I have so many similar reports when these patients consulted me that I often wondered what the real reason was for these classical types to use a technique that they knew was faulty especially when dealing with the standard ailments that afflict people like GERD, Asthma, Eczema to name only 3 which I seem to have the gift of healing in a few days, or in the case of Asthma in a few hours. I realize that when a classical homeopath reads my viewpoint, he will immediately predict the usual doom and gloom scenario which the poor patient will, according to him, suffer from with a long time prediction of the possible results of consulting me, a non qualified homeopath, who has a background of using the direct approach in the alleviation of suffering. It is just my sense of directly approaching a problem in life coupled to my originality in doing so that has helped me to attain this status in my life and I believe in sharing my discoveries especially in homeopathy with others so that those who are not prejudiced will open their minds to the possibility of using a non classical alternative to the methods they use to cure their patients.

Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Rajiv Prasad

Graphites works only on low potency and diverts the problem elsewhere to more cureable dimension. In my own experience it never ever worked about 6x.

I have countless miracle stories abuot homemade graphites but none regarding homeopathy grade.

Same thing with Petroleum, it may work on tribals who are living days away from any road.

That's why in my eczema thread I remommened a weekly course of 8 remedies including Graphites and Petroleum.

On the other hand Crank Case Oil turned out to be a very potent medicine, I request you to experiment with it. With that medicine many's people's asthma got diverted to eczema and eventually they may recover from it.

And second thing: It is not necessary thing I said today may be absolute truth, that's how I see things today and tomorrow I may arrive at different conclusions.

I never ever recommended anybody to purchase and take homeopathy grade graphites because I believe it is wasting time, money and faith on a medicine.

ON the other hand homemade Graphites and Antimony works like magic and one sees the effect in hours.
kuldeep last decade
How would this explain how I have cured/brought back to the surface many cases of eczema using both Graphites and Petroleum in potencies ranging from 6c right up to LM1 of the APPARENTLY 'old' variety?

Many of these remedy layers have been passed from generation to generation, hence the original source works just as well as any other.

If only a so called 'modern' preparation of a drug cures a patient, then it is by virtue of personal exposure, and of the other things which are now mixed with these substances ADDITIONALLY causing problems, and I would consider such an occurrence extremely rare, especially in view of the fact most of these aditives have no medicinal value.

The man who looks TOO deeply Mr Kuldeep, ends up seeing nothing.

Hahnemania last decade
Dear Kuldeep,

Of course i can understand about the personal experience point that you made.But then personal experience depends on so many factors and is purely 'subjective' to the 'experiencer'.It is valuable no doubt to the person concerned.It is through personal experience that true learning takes place, and no amount of book learning can replace that.I really admire your willingness to share your wonderful experiences.Regarding the 'personal truths' being dynamic and not static; I again agree with you as I am very similar in my basic approach towards 'truth' as you.One should always be open to receive new infprmation and be bold enough to change one's 'truths' even if it is on a public forum like this.I like your boldness too.

In my own experience the traditionally prepared Graphites and Petroleum, even in very high potencies right up to the CM potency work very well.I get my medicines from a pharmacy which i trust and their remedies (it includes all the more common homeopathic remedies) have never failed me.Where these two extremely deep acting and powerful remedies are needed, nothing can substitute them.Of course, in homeopathy, the 'similimum' would always cure.

I will try the motor crank oil remedy when i get a chance.I have read that thread of yours too.As i said earlier, i read all of your threads and am a regular visitor to your website too.As i said earlier, I like your innovativeness and willingnes to share your remarkable experiences.Hence I read carefully whatever you write about your 'homeopathic experiences'.

With warm regards.

rajivprasad last decade
Hi Joe !
Happy birthday in advance.

From one Libran to another Libran.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Rajiv,
Great post.
Pl. read this ...which I posted on another thread too....

Here is the officially stated position of the British Homeopathic Association from their official website (FAQs).:


Should I stop my other medication?
No. Homeopathic remedies can be safely taken along with other medicines. It can be very dangerous to stop a medicine which you have been using for some time. The remedies will not interfere with your other drugs. You will be able to reduce your other drugs if you begin to improve under the influence of the homeopathic ones.

B A C K to list.

Why have I heard that some homeopaths tell their patients to stop their other drugs?
It is very unusual for a qualified health care professional to give such an instruction. Some non-medically qualified homeopaths have been known to give such advice and it stems from their distrust of mainstream medicine. The reason they will give is that some drugs can inhibit the effects of the homeopathic remedies. It is true that some drugs can produce such an inhibitory effect, particularly steroids and other drugs which suppress the immune system. However, experienced homeopathic practitioners will tell you that it is still possible to see the remedies produce good effects in the face of these drugs. Drugs should only be stopped when it is deemed they are no longer clinically necessary.


When homeopathic meds can work even while allopathic meds are being given....surely 2/3 homeoapthic meds given in alteration/succesion or together (combination meds)..will also give results.

We have seen it happening.

Don't know why...inspite of so much evidence...the classical homeopaths are making a 'song and dance' of things.
Best wishes,

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I am pasting the same contents I posted at:

I would like to share another story about this “Unqualified Homeopathy doctor who gave me the insight to treat tonsil stones”. In those days I was in India and he appeared at my door at mid-night and requested me to join him regarding an emergency.

He took me on his motorcycle in a poor neighborhood and there in a home a man with huge inflamed belly was lying, staring at the ceiling. Man was all blue-yellow. Whole room was stinking of bile. This is the standard practice in India that when a patient is about to die, hospitals reject him and send him home so a death would not be recoded in a hospital’s name.

That layman doctor asked me to help him, only thing he said to me to mark the approximate boundaries of his liver lobe on his tummy (like I am an expert). I did that (using my layman’s knowledge) and then he took out a thickest syringe and started pumping out green liquid from man’s liver (it was his first experience with the syringe but he was a bold courageous man) Whole crowd was watching us.

This layman doctor can’t not read English but can only read Punjabi so was unable to update his knowledge in human anatomy even in a layman’s terms. Only book he has a Boeirike’s translated Materia Medica.

He removed a gallon of liquid and then stared giving the patient a liquid of Naturm Sulphate. I left at morning and patient was a bit better and asked for some tea.

Today that patient is healthy and well.

I have some other stories about that unqualified doctor. He was the one who asked me to find Helix Hedera for a poor kid.
kuldeep last decade
Dear Rajiv

Thanks for telling that in your cases high potency Graphites and Petroleum worked.

Experience is not your's or mine but it of the whole Man-Kind's.

Mr Hahne-MANIA we all are the prisoners of our past, education, background, experiences, etc. Some people have windows in their cells and some just prefer solitary confinement in a narrow blocked cells.
kuldeep last decade
Dear Kul-notsodeep.

Ahhh, I see. That made no sense at all with reference to my questions by the way, but hey, if you don't have an answer, you dont have an answer, it's cool.

Oh, and as stated before, comments presumed to be profound, are no substitute for a good scientific answer.

My post btw was intended for further discussion, not as personal attack, which you seem to have taken it as, it was just written in a hurry, but sure, whatever you say.

Hahnemania last decade
You said: The man who looks TOO deeply Mr Kuldeep, ends up seeing nothing.

And now not So Deep...

By the way what was your precise question? I would love to answer it and I am not attacking you but you only want to listen to a certain song, and it happens that I am not singing it.

I am not a trained homeopath and neither I read Organon or any theory regarding it, yes I read Hahnmann's story and adventure but that's it. Still I will answer your question but what is it?

As I said before, after a long journey if one finds his luggage is missing... just opposite has happened with you. Person has arrived but luggage is missing.
kuldeep last decade
Sorry! Luggage has arrived but person is missing -- lost.
kuldeep last decade
The notsodeep was in response to 'Hahne-MANIA'.

Which would suggest to me that you have something on your mind regarding my posts, and no, I listen to many different songs, if they have some basis in actual reality. You were stating how you believe Graphites etc are only effective when home made, I was stating this ISN'T the case, and you came back with some odd quirky little phrase which had no relevance to the question I asked, which btw is still there should you care to actually read it.

Hmm nm, this is pointless, as I siad before, we're not even playing in the same ballpark, have fun with the fortune cookie phrases.
Hahnemania last decade
Hi Kuldeep

Petroleum 200 and 1M worked for me and for others too.

You never read Organon!!

People like you and Pankaj, who have very good knoweldge of materia medica can do wonders, if you follow the principles enunciated in Organon.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
dear hahnemania, I only stated my own experiences and I belive they are limited. If Murthy says that Petroleum 1M works on him, this adds to my own experience unless I don't believe in other people.

I never read theory behind homeopathy and never used a a medicine about 30c.

Time to time for fun I read a complete picture of a materia and experiment with it, then it adds to my memory and work so over the time prescription gets diverse.

This year I chewed Rhus Tox several times and I thought I just don't hurt me but then I discovered I was having eczema like symptoms on my eyelids, surface was raw for many months. So a proving waa made and used it on a person with eczema on his eyelids and miraculously person cured in two days.

Match Stick remedy also gave me many miracles. (burning a match stick close to water and immidiately dipping in the water before the head burns out.) This is a composite remedy, contains sulphur, kclo3, phosphoric acidum, carbo hydrate ... etc.
kuldeep last decade
Dear Kuldeep,

I love your boldness as well as simply accepting what you have read and what you have not.At least you are not pretending anything.Never mind if you have not read the organon.But no harm in reading it as it is a very small book.It can't harm you in any way.

Keep your experiments going.I will certainly try the match stick remedy after proving it on some close friends.

rajivprasad last decade
Aaah Murthy !! Be careful....a compliment slipped out !
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
see the thread started by me on 24th december 2003:

single or a number of medicines

i just brought it up again.

pankaj varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Pankaj

It is not a slipped out compliment.It is intentional and a fact.

This is the unfortunate situation. You people have grasped the matera medica very well ,but are failing in the administration and repetetion aspects, due to lack of proper understanding of the fundamentals.

Only if you people stick to the fundamentals of

1)Similar remedy

2)Single remedy

3)Minimum dose

4)Repetetion only when progress is halted

5)Selection of a new medicine if new symptoms show up

6)upping the potency ,in case symptoms return unchanged, and no new symptomsare added.

and similar other time tested princiles,you can do wonders.

My sincere request will be to read 'Organon' with an open mind, as if you knew nothing about homeopathy.

You will wonder why you missed it, all these years.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I would like to copy Rajiv's analysis on how Arnica, which you may remember I have been using on a nightly basis for 11 years, has helped me.

I can confirm that it has not done me any harm so far and it is not likely to do so in the future. I am convinced that it has helped me to maintain my state of health at the level it is today. What is more, I have proved that when I stopped it for a few weeks, I felt distinctly old, which I will be at 77 years in a couple of days.

'Arnica, as everyone knows is the number one remedy for the shock of a trauma, whether the trauma is physical or mental.The reason is that it has a tendency to increase the flow of oxygen to the site of trauma.In case of physical trauma, to the site of injury, and in case of mental shock, to the affected part of the brain.That is why it is one of the leading remedies in the cases of brain haemorrhage too.Evn when a person is very fatigued after very severe hard work, a dose of Arnica brings a calming influence and takes away the fatigue due to increased oxygenation in the blood.What is happening in your case is that due to your old age (which causes poor oxygenation due to old age) and your hard working routine (which must be causing a lot of internal wear and tear at the cellular level), Arnica acts like a kind of 'superficial similimum' and tones you up so to speak ensuring nice sleep etc.Arnica is one of the main remedies that Dr.Parimal Banerjee (one of the greatest homeopaths that India has ever produced with the world record of having treated over 1.5 million people in his time) recommends for high blood pressure.The reason is again very simple to see.Arnica naturally pushes the blood flow, and causes the heart to relax a bit in confirmed cases of hypertension.In such cases, hypertension is the disease condition to which Arnica acts as a 'superficial similimum'.In fact, your experiment on your own self has definitely encouraged me to conduct some experiments of my own.These experiments were inspired by you.My father-in-law was suffering from gangrene of his right toe, which was in danger of being amputated.I asked him to take the wet dose of Arnica 30 and to apply Arnica Q dilution externally.The condition was healed in two months.The reasonis simple enough.The Arnica caused the highly oxygenated blood to reach the gangrenous toe.So yes, your self proving of Arnica is valuable to the homeopathic community, but more care should be taken in prescribing.There should be circumstances calling for Arnica, rather than prescribing it left, right and center to all comers.Even young people.That could cause a proving. '

This example may serve to negate the theory expressed above.
Joe De Livera last decade
Correction to the last line above;

This example may serve to negate the theory expressed in the previous post above.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe

Arnica is a very short acting remedy, and hence might not have posed any problems for you.

By the time you are taking your second dose, the first one's action might have been completed already.

What we are telling is that the previous action of the medicine is to be allowed to be completed,before repeating it.

Medicines like Sulphur act even upto 60 days. I get benefit from Petroleum only after the first week.

Don't generalise things, and try to cite your experience with Arnica in each and every thread.

I again repeat, what works for Joe, need not work for the billions of people on the earth.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
What Rajiv said is more or less same as I said.

See his concluding remarks.

' There should be circumstances calling for Arnica, rather than prescribing it left, right and center to all comers.Even young people.That could cause a proving. '

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dear Joe,

Can you please explain what did you mean by your following statement:

'This example may serve to negate the theory expressed above.'

Which example are you talking about?

rajivprasad last decade
Hi Murthy

Please do not get me wrong. I would never advocate that deep acting remedies like Sulphur should ever be used in the manner that I am using Arnica. It is just that I felt that Arnica should not fall within the remedies that you had in mind in your post that I mentioned it in my post above.

As for my prescribing Arnica 'right left and center' I can assure you that I do not do so except in the many cases that I have discovered that it helps where the other standard remedies do not. I have only prescribed for helping with acne in the case of teenagers.

You are invited to visit a thread on Arnica which I posted some time ago where you will see that I have used it to help in some unusual cases where it has never been used before:


Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Ravi,

Murthy's theory.

Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Murthy !
I am referring to the post you have addressed to me today.

My comments:

You and Rajiv were repeatedly asking me about the books I was using as reference. I just gave you both one name...of DR.V.R.BAJAJ and R.K.TANDON.
(Homeopathic Guide to Family Health)....to see a sample of the comments you both would come out with.

May I inform you...that book devotes a whole chapter to the life and work of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.

That book has a whole Chapter on 'Organon of Medicine' by 'Dr. Samuel Hahnemann'.

In its chapter on Selection of Remedy ...the authors have reproduced Section 83 to 90 of the Organon.

Frankly, I was be-numbed on reading yours and Rajiv's unpleasant comments (putting it mildly) on that book.

That book is with me since 1992.

Are you assuming that from 1992 to 2006...I wouldn't have read anything about or from the Organon ???

(If just had that limited info about me).

I am again and again stating that your system and my system are different. And the choice was made after 'looking at the other side also'. I found my system more effective.

In that debate I made very important points that are relevant to the growth and acceptance of homeopathy by a larger number of people in the world compared to the acceptability it has today.

Those comments were made in great seriousness and as they have been there in my thoughts for a long time.
(Like the need for an instrument and a unit for measuring the strength of the 'Vital Force').

They relate to observations for the future growth of homeopathy...things that are yet to be discoverd (looking beyond the wall).

My request to you, Rajiv and Jacob is to make considered remarks and not abrupt remarks.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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