The ABC Homeopathy Forum
nux vomica - 1m
Hello all,Needed some guidance. I took a dose of Nux 1M about a month ago for irregular peristalsis. It seemed to have worked. Now, however, I feel like I am getting some of the proving symptoms of Nux - waking at 3am,irritable, headache. I wanted to know if Nux was this slow acting? Taken in a high potency do the effects last longer? Any information/insights would be much appreciated.
thekind78 on 2007-02-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear JCS2006,
Yes, just one dose of 1M. A 'wet' dose in as much as I disolved 3 pills of 1M in 8oz of water, shook, and sipped one teaspoon.
Thanks for your help.
Yes, just one dose of 1M. A 'wet' dose in as much as I disolved 3 pills of 1M in 8oz of water, shook, and sipped one teaspoon.
Thanks for your help.
thekind78 last decade
Hello all,
What I am really asking is do higher potencies remain in the system for longer periods? I ask this because I want to know if I truly have the symptoms that may require another dose of Nux or if these are some lingering after-effects. Also, do different remedies have different durations? I know ones like Sil and Nat Mur take a long time to effect, but how about Nux? Thanks for the info.
What I am really asking is do higher potencies remain in the system for longer periods? I ask this because I want to know if I truly have the symptoms that may require another dose of Nux or if these are some lingering after-effects. Also, do different remedies have different durations? I know ones like Sil and Nat Mur take a long time to effect, but how about Nux? Thanks for the info.
thekind78 last decade
Okay, Deciaml/Centesimal remedies should never be 'shaken' (or sucussed) after they have been much diluted in water, as this screws with the serial dilution process, makes them into something more resembling a medicating potency, and may be the reason for your aggravation. How was this 'shaking' process achieved?
Re: your second question, beyond a 12c, NOTHING remains 'in the system'. Aggravation/proving happens at the level of vital energy, it has nothing to do with material substance, and therefoe a remedy cannot be considered to be 'in the system' at all.
There are lists of the duration of action of most of our remedies, but to be honest I have never found these to be of much value. How long a person is affected by a remedy, in my opinion, depends on the strength of their individual constitution, miasmatic predisposition, and potency used.
I hope this helps.
Re: your second question, beyond a 12c, NOTHING remains 'in the system'. Aggravation/proving happens at the level of vital energy, it has nothing to do with material substance, and therefoe a remedy cannot be considered to be 'in the system' at all.
There are lists of the duration of action of most of our remedies, but to be honest I have never found these to be of much value. How long a person is affected by a remedy, in my opinion, depends on the strength of their individual constitution, miasmatic predisposition, and potency used.
I hope this helps.
JCS2006 last decade
Dear JCS2006,
Thanks for your reply. I am only partially familiar with homeopathy. I know that little knowledge is dangerous but I found Nux to be so very therapuetic. I took 1m and disolved in 8oz of water. Then shook the bottle 3 times. I took 1 teaspoon of the remedy. It helped out initially. This was a month ago. Then, symptoms started to reappear as well as other Nux related symptoms that I had not had before - i.e waking at 3am, oversensitivity to noise. However, things appear to be improving once again! I cannot understand the function of the medicine. Its quite fascinating, nonetheless. However, I wish I wasn't the guinea pig! Thanks ever so much for your help.
Thanks for your reply. I am only partially familiar with homeopathy. I know that little knowledge is dangerous but I found Nux to be so very therapuetic. I took 1m and disolved in 8oz of water. Then shook the bottle 3 times. I took 1 teaspoon of the remedy. It helped out initially. This was a month ago. Then, symptoms started to reappear as well as other Nux related symptoms that I had not had before - i.e waking at 3am, oversensitivity to noise. However, things appear to be improving once again! I cannot understand the function of the medicine. Its quite fascinating, nonetheless. However, I wish I wasn't the guinea pig! Thanks ever so much for your help.
thekind78 last decade
Ahh okay, then this would not have affected the remedy at all, it is only when this is done intentionally to increase the potency there is cause for concern.
Sometimes, especially when using a purely acute remedy such as Nux, a patient will have a 'threatened relapse', and the remedy will then again kick in to correct this. This could be what happened with you.
Best wishes.
Sometimes, especially when using a purely acute remedy such as Nux, a patient will have a 'threatened relapse', and the remedy will then again kick in to correct this. This could be what happened with you.
Best wishes.
JCS2006 last decade
Is there a chronic counterpart to Nux? Sulphur? Is it advisable for irregular peristalsis? Nux seems to have this symptom, but I am not sure if Sulphur does? Any suggestions, once again, very much appreciated.
thekind78 last decade
If someone could suggest a remedy for the following symptoms I would be very much appreciative:
1) Scant, crumbling stools. Worse in the morning. Better by the evening. Frequent urges for stool but morning stools are scant and crumbling.
2)Nose gets stuffed when lying down to sleep. Cannot breathe very well through nose when lying down at night. If I sit up or stand, completely free of this situation.
3)Intermittent heart palpitations and pain the the left side of the chest.
I cannot seem to figure this out. Have been trying Nux to varying degrees of success. Magnesium Muriaticum has some these symptoms but I am not sure. Any suggestions, as stated before, would be very much appreciated.
1) Scant, crumbling stools. Worse in the morning. Better by the evening. Frequent urges for stool but morning stools are scant and crumbling.
2)Nose gets stuffed when lying down to sleep. Cannot breathe very well through nose when lying down at night. If I sit up or stand, completely free of this situation.
3)Intermittent heart palpitations and pain the the left side of the chest.
I cannot seem to figure this out. Have been trying Nux to varying degrees of success. Magnesium Muriaticum has some these symptoms but I am not sure. Any suggestions, as stated before, would be very much appreciated.
thekind78 last decade
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