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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what site is this?

merisel 2 decades ago

I can't put a link in here, but you can find them in google using the name of Dr. Rajesh Shah. He has many web sites on homeopathy and claims to heal many things, including his own health problem, if you look closely at the photos, you can see.

I am very curious about his work.

mommydoc 2 decades ago
Today I could only get Ignatia 30, I will try to get the 200 tomorrow.

I will start my son on the 30, is that okay?

merisel 2 decades ago

I use 30C for just about everything. If you read many of the homeopathic books (like I do) there are about as many opinions on dosing as there are homeopaths.

30C is a good middle range that is quite effective for my family and pets.

The higher dosages are usually to heal very old wounds that some folks like to call "traumas" and supposedly higher dosages can cause problems if people don't know what they're doing.

I've followed some rather simple advice (called a three glass method) in books I've read to increase dosage if needed and it seemed to work.

Good luck. Hope the boys are restful tonight. Mine's already snoozin'!

mommydoc 2 decades ago

Yes.I am from India.I can't tell you anything about the people you mentioned,as I don't know them.

We are a group of three persons,who discuss Merisel's case seperatly,and decide further course of action.When we discussed the idea emerged that 30, may be too low a potency for the present condition,and hence changed to 200.No harm in trying 30 first.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

Since you have ignatia 30 on hand,go ahead and start with it.If necessary,we will go to 200 later on.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Wednesday 9:00 am

Yesterday was very much like the day before. I took the Nux V. 1 m last night. Today I woke up still feeling tired but less so than the day before. Today I am about a 6.5 out of 10, 10 being good energy. I woke feeling sensitivity throughout my colon, it felt like it was sensitive to whatever was in it. My attention was drawn to it immediately upon waking. My back muscles are tight, especially on my right mid back region.

My sons, I gave them both Ignatia 30 but I fell asleep so quickly last night that I do not recall them calling out to us at all. I have a feeling that this remedy may have helped. I will pay closer attention tonight.

merisel 2 decades ago
Murthy: I have a question that I am hoping you could help me with…Over the past few years my level of exercise has been low as I have been sitting behind a desk for most of my job functions. I have recently purchased a heart monitor watch, as I am about to start a rowing exercise. I want to improve my cardio vascular muscle.

When I put the watch on last night I noticed my heart rate was at 96 beats per minute. Prior to my friend’s passing it was at about 86, still too high I think. About a year ago I had a full blood works and my cholesterol level, blood pressure and blood sugar were all excellent. My doctor/homeopath said I was in good shape.

I did some research to see where my working heart rate should be at and it was 122 bpm. When I started to exercise within 2 seconds of a very, very easy workout I reached my 122 max rate. So I had to do a very light workout in order to stay at or below this level.

Is there something that could be done homeopathically to help me reduce this level so that I can increase my workout to receive a good benefit?

merisel 2 decades ago

I will come back.Give me a little time.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

Go through the following article carefully.I will come back with more.


bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

That is excactly how I determined my aerobic heart rate level. I took (220-45)X 70% =122.5 bpm. And with a very, very light work out I got to this level very easily and did not feel like I worked out at all.

merisel 2 decades ago
Stress also increases the heart beat rate.Watch your heart rate,over a period of five days,as suggested in the above article.

Then,if it is consistently high,we may have to add this as one more symptom.

How are you otherwise doing?

Give feedback on your childern also.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Thursday 11:02 am

I am doing fairly well; I am very tired today as I have a very long day yesterday. Back pain and cecum valve are at about 50% of first posting. Bloating still at about 80%.

I have been monitoring my heart rate for a little while and I found it to be high 80’s range and it went up since my friend’s passing. I suggest we include it in my case, what do you think?

Years ago, I noticed when I went on to Nux V. 1M that I felt like my heart was palpitating I spoke to my Homeopath about it and I do not recall what we did.

My kids seem to be doing better with this remedy. They are not calling us at night and seem to be coping with things a bit better, tonight is the 3rd night for the Ignatia 30.

merisel 2 decades ago

While we are sedentary,our heart rate tends to increase.I read an intersting article in reader's digest in this month's Indian edition.I will post excerpts in the evening.

Start doing light exercises.Don't worry too much about the maximum heart rate right now.Exercise for 5 minutes,and see where the heart rate is stabilising.
Even if it goes to say 130 or so,keep on with it for 5 minutes.

Gradually increase your workout time.If you can do so,walking is the best exercise to come out of sedentariness.It makes your system adjust to the additional stress,very gradually,without other effects.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
If your childern seem to be better,stop the medicine.Time will solve most of these issues.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

Last night was the last dosage of Ignatia 30 for my kids and they are doing much better so I will not give them anything else as you suggest.

For me, last night I did a light workout but moved my exercise heart rate to 130 bpm instead of 122 bpm. I rowed on a rowing machine for 20 minutes and felt great during and after the workout. So it looks like I am on the same path as you are. I will continue to do this 3 to 4 times a week and continue to monitor my results.

I took my second dose of Nux V. 1m last night and I am finding that both my wife and I stir quite a bit in our sleep, I think that this is as a result of our friend passing. It is difficult for us as well. Last night I was very cold during my sleep, this is most uncommon for me. I woke up very tired, about a 6 out of 10. Back, ecum valve and bloating is the same as the day before.

merisel 2 decades ago

Keep posting.I understand the state you are in.Sometimes time is the best healer.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Monday 7:46 am

My kids are dong better, but my 8 year old insists on having a night-light on in order to go to sleep. We would like to find a way to stop this.

For the last 3 days I woke up with an intense back pain, across the middle of my back. The main is a great or greater than when I first started to post.

During the day on Sunday I felt very tired and I was colder than usual. Last night I was very congested before I went to bed and stirred quite during the night. I have more gas than usual and it is hard to pass, as if my colon is holding on to everything. I am still and will continue to drink water.

merisel 2 decades ago

If this is the phase of aggravation,I shall feel happy.The amel.after initial aggravation is going to last long.

This phase may continue for a few days.You have to bear with it.

Pl.keep posting on a daily basis,now onwards.

Wait for a few days,regarding your childern.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
One sure method of knowing whether this is a real medicinal aggravation,or,natural progression of the problem,is to assess your emotional well being.

If,you are feeling better emotionally,are able to handle stress better than earlier,despite the worsening of the physical problem,you are on the way to recovery.

On the other hand,if you are feeling miserable,with the physical problem,it is time to rethink.

You can assess yourself.Let me know your frank assesment.

This is important.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

My emotional state is better and can handle the aggravation. So it looks like the remedy is working.

merisel 2 decades ago

It is good news.Just hold on.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Tuesday 9:00 am

I woke up today feeling good, my back pain inproved by 30%. I am being patient...

merisel 2 decades ago

Nice to hear that.You may have little ups and downs,but we are not going to do anything atleast til the month end.

The day to day improvement may not seem much,but if we review by the month end,we will get a correct picture.

I am sure you will continue to improve.Keep posting on a daily basis.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Wednesday 7:15 am

Yesterday was a good day, but it was very busy at the office.

I woke up this morning feeling good, however, with a little constipation. This is as a result of me not drinking enough water yesterday. So I am clearly starting to see the effects of how important the water is for me. This is great.

merisel 2 decades ago

Good news.Keep posting.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

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