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Adrenals drained Page 13 of 22

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Monday 7:54 am

For the last 2 days it was like my previous posting. I woke up very sensitive and tight in the colon area with backache, bloating and nasal congestion. It is difficult to have a decant bowel movement. Everything is being pressed as if my colon is holding on to it all.

I am not the road for most of today so my replies to any postings may be a bit late

merisel 2 decades ago

You take Nux.v 1M,again three doses for thee consecutive nights.

Keep posting.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Will do...

merisel 2 decades ago
Tuesday 10:30 am

I took the Nux V. 1 m last night and I woke this morning feeling 50% better than yesterday. However, I woke with a sore throat and I fell like I am getting a cold.

merisel 2 decades ago
Continue Nux.v 1M for another two nights and stop.Don't worry about sore throat.It will get cleared.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Wednesday 12:45 pm

Today I woke up feeling like a truck hit me. I think I have a bad case of the cold or flu.

I am working from home so I will have an opportunity to rest.

I took my second set of Nux V. 1m last night and will take the thirs set tonight.

merisel 2 decades ago

keep posting

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Thursday 9:22 am

I took the third dose of Nux V. 1 m last night.
Today I woke up feeling like I have the flu, my back feels like someone hit me with a large piece of wood across the middle of it. My throat is very soar. I have a bit of a headache and the rest of my body ache. I am sneezing as well.

merisel 2 decades ago

You need help,from a homeopath,who can handle your acute situation.I don't want to make you wait,as the image of acute problems,may change very quickly,and by the time,we react on the net,you may feel miserable.

I think,you have access to a local homeopath.Pl.go to him,and tell him that you were on Nux.v

Pl.do whatever he says,and come back,after your flu is cleared.

Keep posting

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

Post status.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

I have not been doing well. I have a severe head cold and it takes too long to drive to my homeopath. I have been sleeping whenever possible. My nasal passages are very dry and burn a great deal. I am usually congested in one nostril and very, very dry in the other when I sleep. The pain in the nasal passages keeps me up at night.

Other than that my back pain is still at 50% of my first posting.

merisel 2 decades ago

you should have come back,if it is not convenient,to visit your homeopath.

Take sulphur 200,one dose in the morning.If you don't have 200,take sulphur 30.Take Nux.vomica 30 in the night,before going to bed.

Continue like this for three days.Nux and sulphur are complimentary,and one will support the other.

If the headache and bodyaches are severe,take any paracetamol tablet(there are many brand names) just before retiring for night.

Keep oposting everyday.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

Almost immediately after taking the first dose of Suplhur I started to feel better. So I am much better today. Thanks!

I am having a bit of difficulty sleeping and I am snooring loudly when I finally get to sleep.

merisel 2 decades ago

I am glad that you improved.keep posting.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Friday 6:48

I woke up today earlier than usual but feeling good other than my back aches at about40% of when I first started to post.

merisel 2 decades ago

For how many days you took sulphur in morning and nux.v in night?

When was the last date you took the medicine?

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
twice. The last time was yesterday.

merisel 2 decades ago

Continue the same for one more day.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Saturday 9:42 am

I took the remedies yesterday so I am completed taking the three sets. I woke up today very tight, 70% of first posting, in my mid back on the right side also in my neck on the same side. I had a hot bath hoping to have it eased off a bit but it did not help.

I went to my doctor/homeopath yesterday to get the results from my Thyroid tests again my TSH was lower than it should be but my T3 & T4 were okay and he said there was nothing to worry about. He did say that he would keep an eye on my TSH over time.

He went on to say that my heart rate is still at 100 bpm and that it is as a result of stress. I tent to hold on to everything emotionally. He asked me to reduce my working hours, and I will. He suggested Rus Tox as a remedy to take because of my anxiety. But I wanted to check with you first. My top priority at this point is to find a way to reduce my heart rate.

merisel 2 decades ago

Is your homeopath aware of the medicines you took so far?

what potency and what frequency (how many doses per day,and for how many days)did he suggest?

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I did tell him that I am on Nux V. He told me to take 3 30C pellets daily and to pay attention to my progress. I am to follow up with him in 2 weeks. Again, I think my anxiety is the issue that keeps my heart rate up where it is.

merisel 2 decades ago

When are you supposed to take Rhustox? What potency?

I normally don't advise to take two medicines together,unless they are complimentary.

Nux and Sulphur are good complimentaries,and moreover you were suffering from an acute problem of 'Flu'.So,I suggested to take them morning and evening.

Nux.v 30 can be taken daily,for some days.No problem.

But,I suggest give a gap of atleast a day,before you switchover to Rhustox.

Your homeopath has seen you in person.He will have better idea than mine about your condition.

Keep posting.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Murthy, although my Dr./homeopath has seen me in person, I have received awesome results from you and I would prefer to follow your instructions. His concern is that I hold thing in until I drive to some sort of resolution or result. He said I suffer from anxiety and he I need to have this resolved. This is light of my fast heart rate, the goal at this time is to have it reduced. What would you recommend I do at this time? I am not sure if Rus Tox would help with this and that is why I am coming to you. I believe you know me better than anyone I have ever seen for my condition.

merisel 2 decades ago

Thank you for your confidence. Take Kali carb 200 morning and evening till you see definite worsening or amelioration.

It may happen in a day or two,or it may take a week,depending on your susceptibilty to the medicine.

Pl.keep posting every day.You have reposed so much in faith me,and let me hope and try to measure up to your expectations.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
You have already measured up...I would love for you to work on a similar case, my sister. She lives in the U.S. and is as passionate about doing things as I am.

Let me know if this is okay with you and I will ask her to set up a profile and I can send you her name and posting.

merisel 2 decades ago
Hi Merisel,

We would love to work on your sister's case as well.
How is your wife's ankle ?
and how are your kids? are they out of the shock now?
magicure 2 decades ago

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