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Nux Vomica:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nux Vomica

I have read much about Nux Vomica and its benefits, but do not know about dosage and prescription.

1) What dosage is recommended for a hangover, as a single dose remedy?

2) What dosage is recommended as an on-going treatment to stop/curb the craving for alcoholic drinks?

  funone on 2007-08-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nux.v is a good medicine for hangovers, because the symptoms it produced in provings resemble those of hangover.

In case you get the hangover habitually, the best time to take it is after finishing drinking, just before going to sleep.

4 pellets of 30C potency ,before retiring for the night.

If you still feel uncomfortable in the morning, repat the same dose, and there will not be any need for further doses.

Curbing the craving for alcoholic drinks is a different matter altogether, and we have to take the complete case to choose the correct medicine. Nux.v is one of the many medicines that are indicated, but what is best for you can be decided only after an elaborate case taking.

gavinimurthy last decade

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