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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lycopodium and PE Question

I took one dose of lycopodium Clavatum 1M several days a go, for premature ejaculation. I am seeing improvements so far. But I need to take a pescription medication (clomid 50 mg) for the next 3 month. Would this stop the effect of Lycopodium, should I wait. Also is Nigella Sativa a natural oil of black seed, can it be taken daily as a diatary supliment along with a multivitamin, during a lycopodium treatment?

Kindly advice,

Thank you
  Silent Storm on 2008-08-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I do not think you will need any fertility drug for this problem IF Lycopodium is the indicated remedy, as when well indicated Lycopodium will cure the problem completely.

And, yes, the prescription medication will interfere with Lycopodium's action.
sameervermani last decade
Nigella Sativa is no doubt very effective but taking it without cause or excessively,more than one drop can be harmful for liver patients.

Dr Tahira last decade
I has been two weeks now since I took one dose of Lyc. Clav. 1M. I immedidatly saw very good results on the skin some brown spots went away and some partially. In the genital area I feel better blood flow, had some brown spots on penis, it went away the next morning, and the excessive sensitivity is much less now. But still more improvement is needed. Also around the eyes had dark circles, it went away, but eyes still red.

Now, I feel the effect is fading bit by bit, I probebly will need to take one more time in a week or so. My question is what potency should I take now 1M again or 30C, I do not have 200C at the moment but can buy.

And thank you again for the advice, you were very helpfull.
Silent Storm last decade
I do not think a 1M needs to repeated so soon (or any other potency after a 1m has been taken), especially with Lycopodium. Wait more, and if the symptoms come back with the same intencity with in the next few days , I would say Lyco is not the indicated remedy.

But, please wait for a week to make a final asessment.
sameervermani last decade
It has been almost a month now since I took the Lyc. 1M. As I mentioned in my last question, there are many positive changes, specially in the genital area and regarding PE.

Through Remedy Finder, Lycopodium was the only remedy I could find that mentioned premature ejaculation, will the results I have seen, I would like to think it is the right remedy. But still other issues are not cured, like the sharp pain I have in the abdomen area upon pressing, or joint pain while walking and dry hair. But Thuja and phos. acidum do help these symtoms. So what shall I so now ??

Seven years ago a homeopath has sudgested Thuja for me, but as I mentioned it did not help with PE.

Kindly advice,

Thank you,
Silent Storm last decade
I would recommend waiting even more, in view of the improvements.

At times, the curative response can carry on for 6 months.

We should never underestimate the 1M potency of a deep acting medicine like Lyc.
sameervermani last decade
Well, I could not tolerate the agravation any longer. I had very good results as I mentioned before in regards to premature ejaculation, and skin on penis shaft, better skin condition in general, also some brown spots in the left chest is gone.

But I had headache in the back of my head, lower back pain, and pain in left knee. I am not sure if all these are related to Lycopodium 1M, but in general I was getting better but at the price of great uncomfort.

I also exercise with weight. I noticed that the vains on my forarm have disappeared, and as I workout I feel no muscle pump at all.

SO, i took one dose of phosphoricum acidum 30C it made me feel better, and then two days later I took one dose of Thuja 30C.

I would like to try lycopodium again as it is the only remedy that directly addressed the Premature ejaculation problem but maybe a Lower Potency?
As it also makes my hair a little dry.
I am not sure what to do.

Your kind advice is much appreciated.

Thank you,
Silent Storm last decade
I am guessing the effect of the 1M Lyco. has stoped since i took a different remedy, because if felt the Lyco. 1M was too strong. Would you advice if i can now take a 30C Lyco.

Or would you recomment another remedy for PE. Please forgive my indesisiveness I am sure you know this problem is very worisome to say the least.

Thank you
Silent Storm last decade
I would really appreciate if someone can offer his/her advice.

Thank you
Silent Storm last decade

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