The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hello all,I tried to get the medicine Thiosinaminum Q, but was told by the dealer that this medicine is not available in tincture form as it is a tritruation. Minimum ptoency is 3x. So can i buy it and mix it in vaseline and put on my burn scars - 25 yrs old and do i also need to take it internally. I am already taking Cratageus Q, Lycopus Q and Syzygium Q for my other problems.
maya_hari on 2004-12-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can saturate a cotton swab with Thiosinaminum-3X, place it on the burn scar and plaster it with a water-proof bandage. Leave it on till the bandage starts peeling off on its own and repeat the process. Takes very long time to give results. Internally no use to take for external burn scars.
U take a lot of medicines and would become sort of dependant on it.
U take a lot of medicines and would become sort of dependant on it.
HA21 2 decades ago
Go along with HA21 , but what on earth made you get on so many homeopathic remedies. This is not good. One at a time is the rule - unless you are alternating remedies that antidote each other.
passkey 2 decades ago
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
I think 3x means a tritruation. that means powder. and my burn scars are too many. my whole left hand anterior, my the saturating cotton swab will not be possible. Thats why i asked if i can mix it in pure vaseline and apply.
maya_hari 2 decades ago
See no reason not to use vasaline- Burns, best remedy I have come across for those is Picric Acid [ 1m or 10m]
passkey 2 decades ago
Thiosinaminum 3X is available in liquid form as well as in powder form.
You can make the affected part just moist enough (not wet) (like minute particals of perspiration spread evenly) and dust-sprinkle the powder (3x) and let it stand or dry off. An half hour exposure is sufficient for optimum absorption of the remedy by the skin.
You may also think of Calendula Q, provided the scar has NOT healed off. Calendula Q is usually not indicated for burn scars, but it is a great and fast skin tissue re-generator irrespective of burns or cuts or wounds.
You can make the affected part just moist enough (not wet) (like minute particals of perspiration spread evenly) and dust-sprinkle the powder (3x) and let it stand or dry off. An half hour exposure is sufficient for optimum absorption of the remedy by the skin.
You may also think of Calendula Q, provided the scar has NOT healed off. Calendula Q is usually not indicated for burn scars, but it is a great and fast skin tissue re-generator irrespective of burns or cuts or wounds.
HA21 2 decades ago
My scars are 25 years old as informed earlier. so calendula will not work. Anyway HA thanks for the suggestion about the medicine. will get it soon and try it.
maya_hari 2 decades ago
hi was just wondering i have been feeling very weird with thiosinaminum i feel burning sensation and my knees also felt burning inside and now i have a sprained ankle and my skin feels burning!how long does it take for the thiosinaminum to stay in my body?is there an antidote for it..also i am having arnica30c for my sprain can i take it
nita123 last decade
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