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Erectile Dysfunction



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Erectile Dysfunction problem Please help me

24 years old
68Kg weight
Going to married next year
I have Erectile Dysfunction problem and I wish to be treated homeopathically.
When I was getting young (at 16 years of age) I face alot of semen emissions while sleeping (on average twice a week).
At the age of 17 I started masturbation it was also on average twice a week, at this time my penis size was normal (5inch in erected condition) but now it become very small and thin.
I have left masturbation one year ago and now my penis cannot be erected and cannot become hard. Its skin becomes very rough and loose and it is also not in normal shape, it has been bent towards right also its cap has imbalance shape.
Also there is emission of semen with my urine.
I have not yet tried any medication or any hormonal analysis.
I am suffering like this since last 3 years.
I donot feel much tiredness.
I get very tense when I think about it.
Some times when I get very tired I feel very intense pain in my both testicals(It happens very fewer)
My testicals now become small and irregular in shape

Next year I am getting married and I know that I am totally not in the condition to live a married life. Please someone suggest me some homeopathic treatment so that I will become normal and will have pleasurable time with my wife.
  Imranz on 2008-11-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also here I want to add that I am smoker.
Please anyone reply me
Imranz last decade
Please anyone reply me
Imranz last decade
please try China-30 initially for a week (5 drops per dose thrice a day.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Doctor Mahfooz thank you very much for your reply.
I will try this remedy. Can you please tell me that what changes I have to notice while using this remedy?
Imranz last decade
Dear Docotor I have to take the dose with little amout of water?
Imranz last decade
Dear Doctor Mahfooz I have used china-30 for one week.
Plz instruct me further
Imranz last decade
Dear Doctor plz reply me.
Imranz last decade
Please report your findings after taking china

any improvement in mental symptoms? physical symptoms?

that is the only way Dr Mahfooz can assess your case further.
gumby last decade
Dear Doctor my findings are as follow:
My condition is same as before Still no errection
Outer look of my penis is same i.e rough loose and bent towards right.
The only change I feel is that there is only one time semen emission in my urine in whole last week(i.e last night I feel semen emission in my urine)

Doctor thank you very for interest in my case.
Imranz last decade
Doctor Mahfooz is taking your case he will reply soon.

Until he replies you can answer few questions which might help Dr Mahfooz

Do you like to be alone?

Do you have low self confidence?

Do you have any fears?

Are you offended very easily?
gumby last decade
Do you like to be alone?
I donot like to be alone

Do you have low self confidence?
Yes I have low self confidence

Do you have any fears?
No I donot have any fears

Are you offended very easily?
When I have expectations from someone and he/she doesnot fulfil my expectations then I get very upset.
Imranz last decade
Do u like being consoled?

Do you like cold or warm weather?
gumby last decade
Do u like being consoled?
Yes, I like beng consoled.

Do you like cold or warm weather?
I like cold weather.
Imranz last decade
plz reply
Imranz last decade
Dear Doctor Mahfooz I have used China 30 for one week and the change I feel is that there is very few times simon emission in my urine.
Other condition is same as before.
Plz instruct me further.
Imranz last decade
There is no one here to help me.........
Imranz last decade
Dear Patient

Would it be right if you are described as a soft and gentle man?

Are you shy normally?

Do you have strong desire for affection and reassurance?

do you weep easily?

Do you often ask your for reassurances like ' tell me do you love me?'

Do you like to be in open air?

How do you react to thunder storms?
gumby last decade
Thank you very much for your reply

Would it be right if you are described as a soft and gentle man?
Normally I am soft but if someone under me do something wrong then I get angry very early.

Are you shy normally?
Till my university life I was very shy but since I am in professional life I am less shy.

Do you have strong desire for affection and reassurance?

Do you weep easily?
During emotional moments I weep easily.

Do you often ask your for reassurances like ' tell me do you love me?'

Do you like to be in open air?
Yes I like more to be in open air.

How do you react to thunder storms?
I react very normal to thunder storms.
Imranz last decade
Please take

Pulustilla 30c three equally spaced doses on a single day.

Remember no eating / drinking / smoking in one hour either side of the dose.

A single dose means 2-3 pallets in 200ml water and stir, take a single sip of the solution and throw the rest.

Update me in a weeks time.
gumby last decade
Dear Gumby I am extremely sorry for some confussion I am more confortable in indoor setup and all other things are same.
Now should I use same remedy i.e Pulustilla 30c?
Imranz last decade
Does that mean that you do not like be in open air?

Are you the first one to open the window in a closed and damp room?
gumby last decade
Dear Gumby I am field engineer and most of the time I use to be on the field for different activities. By indoor setup means that whenever I get free I always like to be in office or at home.
I donot understand your second question.
Imranz last decade
Go ahead with the Pulustilla

Report after one week. Please note any mental symptoms.
gumby last decade
Thank You Gumby for your asistance. I will update you after one week.
Imranz last decade
Dear Gumby I did not find Pulstilla 30c in pallets in market, I just found it in drops, and in small round shape tablets which they made infont of me by putting some liquid drops of Pulstilla on it.
Plz instruct me whether I use the drops or these round shape tablets and How I use?
Imranz last decade

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