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Son's Sinus Problem- Help Needed Page 2 of 3

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one dose of bac. 200.
Minsa 2 decades ago

I suggest go along with Minsa.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I called the pharmacy to order bacillium 200 & cannot get it in the States as it is a nosode and needs doctor's prescription.

I can try to get it from UK but I have a reluctance at back of my head to give any nosodes to my kids. The reason being I have been hurt due to nosode prescriptions and still suffering from them. Also, you guys are not local in case I need your immediate direct care /help.

There is no family history of tuberculosis. Will it be still needed? May I ask when is Bacillium prescribed or when is Tuberculinum prescribed for the underlying miasms? I understand nosodes are freely given in India by majority of the homeopaths.

Any other suggestions on remedies? I am a bit nervous and reluctant on the use of nosodes, please advise.

RandyTX 2 decades ago
All I can say is you are unnessarily worried about nosodes.Sometimes,they are required to break a miasm,particularly,when the complaints are recurring,despite best selected medicines.

Homeo medicines,if not repeated unnecessarily,will never do any harm.There is practically no molecule of the original medicine,in any homeopathic medicine,beyond 6c.

Bacilinum works even when there is no history of tuberculosis in the family.I,personally find Bacillinum,and Tuberculinium,the best medicines to prevent recurrent sinus infections.

Which one to prescribe,depends on the totality of symptoms.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Murthy is absolutely right.
Couldn't post reply on the forum yest., but I mailed you - since you are having trouble getting Bac. and are reluctant to use it, please give your son Calc Phos twice daily for a week, post answers to questions so we can work out const. remedy.
Minsa 2 decades ago
I have been giving him Calc Phos 200 as advised.

I gave him one dose on Sunday, one Wednesday & will give him one on coming Sunday 1/30.

His nasal discharge frequency was observed to have reduced after the first dosage of Cal Phos.

I will reply in detail (changes any) along with answers to your questions after the third dose.

RandyTX 2 decades ago
OK, he has taken all the three doses of Calc. Phos 200, one each on Sunday, Wednesday & then last Sunday, Jan. 30 , 2005.

Initially, we felt that he was better, then felt that he was same. After the third dose, his nasal discharge increased quite a bit but he would say that after clearing his nose, he was able to breathe better than before. His nasal discharge was colorless/watery to thick white.

Anyway, it is Monday late afternoon here, and he says his nasal discharge is better today although for a short while this afternoon he felt that his throat was hurting.

His right was pinkish/red and itchy yesterday but better today.

Regarding your earlier questions, he does not drink cold/freezing drinks. He had a desire to drink cold drinks during his last acute stage but does not feel the same anymore. Those cold drinks did not aggravate his condition. In general, he kind of drinks fresh to slightly cold drinks just out of habit in the family...and not really cold/freezing drinks.

Another question: No he has not had any headaches for quite sometime although this used to be his problem sometime back as mentioned before... not anymore currently.

With regards to being a picky eater, he has to be pushed to try some new type of food. He is improving but he is not of the type that he will go & eat anything. He is a vegetarian by his choice (Mom & sibling vegetarian.. so may be an influence). He eats fruits but limited like banana. Other fruits we have to push him to eat & is a challenge for us.

One problem of his, I am not sure if I wrote, he has some skin problems on the back of his legs (at back of his knees) on both the legs. It is like he has a rash, the skin color is brownish /black / bluish & is itchy. He has some skin bumps there which are red in color & when he itches they bleed. On itching it aggravates and make him itch more. He has had this problems may be for a year or so.

Energy wise, he is still low, he is active but says he feels that he doesn't want to do anything.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Thanks for the help.

RandyTX 2 decades ago
"His right was pinkish/red and itchy yesterday but better today."

The reference in the post earlier was with respect to his eyes.

His right eye was pinkish/red & itchy yesterday but better today.
RandyTX 2 decades ago

He is not showing any improvment after taking Calc Phos 200, three doses. He is still blowing nose frequently and his nasal discharge is white to white-yelllowish & sometimes partly green or brownish.

No other changes have been observed.

Please advise.

RandyTX 2 decades ago
Any help please,

His nasal discharge is yellowish green all the time now.

RandyTX 2 decades ago
What time the condition aggravates? What is his complexion and hair colour? Is his skin very delicate?
arnadeem 2 decades ago

Currently, for his chronic condition, I believe, the symptoms are worst after getting up, although he blows his nose all day long. He also kind of "sniffs" to keep open his nasal passages.

We are Indian origin & he is fair as per those standards, he has light to dark brown hair. I am not sure what you meann't by delicate skin...I have posted earlier about the skin problems he has. Let me know if you have any further questions.

In general, I don't believe he has cold, but the weather may be affecting his allergies or tendency to produce nasal discharge/mucous.


I have currently started giving him Puls 200 succussed doses as recommended. I started Sunday, no changes yet but will keep posting.

RandyTX 2 decades ago
The condition of your son was requiring the "Puls" and only to confirm my opinion I had asked you abour hair color and the skin delicacy. Who ever advised you Puls 200c has correctly advised. Please continue the remedy till some glaring change is noted.
By delicate skin I mean clear fine taxtured skin. I am Pakistani and clearly understand the Indian complexions as being the same here
arnadeem 2 decades ago
Also rinsing the nose with warm water helps a lot. Your son is old enough to rinse his nose.

There are many ways to rinse the nose, the simplest way is following,

Join both hands and fill up some warm water in both hands.

Dip the nose in the water and suck it with nostrils and expell it with force. Need not to suck the water too deep. (It can be done easily without any problem)

Repeat this step some times till you feel the nasal passage is clear.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Randy, if you can't get the Bacillinum, I will make it available to you free.

sabra 2 decades ago
Hi Raj. I strongly advise you to accept Sabra's offer. However, do not give the Bac. straight off. Give a couple of weeks, and NO remedies for at least 3 days prior to the use of Bac. May have to repeat the dose after 2 or 3 weeks.
While I understand your concern and that you have the best view of your son's condition, I will also advise that you don't over medicate for feeling that there is no change / improvement if actually the remedies are acting to throw out from the body. The discharge, and even the skin condition need not bother you unduly. Better than damage within the body. Which is not to say we just sit and do nothing, but give the remedies time to act and show results.
Please do consider giving him the Bac.
Minsa 2 decades ago
Dear Kuldeep, Sabra & Minsa

Thanks for your replies.

I can probably get Bac. 200 from UK stores, thanks for the offer anyway. Do u all really think to go ahead with Bac., if yes then I can start looking into getting it? I will not give it to him, my son, till u advise but will start getting the remedy as it will take a little while to get it.

Once again, there is no family history of TB in the family.... for decision above.

Thanks for your help.

RandyTX 2 decades ago

Wanted to add that the Puls 200 you recommended was administered & has started showing improvement. Currently, he is blowing his nose less frequently and the nasal discharge is white in color.

RandyTX 2 decades ago
Raj, that's good. Are you continueing the Puls? If so, lengthen period between doses. And this is going to take some time. BTW, do you remember anything significant before the skin probs. started - a year or so ago, I think you said.
Yes, still think he will benefit from Bac. - we will hold off for now, but better you have it available. Obviously won't pressure you to use it, but can assure you that it isn't going to do your son any harm.
Best regards.
Minsa 2 decades ago
OK, problem again.

He is not getting better. I know I wrote yesterday that he is improving but that has changed.

Yesterday night, we were watching a movie in the house & I saw him blow his nose at least about 40 -50 times in 3hrs, almost half the tissue box was used. He also says that the mucous is badly stuck in his throat & feels like scraping it off with something. He has post nasal drip. This morning when he woke up his nasal discharge was yellow-green and brown. His face also looks unhealthy & sick on & off since giving him Puls.

How many doses given: I gave him 2 doses of the succussed Puls 200 mixture last Sunday, 2 doses on Monday & one on Tuesday. Then I started seeing changes in him & stopped. I did give him another dose yesterday night but don't see any changes/ improvement.

He has developed some blisters in his mouth, under/inside his lower lip, I don't know if this is because of the Puls, one spoon of brandy in the medicine mixture or what.

I think there are two states in his present condition:
1. We need to control or fix his current acute stage or whatever u want to call it.

2. Then his chronic problem so that he does not get into the same problem again & again & I believe Bac. 200 is being recommended for this state.

Please help so that we can soon get rid/control his acute state of his chronic problem. I hope he does not get sick again.

The weather here is muggy (like Bombay) as we are close to coastline and usually hot. It is cool weather but can be around in T-shirts or very light sweaters certain times of the day. There is no winter here & gets cold only when we get a cold front from the North... so there are a lot of weather changes here. People have a lot of allergies / sinus problems here locally.

RandyTX 2 decades ago
How is he feeling? That may seem a stupid question, since you say hlooks sick and unhealthy, but how does he feel, what changes (good or bad) in all conditions including skin.
As an intercurrent, give one dose of Sulphur 30, or 200, if you don't have the 30. No other medication on that day, and don't repeat the Sul.
Minsa 2 decades ago
Hello Minsa,

It is Sat. Night here currently. We just checked he has fever, currently it is 99.5deg F. I have not yet given him sulph as the symptom had changed and was not sure if I should give him Sulphur right now.

He had been feeling very tired & exhausted all day today. His lips were swollen, slightly red. His legs are aching currently and he has a desire to drink cold drinks/water, eat ice cream etc. although he is not doing that (as advised not to do so from us).

I did put this mornning a saline solution made at home from sea salt this morning as recommended by Caroandujar earlier (see his post at the very beginning). I thought this may help along with homeopathy.

OK I have given him right now a light dose of Tylenol for his fever as Tylenol does not interfere with homeopathic treatment and I did not want to interfere with any homeopathic medicine myself without checking with you.

Please advise.

RandyTX 2 decades ago
Raj, if you have Ferrum Phos 6x, you can give it to him 2 hourly for his current symptoms, cutting frequency as improvement sets in. Fer Phos acts very similarly to Aconite, but has longer sphere of action and also fits hs desire for cold things. Give him his drinks cool - i.e. mix cold and room temp. liquids so they aren't really cold.
Minsa 2 decades ago

I gave him Ferrum Phos 6X & Kali Mur 6X based on past experience and your recoomedation. His fever got better. I have been not giving him any more Puls as I do not think it is helping him anymore. After 5-6 doses he should have improved but his nasal discharge has all kinds of colors, green, brown & yellow.

Last time 2-3 ago, when I repeated Puls, he started having little blood coming in his nose, so I stopped Puls and have not given anymore but no change in his nasal discharge, but no fever as of now. Till the nasal discharge improves, he can get fever any time.

RandyTX 2 decades ago
Wanted to add another current symptom, he has a lot of post nasal drip which is causing a sore throat to occur...mild currently.
RandyTX 2 decades ago
Alternate Ferrum Phos with Kali Mur (Kali mur is a good second stage remedy)for now.
Minsa 2 decades ago

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