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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Son's Sinus Problem- Help Needed Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Alternate Ferrum Phos with Kali Mur (Kali mur is a good second stage remedy)for now.
Minsa 2 decades ago
Hi All

Can I request everybody's (Minsa, Sabra, Magicure, Murthy, John Stanton, Astra, Nadeem......) input / ideas into the case as my Son's case is a bit complex and not showing results the way I would be anticipating.


I have been giving him FP & KM 6X but it only controls for his fever but his nasal discharge is not getting better.

As I was mentioning about his sore throat, this morning it was hurting real bad as if he has Strep throat. I have given a dose of Phytolloca 30 to control it. I hope it was OK.

Thanks for all the help.

RandyTX 2 decades ago
Try Thuja-30 and I am starting a discussion on Thuja. I request you to visit and take part. Let's all walk few step together to know more about Thuja.

Today I am searching all cases where Thuja was overlooked.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Discussion is at:

kuldeep 2 decades ago
Dear Kuldeep,

Do u think he needed Thuja?

Right now he has fever 99.5Deg F & his throat hurts badly...may be Strep.

Can I get some immediate help, else I will have to put him on antibiotics... he has suffered quite a bit in my effort to treat him homeopathically. This forum is visited by so many good homeopaths and I wanted everybody to give their opinion's & I am sure Minsa didn't mind either as ideas are generated this way...open discussion.

RandyTX 2 decades ago
Hello RandyTX

I don't use homeopathy as emergency medicine. No medical system is perfect alone. I know many homeopathy champions, they get themself admitted into regulor hospital whenever emergency arises.

I don't see anything wrong with antibiotics during emergency.

kuldeep 2 decades ago
Dear Kuldeep,

Thx for your reply. I earlier overlooked the fact thay u had recommended Thuja? May I ask the basis for Thuja in this case, I am not questioning your judgement, just a learning for me.

RandyTX 2 decades ago

Chronic sinus infections, Chronic cataarrh, thick yellow-green mucus. Fever, Headache, Thirst, Eyes conditions.

Try Thuja-30 OR if you have seen a Thuja Tree or shrub (It is all over) you take a leaf and crush it with your nails and rub it on the wrist where pulse is.

To identify Thuja:


kuldeep 2 decades ago
Thanks Kuldeep,

I may start him on antibiotics for his current acutes but will come back for his homeopathic treatment so that his chronic condition of getting frequently sick due to the same problems can be cured. I hope u will give your valued contribution that time too.

Thanks again
RandyTX 2 decades ago
A fresh view is always welcome. Our concern is getting the child well, after all.
Raj, suggest you send Kuldeep all relevant details, in case he doesn't have time to go through all the posts on this thread.
Minsa 2 decades ago

I have started him on antibiotics as his throat was hurting really bad, he had picked up fever again & with yellow-green-brownish nasal discharge, I thought it may be OK to get him on them.
This is one of the limitations I was mentioning earlier when we were talking about nosodes is that on the online treatment it is a bit hard to reach somebody during emergencies / acutes...and because of the time difference.

Anyway, once the course is over (10 days), let his body settle down then maybe we can start him back on homeopathic treatment so that the underlying problems .. chronic can be taken care off as I do not want him to get sick again after a few months.

I will write again with fresh symptoms to restart his case, and I hope you will continue to treat him and to contribute towards his health improvement.

Thanks all for your help.

RandyTX 2 decades ago
I have studied the case afresh. At this stage when he is suffering tonsilitis and fever I suggest him Hydrastis 200 12 hourly & Ferrum Phos 6x 6 hourly. I hope his acute condition will be arrested in two days. My own daughter was suffering badly with tonsilitis and the Allopaths had advised her surgery. But I have treated successfuly and she is quite well since last about one year.
arnadeem 2 decades ago
Hi Raj
You hav not posted the condition of your child since long. How is he now. Believe me there is no need to worry about. He will be certainly cured. Please keep posting his condition and He will be alright in short time. As I told you that my daughter was suffering with similar simtums and now she is o.k. If you like you can contact me ar arnascorpathotmail dot com
arnadeem 2 decades ago
Hello Arnadeem,

Thanks for your replies. I think you missed my post. I had earlier written that I am starting him on a antibiotic course, which I did. His antibiotics course is over but he still has some yellowish-greenish nasal discharge. Since, the antibiotics will continue to work few days more, I was waiting for his body to settle down & I will write the updated symptoms to continue with his treatment homeopathically. Please note that he did not have tonsilitis, just sore throat unless you call both the same thing.

RandyTX last decade
Hi All,

OK back to starting again on the homeopathic treatment & need your help.

Current condition:

1. Still getting frequent nasal discharge, whitish with little yellowish-greenish mix.

2. Chest heavily congested. Sometimes cough & that's when u tell that the chest is congested.

3. Tired feeling

4. Lips swollen & dry

5. Skin ailment on back of his legs in the knee area as mentioned before.

All the other general symptoms on his personality have been mentioned before.

Please let me know if you have any more questions.

RandyTX last decade
Can I get some help please, Kuldeep, Sabra, Murthy, Minsa, Arnadeen, Astra...?

Kuldeep please let me know if Thuja is still applicable?
I have just received Thuja 200C & will have 30C tomorrow.

I gave him Allium Cepa one dose on Monday morning as suggested long time ago by Arnadeen. He was having a lot of nasal disharge, colorless to white but very sticky. His frequency of blowing nose reduced till evening & then again picked up. I gave him another dose of Allium C 30C. Then next day I monitored & in the night I gave him another dose & after dinner gave him a dose of NAt. Mur 6X. Within 2 hours, he started blowing his nose every 5 mins & continuosly sneezing. This has happened all night & he could not sleep. Around 4AM I asked to wash his nose etc. with warm water as suggested sometime back. This helped & he was finally able to go to sleep.

I really need help in curing his sinus problem & would appreciate guidance & help.

Currently, his symptoms are constantly blowing his nose with very sticky, white/colorless nasal discharge and as mentioned in my last post.

Thanks & Best Regards,
RandyTX last decade
I need some help please. He has fever & let me give below the details for advise.

I had earlier given him Thuja 30 which did not help.

Last Friday, his sinus problem was increased so gave him Saturday morning, Graphites 200C single dose as I was being advised to try it. His nasal discharge increased even further, don't know if it was because of remedy or in general. He was clearing his nose every 5 mins... discharge was watery to white.

Later in the day, he was complaining about sore throat which was bad at the end of the day (this is not a new symptom). I gave him Allium Cepa 30C single dose in the night. Next morning, his throat was OK. Then his one eye was pinkish-red in the afternoon (also not a new symptom) & became better by next day.

Now he has fever low grade since yesterday. His chest is congested too with very mild cough. This is also not a new symptom. He has been at home for last two days, we did not send him to school. He feels very tired but no body aches etc. In general he is active.

My question is although these are not new symptoms and can't tell if Graphites is helping, so just wait or this is another of his similar sinus trobles & need to give him something else.

If something else needs to be given along, please advise, if I need to repeat Graphites or just sit & do nothing & observe... need advise on these issues, please help.

Thanks & Best Regards,
RandyTX last decade
I would suggest you to please take advise from any one Homeopath. Consistancy is a must. If you would continue taking advice from so many Phsicians not only you will be confused but your son shall also not get proper treatment. Of course, if you are not satisfied with one Doctor you can get treatment from another. But at a time ony one doctor. It will be good for your child. However it will be adviseable to give some time to your consultant to undetstand and choose proper remedy as the patient is now very old. If agreed, please mail me
arnadeem last decade
I found a great resource for reading up on sinus infection in sinushealthcenter[dot]com . There are a bunch of useful articles worth checking out.
jamessutton last decade

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