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Posts about Acne, Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression217 year old son with pimples and acne6Acute acidity due to mental depression6Teenage acne4Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Teen acne1Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Anger, depression, inferiority and acne

Hello my names sally, im 21 and new to homeopathy and would be grateful for advice pertaining to remedies for depression/acne.

Ive had acne for years, but within the last year the acne has become extensive, over my face, neck, shoulders, arms and back.
I have cysts that form on my cheeks and neck.
My skin is dry, flaky, red, and now has pitted scars from cysts.
My skin gets worse when I am stressed and unhappy.

I am always tired, lazy and I procrastinate.
I am introverted, depressed and extremely self judgmental.
I often have feelings of not wanting to exist.
I have strong fears, of others rejecting me and disliking me, embarrassment and humiliation. I judge my physical appearance to a point where I am ashamed of myself and cant speak about it.

I suffer from insomnia, its very hard for me to sleep because I am thinking for hours and hours, I don’t end up sleeping until 5 morning.
I am sensitive to insults criticism and rudeness.
I experience myself as inferior, powerless and victim.
I have suppressed anger and resentment towards others.
I seek revenge from people who have hurt me within my mind.
I was an obedient child, and I felt inferiorized by my parents who expressed their fear and anger towards me which I was very sensitive to.

I feel uncomfortable and axious. i am cautious of others hurting me.
I look for comfort affection and validation of me in others. I feel bad because I am emotional and I sometimes exert it to others.
Im analytical.. and I desire to understand myself. I enjoy being by myself, and with a few other close friends.

My spine is out of alignment, and cracks when I move a specific way.
When I sweat I know that it is salty because my face burns, (when I went swimming in the ocean the salt water burned my face)
I crave tea, chocolate and fast food.
And I live with a lot of shame, and guilt.
I haven’t had any reactions to medicines, I dont go to the doctors. I am always thirsty

thank you
  sallo7 on 2009-02-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Okay then, please answer this

Do you have a aggravation froma daytime nap or a General aggravation from sleep (irritable, unrefreshed, etc.) ?

Ever had STYES OR TUMORS on the eye lids ? (I guess this you just mentioned in ur previous mail)

Do you suffer from insomnia ?

Do you ever have trembling FROM ANGER OR EMOTIONS ?

Do you tend to suppress emotions particularly anger or resentment ?

Do you think you have a history of being 'dominated' by your parents?

Are you extremely sensitive to insults, reprimands, criticism and rudeness in general ?

Can we say that you had strict controlling parents who would punish or insult you if you expressed disapproval, and hence you have learnt to avoid confrontation by keeping things to yourself ?

Do you think, you avoid confrontation because you are afraid of the insult or emotional pain that can come out of it ?

Do you have strong fears of rejection, humiliation and embarrassment or fear of your honour being wounded?

Can we say that you are mild and easy going in relationships as long nobody acts rudely with you for some reason ?
sameervermani last decade
Do you have a aggravation froma daytime nap or a General aggravation from sleep (irritable, unrefreshed, etc.) ?

hm, i can be irritable, and if i oversleep i am unrefreshed. other then that im fine, i dont need much sleep.

Ever had STYES OR TUMORS on the eye lids ? (I guess this you just mentioned in ur previous mail)

yes i've had styes, had to have it removed.

Do you suffer from insomnia ?

Do you ever have trembling FROM ANGER OR EMOTIONS ?

Do you tend to suppress emotions particularly anger or resentment ?

Do you think you have a history of being 'dominated' by your parents?
i feel so, yes

Are you extremely sensitive to insults, reprimands, criticism and rudeness in general ?

Can we say that you had strict controlling parents who would punish or insult you if you expressed disapproval, and hence you have learnt to avoid confrontation by keeping things to yourself ?
yes for strict parents, but as i got older they werent as strict and now in a confrontational situation i dont suppress myself

Do you think, you avoid confrontation because you are afraid of the insult or emotional pain that can come out of it ?

Do you have strong fears of rejection, humiliation and embarrassment or fear of your honour being wounded?

Can we say that you are mild and easy going in relationships as long nobody acts rudely with you for some reason ?
sallo7 last decade

Please give him 3 doses of Staphysagria 30c equally spaced by 30 minutes for ONE single day only, to be taken as described below.

Dissolve 2 pellets of Calc 30c in a 250 ml spring water bottle. If you leave the pellets in water for 30 mins, they will melt. You can turn the bottle upside down a few times for the pellets to spread after dissolving.

1 teaspoon from here using a disposable spoon is 1 dose.

Let me know in 7 days after the 3 doses. I look forward to your response.


1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 40 minutes prior to, or after taking the remedy.
2/. Do not touch the tablets with your hands, tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water .
3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate, except where this would cause a drastic change in consumption
4/. Avoid wearing perfume/aftershave, or exposure to anything with a strong smell while under treatment. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.
5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicey foods
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be AVOIDED during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by an MD.
7/. Nothing of a medicinal nature should be applied to the skin

sameervermani last decade
Read, Dissolve 2 pellets of Staphysagria 30c above and NOT 'Calc 30c'
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sally,

I am writing the prescription again to avoid confusion:

Please take 3 doses of Staphysagria 30c equally spaced by 30 minutes for ONE single day only, to be taken as described below.

Dissolve 2 pellets of Staphysagria 30c in a 250 ml spring water bottle. If you leave the pellets in water for 30 mins, they will melt. You can turn the bottle upside down a few times for the pellets to spread after dissolving.

1 teaspoon from here using a disposable spoon is 1 dose. The doses are to be taken for 1 day ONLY.

Let me know in 7 days after the 3 doses. I look forward to your response.


1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 40 minutes prior to, or after taking the remedy.
2/. Do not touch the tablets with your hands, tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water .
3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate, except where this would cause a drastic change in consumption
4/. Avoid wearing perfume/aftershave, or exposure to anything with a strong smell while under treatment. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.
5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicey foods
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be AVOIDED during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by an MD.
7/. Nothing of a medicinal nature should be applied to the skin

sameervermani last decade
thank you!!
sallo7 last decade
hello Sameer,

i ordered the staphysagria 30c and took it as directed last saturday. today will be my 6th day, tomorrow im too busy to reply.
i dont notice anything different emotionally. though that day when i took it i felt calm.
i had shakes due to emotions, but that was from an out of ordinary situation.
i notice an improvement in my skin. it is like my acne is pushing itself through my skin instead of becoming a cyst.
i hope to continue taking staphysagria, and that it will support me dealing with emotions.
sallo7 last decade
You should under no circumstances CONTINUE taking a homeopathic remedy.

Only when the improvements have come to a complete halt, do we repeat a remedy, and that is done using a higher potency.

So, you should NOT take any more of Staph 30c.

Please continue to wait, as the response to the last dose is very much ongoing.

Please update me in 1 week from now, and in the meanwhile procure Staphysagria 200c, but do not take it without talking to me.
sameervermani last decade
ok thank you
sallo7 last decade
hello sameer,
its been a week and a bit since ive taken the staph. i feel things are back to normal, my skin has cysts again. and very soon i will order the staph 200c.
sallo7 last decade

Update me when you get it. I will tell you hot to dose.

sameervermani last decade
Hey Sameer,
i just received the staph 200c
sallo7 last decade
Hi Sally,

Okay, please dissolve 2 pellets in 120 ml spring water, and take a teaspoon from there just once.

Let me know in 7 days after this dose. I look forward to your response.


1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 40 minutes prior to, or after taking the remedy.
2/. Do not touch the tablets with your hands, tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water .
3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate, except where this would cause a drastic change in consumption
4/. Avoid wearing perfume/aftershave, or exposure to anything with a strong smell while under treatment. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.
5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicey foods
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be AVOIDED during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by an MD.
7/. Nothing of a medicinal nature should be applied to the skin

sameervermani last decade
hey sameer i have a couple questions,
for the restrictions, im assuming to avoid all those things even days after i take the medicine right?
im more so wondering about caffeine.
and also, what about alcohol and weed?
sallo7 last decade
Weed is BIG NO.

Occasional (not more than once in 2 days) coffee is fine after 4 days from the dose.

Reduce alcohol to the minimum possible.
sameervermani last decade
thank you for your reply, good to know.
sallo7 last decade
hello sameer, its a week today since i've taken the staph 200. I've been sleeping well
when i first took it i developed new cysts on my face, not severe. most are gone but i still have a few.
emotionally, i have gotten upset a couple times but im able to calm myself down, like i am more aware. nothing hysterical.
thinking, i continue to have sexual obsession
within the period i have smoked weed, drank beer and coffee. after i found out weeds a big no i stopped that, plus it affects my sleep. alcohol ive had like 2 beers every night, though i will stop that too.
thank you for your help
sallo7 last decade
Hi Sally,

We would have seen more benefits had you not smoked the weed and cut down the alcohol.

Anyways, better sleep and more awareness are good signs indeed.

We should right now wait for 1 more week without any more doses.

Please update me at that time.

sameervermani last decade

i have acne scars, pitted ones and ice pick. ive read a bit about silica, could i also take that?
sallo7 last decade
No , medicines are not taken based off on just a single indication, like scars..

We never EVER give 2 remedies together in homeopathy.

You need to be on ONE well chosen remedy for months , and then there will be substantial improvements on every front.

So, you should not even think about taking any other homeopathic remedy right now.
sameervermani last decade
hey Sameer,
its been another week today, i stopped drinking and smoking weed completely. a week ago i had an emotional outburst.. but since then everything has been good, since i stopped drinking/smoking. im sleeping well, and my skin is improving
sallo7 last decade
Hi Sally,

Good to know about the improvements.

Please keep waiting and order Staphysagria 1M, but do not take it without talking to me.

Update me in another week.

sameervermani last decade
and i wanted to let you know that i've developed a stye on my eye
sallo7 last decade
Thats a good sign. Disease is coming to outer levels (skin) from inner levels (mind).

Do not apply any ointments on it.

It will go away by itself.
sameervermani last decade
Hello Sameer,
i've ordered the staph 1m 3 days ago and just waiting for it to come in the mail. I just wanted to update you on how i am experiencing myself. before a week ago, it had felt like the longest time i havnt been angry. but i had started to get frustrated wihtin the last couple of days. my sleep is worsening, i couldnt get back to sleep this morning because i am angry. i try to calm myself down but no change. i feel exteremly resentful towards people who 'do things' that disprespect me. even to the point where i am thinking of hurting them physically. i stop that because i know it is immoral. i feel anxious and out of touch/control within my mind
sallo7 last decade

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