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Posts about Acne, Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression217 year old son with pimples and acne6Acute acidity due to mental depression6Teenage acne4Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Teen acne1Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Anger, depression, inferiority and acne Page 5 of 7

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
and how do you feel mentally ?
sameervermani last decade
well the past couple days i felt like.. an upsetness lurking up and then i sat down and wrote and talked about it and so today mentally i feel fine. ive gotten 3 cysts on my face tho.
today i was getting sharp pains in my cervix, im thinking the infection may be spreading because the pain there was sharp. but right now its gone,
sallo7 last decade
When was the last LM2 dose taken ?
sameervermani last decade
it was the 6th or 7th, i cant remember exactly
sallo7 last decade
You can take another dose tomorrow.

THUMP the Helios Staph LM2 bottle hard 8 times, then, take out 3 drops of Staph LM2 in 240 ml spring water in a disposable cup. Stir with a disposable spoon, and take a spoon from there ONCE.

Throw the rest of 240 ml, cup and spoon and away.

Report in 72 hours after the dose.
sameervermani last decade
hey sameer,
its been 4 days since my dose, i didnt have time yesterday to post.
i have been getting bladder infections on and off, im drinking the cranberry juice and it helps a lot.
i didnt get one today
i thump the staph
i am still smoking and believe thats its affecting my healing, so i have cut down quite a bit and i will quit.
i havent been well emotionally, sadness, and worry.
i went to the doctors to get a doctors note for my absence at work for a bladder infection, told him that i am using homeopathy. he says some other reasons for the bladder infections could be from eating a lot of sugar, caffeine, chocolate, constipation, and sex.
i want to quit smoking because i know it is causing problems
sallo7 last decade
Hi Sally,

Let us form a current list of all mental, emotional and physical symptoms.

Always think of what, where, when, how and why for all your symptoms.

Try to give aggravation and amelioration triggers for as many symptoms as you can. (what improves and what makes worse)
sameervermani last decade
-fluctuations in mood from happy to depressed to angry
-social distance at times where i am upset
-constant thinking
-'inappropriate/distorted/dissatisfied self-belief about body shape/form/size'

talking about problems inside me
writing/ expressing
no writing, no talking

anxiety, worry, fear, sadness and anger, excitement.

focus on breathing, writing, talking, keeping busy, creating/art/anything working with my hands

staying inside, isolation
excitement at night prevents sleep

bladder infections (symptoms described previously)
constipation, hard stool, blood. diarrhea (both occasional)
want and need for coffee

cranberry juice
eating meat
eating good meals (meat veggies, pasta)

my sleeping lately has been good, and my acne has improved a lot, no active pimples. other than my bladder infections, everything has been going good. emotionally im here and there, no extremes.
sallo7 last decade
i forgot to keep in mind what where when and how

a lot of my mental issues comes at night
thoughts pop up, for example disatisfied body image. related to inferiority.
then my emotions are created from those thoughts

i get upset when my boyfriend watches porn.
firstly because of insecurities
but also because of my experience with my friends dad who would hide behind a corner stare at me and masturbate every time i came over. i never stood up for myself. this happened for a long time and i still cry about it.
i never told anyone, i never stood up for myself because i was afriad of ruining her family and losing her as a friend. i only started talking about it within the last 2 years. it happened when i was 13-17 and was extremely traumatized.
im afraid of men, i feel uncomfortable around older men, i feel uncomfortable when older men hit on me.
i am disgusted by men who masturbate to pictures
sallo7 last decade
Hi Sally,

Please take a dose of STAPH LM3.

Take out 3 drops of Staph LM3 in 240 ml spring water in a disposable cup. Stir with a disposable spoon, and take a spoon from there ONCE.

Throw the rest of 240 ml, cup and spoon and away.

Report in 5 days after the dose.
sameervermani last decade
hey sameer,
the morning after i took the staph i got pain from the infection but it went away. the 24th i got pain but had cranberry juice and it went away. yesterday the same thing (just pain).
and today i have the pain.
i was having symptoms of pms so i didnt notice anything different emotionally after i took the staph.
i went to the doctors to have an ultra sound on my kidneys and uterus which turned out to be normal. im supposed to pick up a perscription
sallo7 last decade
THUMP the Helios Staph LM3 bottle hard 8 times, then, take out 3 drops of Staph LM3 in 240 ml spring water in a disposable cup. Stir with a disposable spoon, and take a spoon from there ONCE.

Throw the rest of 240 ml, cup and spoon and away.

Report in 5 days after the dose.
sameervermani last decade
hey sameer
its been 5 days since the dose. i havent had 1 bladder infection since, emotionally i feel good :) and my skin has improved.
sallo7 last decade
Good let us keep watching, as things are moving well.

Please update me in 1 more week.
sameervermani last decade
hey sameer,
today i felt like i was going to get a bladder infection but it didnt get worse from that. i have gotten 2 cysts.
but the reason why im writing is because i have pain having sex. it hurts a lot, its inside of me.
sallo7 last decade
Hi sally,

THUMP the Helios Staph LM3 bottle hard 8 times, then, take out 3 drops of Staph LM3 in 240 ml spring water in a disposable cup. Stir with a disposable spoon, and take a spoon from there ONCE.

Throw the rest of 240 ml, cup and spoon and away.

Report in 5 days after the dose.
sameervermani last decade
hey sameer,
after i took the dose of staph i had an infection not serious; cranberry juice helped and i havent had one since. yesterday i got the feeling i was going to have one but it went away.
i went through the symptoms of the staph personality provided here on the site and im going to make a list of my symptoms:
oversensitive to rudeness
weakness of memory for what was read
violent (play fighting turns ruff)
irritable in the morning
headache from emotions
feels sleepy after meals
i had tooth decay as a child, turned black
teeth sensitive at gum, some too sensitive to touch
stomach flabby
and weariness

emotionally i have been stable the past couple days. everything is always normal until i have an argument with family or my bf. this is where anger comes out. everything seems fine until something triggers my emotions and i go into hysteria.

my skin is doing well, a few pimples no cysts.
sallo7 last decade
Hi sally,

THUMP the Helios Staph LM3 bottle hard 8 times, then, take out 3 drops of Staph LM3 in 240 ml spring water in a disposable cup. Stir with a disposable spoon, and take a spoon from there ONCE.

Throw the rest of 240 ml, cup and spoon and away.

Report in 5 days after the dose.
sameervermani last decade
hey sameer
after i took the staph i got a bladder infection
i got 3 cysts but they are healed now
i feel emotionally unstable
sadness, worry, fear, anger
ive had pms which would explain the cysts and emotions.
sallo7 last decade
Hi Sallo,

We need to go to next potency of Staphysagria

Do you have LM4 with you ?

If you do not have order both LM3 and LM4 together please.

sameervermani last decade
hm no i dont have lm4, but i already have lm3 and lots left?
sallo7 last decade
Hi Sally,

LM3 has done all it could.

Please order LM4 and LM5 in 30 ml teat dropper bottles please.

sameervermani last decade
yeah that's what i thought so i ordered the lm4 and lm5
sallo7 last decade
hey sameer,
i was wondering if i could take another dose of the staph lm3 before the 4 and 5 arrives because i feel unstable like my emotions are up and down and im getting a bit of acne around my jaw line and cheeks.
sallo7 last decade
Hi Sally,

You can take another dose.

But do not forget to hit the LM3 bottle 8 times, before you take out the 3 drops.
sameervermani last decade
hey sameer,
im just keeping you updated
a few days ago my stomach was like bloated for a long time probably a couple days. i had constipation and diareah.
emotionally i have been unstable, and last night i couldnt sleep till 7.
i feel stressed from work and school
sallo7 last decade

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