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Posts about Acne, Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression217 year old son with pimples and acne6Acute acidity due to mental depression6Teenage acne4Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Teen acne1Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Anger, depression, inferiority and acne Page 2 of 7

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Hello Sameer,
i've ordered the staph 1m 3 days ago and just waiting for it to come in the mail. I just wanted to update you on how i am experiencing myself. before a week ago, it had felt like the longest time i havnt been angry. but i had started to get frustrated wihtin the last couple of days. my sleep is worsening, i couldnt get back to sleep this morning because i am angry. i try to calm myself down but no change. i feel exteremly resentful towards people who 'do things' that disprespect me. even to the point where i am thinking of hurting them physically. i stop that because i know it is immoral. i feel anxious and out of touch/control within my mind
sallo7 last decade
Hi Sally,

When Staph 1M arrives please do the following.

Dissolve 2 pellets of STAPH 1M in 120 ml spring water, and take a teaspoon from there ONCE.

Report in 10 days.


1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 40 minutes prior to, or after taking the remedy.
2/. Do not touch the tablets with your hands, tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water .
3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate, except where this would cause a drastic change in consumption
4/. Avoid wearing perfume/aftershave, or exposure to anything with a strong smell while under treatment. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.
5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicey foods
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be AVOIDED during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by an MD.
7/. Nothing of a medicinal nature should be applied to the skin

sameervermani last decade
thank you Sameer, will do.
i recently picked up smoking. even before i've ever had a cigarette, i've craved them. I read that staphysagria personalities get ailments from tobacco
sallo7 last decade
Yes, please avoid smoking, as that will be an impediment to cure.
sameervermani last decade
hey Sameer,
im not sure exactly what day it was when i took the staph 1m, but its been ruffly a week. emotionally, i am unhappy, feelings of not wanting to exist, unstableness. my skin was clear for a while there, but i've gotten 3 cysts on my face, and another stye.
sallo7 last decade
Hi Sallo,

This might be an aggravation. A 1M can take about 15 days to develop response.

Please wait for 1 more week and then report back.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Sally:

I have gone through your case history very keenly and carefully. I have a different opinion than Sameer. I feel Causticum will suit you the most. If you feel so, then I will tell you its doses and potency.

I also suggest you to look for the properties and symptoms of Causticum, whether it fits you.

Take care
Ashis last decade
thanks for the concern, i have many sympotms of a causticum personality, but i do not believe it is for me, because my issues are suppressed anger, fear, and self acceptance. staphysagria has worked for me, but it had been a while before i got a chance to take the staph 1m. i am still waiting for it to take effect, as for now my cystic acne is getting worse, im still unhappy because i judge myself a lot.
sallo7 last decade
hi sally
i was going through u r case and i found that u need to take care of cystic acne.
u r taking homeopathy since lot of time and belive me i had cured chronic cycstic acne in one month .this is pace of homeopathy .
if u give lot of time to cure it it will leave scar..
so just take ant crud 30 2 pills three times in day for 3 day let me know .
u do not to take any precaution during taking homeopathy medicine its all myth. just avoid eating and drinking water for 15 minute before
thank u
dr ajay yadav
drajay last decade
It is interesting that people need to use 'dr' in front of their name to hide their lack of knowledge in homeopathy.

There are no indications for ant-c here, and 'cure' can indeed be a subjective term.

One can easily make a skin symptom alone disappear through a homeopathic remedy but if inner organs or mind suffer as a result, that is not cure.

The correct direction of cure is always from within outwards i.e. from mind to physical plane, and from physical plane to skin. Any other direction is just suppression.

We have made very good progress through Staphysagria and the next remedy will only be administered when the symptoms call for a different remedy.

Sally, it is my duty to warn you, that the above prescription will totally derail the process we have started. As I said earlier, the best thing to do right now is to wait for the Staph 1M action to develop.
sameervermani last decade
hi dr
its amezing to see a homeopathic skill from dr. let it decide by the patient dr . i dont know about you .i am just sharing my skill with u sally. but let me tell u sally everyone is tring to followw master in homeopathy without ther skill and knowladge it require sound deep study ,
anyways there is no regreate dr .but truth is always truth no body can hide it so sally i think you shud follow dr sameer as he is guiding you on right track...? desician has to made by you ...
thanks lot dr you prove again thats class of honmeopathy always to blame on other dr and thats it
drajay last decade
drajay and others who want to 'help', thanks but i will only be taking sameers advice. I am not looking for a quick fix, my emotional state is more important to me. we are treating the deeep rooted issues that are causing my symptoms which is what homeopathy is all about- finding a cure.
sallo7 last decade
tomorrow will be a week since waiting for the 1m to take effect. there have been no changes. my skin has been going back to how it was before i started taking staphysagria. i notice that the smaller doses of staphysagria have little to no effect. i believe that suppressed anger is what is causing my cystic acne. i've had amazing progress with staph, so i am asking to up my dosage back to 200c.
sallo7 last decade
1 M is a higher potency than 200c, so we will not go back to that potency again as you have fully responded to it .

Please give me a couple of days, I will analyze everything from the beginning and get back to you.

sameervermani last decade
ok, i will wait another week
sallo7 last decade
Hi Sally,

I have analyzed your case from the beginning again.

So, there has been absolutely no change from the Staph 1M dose ?

sameervermani last decade
i think its starting to take effect, because i feel fine and my acnes stopped spreading, its like healing.
sallo7 last decade
Okay then, let us give this 1 more week. Update me at that time.
sameervermani last decade
hello Sameer,
i feel a lot more stable than i did a a week or two ago. nothing hysteric.
my skin is improving slowly, still a few cysts. i remember that taking the 200c made my skin worse before better so i think that may be the case.

i was watching a commercial the other day and it was medication for woman with a more severe form of pms- i forget the name. the symptoms reminded me of myself because they were like: severe depression etc. just a thought. but i havent gotten my period in a long time. my stomach hurts, and is bloated. i feel hungry n full and the same time. and i get sharp pains inside my box so if it continues i might go to the doctors to get a checkup.

i dont have the urge to smoke, i feel like smoking is making me sick. in the last two weeks i cut down a lot and now i believe i am able to quit.
sallo7 last decade
Hi Sally,

Slowly the body is responding to the dose, and we are seeing improvements.

Regarding pms medicine , please do not take it as that will totally spoil the progress made thus far. These drugs cause suppression.

So, let us wait for 1 more week, as we never intervene when the body is responding to the dose.

sameervermani last decade
ok cool,
i wasnt interested in taking the medication, i just see the pattern in my emotions- a couple weeks im fine, the next im losing it.
sallo7 last decade
Hey Sameer,
i realised why my process with staph had been screwed up. i took the morning after pill like a month ago. i am 99% positive that i have an ectopic pregnancy, because of my symptoms and i feel something is seriously wrong. the side effects of the morning after pill as well as some birth control pills are linked to ectopic pregnancies. i am upset with myself for taking that pill.
so now i know why i've been off lately- because of hormones or something.
i wish i took 'no other medications' more seriously
there are so many complications with this situation that im extremely upset with pharmacies for handing out medications so harmful.
sallo7 last decade
Well these pills are always dangerous. However, I would now recommend getting medical attention immediately as this is not something which should be tackled homeopathically.
sameervermani last decade
hey sameer,
i went to the hospital today, turns out everything is fine thankfully!
sallo7 last decade
Good to know , and how do you feel mentally ?
sameervermani last decade
I am doing alright thank you, do you mind if i email you?
sallo7 last decade

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