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Wheezing & Tummy Aches in 5 Year Old Page 5 of 7

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once you give a higher potency(30C) and then give a lower power(6C) it will not work.
ok fine, now just give him a dose of calc carb 200 tomorrow morning and then leave it like that.
Give a dose of lobilia 30 (just the lobilia)now and then lets see how is he tomorrow.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,
I am not really clear how the 30c and 6c work. So are you saying that he could never get benefit from the pulsatilla at 6c? Or does that apply using in the same day, same week, etc.? I guess why I am a little confused is I bought the 6c because they didn't have the 30c that time and we did use it one day.

He was already asleep when I got your message to give lobilia but was wheezing and sweating, so I got him to take 4 pellets. He woke up coughing alot this morning so will be keeping him home from school today. I did give the dose of calc carb 200 this morning.

I know we are working through all this and I am putting my hope into the calc carb 1M. But I am feeling somewhat disappointed in how when we try to really move out of the whole food restriction thing then all this happens. So I still feel as if we are stuck in almost same spot. While I see he doesn't have the non-stop 3 day wheezing spell, or almost daily wheezing/coughing thing going on which was happening when he started school it does seem to still play out about the same. We eat something, he has issues with it, he wheezes, tummy aches, he doesn't poop a day or two, then he poops, he wheezes/coughs another day or two then we get to a better place for a short period of time and then it happens all over again.

I guess I just need some encouragement we are still on the right path and this will get better. Some days I believe it strongly and other days I feel on shaky ground and let the doubts and fears take over and get very discouraged.

This is not about you of course....it's me and my continued inability to accept things as they are and just take it day by day. I guess this stuff has really worn me down over the last 5 years and sometimes I feel like we are so close to breaking out of this 'stuck' place and then I feel pulled back down by the events that take place over and over again.
Thanks again for all your help, time, knowledge and support! With it I feel like I can move forward and will just keep trying and trying.
congested last decade
Hi Dr.,

just wanted to give you an update. My son coughed for the first 3 - 4 hours this morning. It quieted down for a few hours but each time he eats it gets stirred up again. I got him to take a nap but it took some time since he couldn't lay down for stuff draining in his throat. When he coughs it sounds very wet, same thing with what I hear in chest. He is not wheezing. We just jumped on a neighbor's trampoline for a few minutes and he really started coughing alot and actually spit up a little mucous...which is probably good for him since he hasn't got much activity in a couple of days.

I did give the dose of calc carb 200 this morning and I am thinking I am not suppose to do anything for some amount of time....15 days? I guess I am wondering about what to do with all this coughing when he wakes up. He can't go to school since the first few hours he is coughing and they will probably call me. I am fine to keep him home if that is what I need to do but still hate for him to miss so much school if we can help it. I haven't gotten a call yet that they received the calc carb 1M. So is that a much stronger potency than 200C.

congested last decade
Hi Dr.,

It's 8:30pm and my son can't go to sleep. He keeps coughing and you can tell it is hurting his throat and he says it does also. I felt around neck and his glands are swollen, seems more on the right side than left. He did have 2 bowel movements today, very light in color and see specks of food in them.
Wondering what to do so he can rest? And if coughing still in am and coughing should I give him something? I found the pulsatilla 30C.
congested last decade
Ok just give him bryonia 30 i suppose you have it with you, say 3 doses morning, afternoon and night, this should ease his cough, and swollen glands.
give me a update tomorrow or today evening.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

My son finally fell asleep propped up on the couch with me after about an hour and drinking some water and slept through the night. He woke up and is coughing some...sounds nasally but doing much better than yesterday.

Yes I have the bryonia 30c on hand. Thanks!
congested last decade
Seeing your old posts of frustration.
I can totally understand, but before we started treating him i understand he was coughing and wheezing most of the days in the week irrespective of food he takes etc.
But now the situation is that he coughs or wheezes only when he takes those restricted foods, otherwise he is fine.
If this statement is true then surely we have moved correctly, and i asked you to give him all those restricted foods so that he could receive and respond positively, and i don see any fall back in this.
we are also tied up with issues of not able to get medicines like the tuberculinum etc. so with the limited resources we are trying to do the best and he is responding very well to the changes. if you want then stop all the foods again and see if he is still coughing or wheezing, which will mean we will stand still with out experimenting. I told you at the very start it is a long standing suffering it has evolved to this state in so many years (5 yrs precise) and i don know magic to turn it over all of a sudden, the change will occur only gradually but will be permanent and your son will never suffer form it again.
All i can say is wait peacefully. May be u should restrict him with those marked foods and then see if he is going back to the same stage again, if so then we will change the line of management.
Waiting for your choice.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
I gave my son the 3 doses of bryonia and very thick yellow mucous has been coming out of his nose all day. He has not pooped that I am aware of today. I kept him home from school because he was coughing first thing this morning and it sounded like the throat was irritated, I guess scratchy sounding. But he has had energy to wear rollerblades around the house all day and we went outside for about 30 minutes to do trampoline (which really helped bring out the mucous) and rollerblading. He was ready for bed at 6:30 and looks a little wiped out, a little pale but doing well.
I got the call today and they have the Calc Carb 1M for me to pickup so I may be able to get tomorrow or next day. You can advise when I should give to my son.
congested last decade
Hi Dr.,
No, I want to definitely move forward...I was just having a bad few moments and vented it all out in my last post. I think I can get the tuberculinum with a physician's prescription. I could see if the naturopath we visited awhile back could write that out for me and then I think this place can order it....I have to double check on that tomorrow. If that is the case would you want me to order it? Would we still move forward with the calc carb 1M?

I am still willing to continue down this path with you leading the way. I have food issues obviously for myself and have transferred alot of that on him...or so I believe. It was my way of trying to find some control or way to help what appeared to be an almost helpless situation....so I am working hard to let that go.

I just let him have a piece of ham which he has had only a few times and each time he gets green stools and doesn't feel all that great but I let him have it. I am really trying to let this move forward....just have my moments that it gets overwhelming...the reactions, wheezing, out of school for 2 - 3 days. But I rather do all this now and hopefully get to a better place than go backwards with all the food restrictions.

So I am in for the long haul. Tell me our next move!
congested last decade
Hi Dr.,

My son woke up at 1:30am and was crying and complaing that his Left cheeck hurt. This is the same one he has complained about before, also this is the ear that has been red many times and hurt him. I felt his glands and they were very swollen on that side. We were probably up for at least an hour with him moaning. He finally used the bathroom, a small poop that looked difficult to pass.

I searched all the old posts to see what to give him since I remember the cheeck thing before but couldn't find it. I ended up giving him a dose of pulsatilla 30c. He went back to sleep and didn't wake up until this morning at 7am. He is not in a good mood, was kind of rude to me first thing. Also he had an emotional outburst yesterday that was totally unexpected. We had played on our tenant's trampoline for awhile. And we had to come in since I had someone coming over to buy an end table. He started crying and didnt' want to sell, it wasn't his and he didn't use it, so I was surprised. He started rubbing his eyes alot and afterwards that were red splotches all over his face.

I don't see sending him to school again today with his glands being so swollen. Should I give him something or leave it alone?
congested last decade
if the glands are swollen and red give him a dose of hepar sulph 30 and leave it, is he going into wheezing right now?
even then just give him a dose of hepar it will help him out.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
see if she can write you the priscription, good that we have got calc carb 1M give him one dose tomorrow if he is alright without any ailments, if he having cough or redness then delay the dose by one day.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

He is not wheezing, just a deep cough when he does cough which isn't that often now but I can tell between the nose and cough there is still alot of mucous. I don't really see red but glands are definitely swollen.

Okay, gave him a dose of hepar sulph.
congested last decade
Thats fine then, the infections are only superficial so nothing to worry.
so you should be able to give him a dose of calc carb 1M tomorrow morning then, and wait for 15 days.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

I picked up the remedy for my son today and they ordered kali carb 1m and when I said I ordered calc carb I was told it is the same. So wanted to check in with you about that.
Also found out that they can't order the tuberlinum 1m, it has to be done at a pharmacy. But I may be able to get that from the naturopath, haven't talked to her yet but I will soon and see if that is something she has access to.
Okay, just let me know if kali carb 1M is the one to give him. I will see how he is feeling in am and may do tomorrow of next day.
congested last decade
Hi Dr.,

It is 11:30pm and my son is awake after being asleep for only 3 hours that his ears hurt and his whole body hurts. He is crying, can't lay down and is back on couch propped up with Dad. I gave him a dose of pulsatilla 30c, which I gave last night and it took a little while but eventually he went back to sleep. Not sure if this would be what you recommend to do but please advise. This is 2nd night of him complaining of face/ear pain. He is not wheezing, not coughing just things seem to bother him laying down on pillow.
congested last decade
Hi Dr.,

Actually he is crying non-stop and is coughing a little bit. But he is not one to cry like that unless something is really bothering him. Kind of crying and and hollering like.
What should we do?
congested last decade
no it is the wrong medicine, kali carb and calc carb are different once, we should get calc carb and not kali carb.
Give him a dose of bryonia to reduce the body pain and cry.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

I ended up giving him another dose of hepar sulph (since I felt his glands and very swollen on back of neck on right side and in front of throat on both sides) and after alot of coughing he finally went to sleep around 2pm. He is up as usual this morning, feeling pretty good but coughing. Last night he said he throat hurt when he swallowed and coughed. So I will give him a dose of bryonia this morning before school. I am going to take him to school, first day since Mon., and see if he can stay the morning.

I thought I something last night which I don't think I ever mentioned, and it may not change a thing but my son was in the hospital when he was almost 2 and they put him under with anthesia and did an endoscopy. Its a long story and I didn't want it done but we had doctors here thinking we were making everything up about my son's reactions, they admitted him with failure to thrive. However, after the endoscopy and they found basophils (I think that is the cell) some type of allergic cells that were high throughout his entire body (throat to rectum) they decided he was the most allergic baby they had ever seen.

So anyway I had kind of forgot about that procedure. Just thought I would let you know. And when he was real young and having these issues he would always complain of his back hurting.

I will call the place and have them place the correct order. Will probably have in a few days.
If he starts feeling worse, wheezing or something at school or after, should I give anything else? Should I do just one dose of byronia or more today? He didnt' have a bowel movement all day yesterday and not yet this am....has smelly gas.
congested last decade
Hi Dr.,
Okay, now I will have to work on getting the Calc Carb so it will probably be another week before getting that.
My son slept well last night. No complaints of face/cheek/ear issues. I do notice bowel movements are decreasing, going a day without, etc. I try to get him in the habit of sitting on toilet each am and when he does he normally goes. Like this morning we were heading out and I asked him to just see if he could go and he did.
He did have a coughing spell today right after eating some applesauce...seen apples an issue in past but it passed. He is still coughing off and on, like right now.
So for now all is well and will let you know if anything comes up prior to getting calc carb 1M.
congested last decade
Hey sorry i was away for the weekend,good to know that things are fine, and do not give anything till you get calc carb 1M, if something had to come up inbetween get back, if not then fine and go ahead as usual.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

Just wanted to tell you what has been going on with my son. He was wheezing a little for 2 nights in a row but able to sleep and all that. Then a cluster of white bumps popped up on his Left thumb, he just told me they are scratchy feeling and hurt....should I give him anything for that if it continues? Reminds me of cold sores that come on the mouth. He has had them on his bottom of thumb area off and on in the last 5 years. Last night his body got extremely hot and he took off his pj's and was tossing and turning in his sleep all night. This morning he is sneezing now and then, seems a little runned down but is up building things with his legos. Also he was very emotional two days in a row. Picked up up from school on Tues. and he asked for french fries which we normally just have on Friday (we call it french fries Friday) so I said it wasn't Friday and he started crying. Then he asked for something else food related, chocolate covered pretzels...which we have never eaten) later and I said maybe this weekend and he started crying. So it was things like that and he just would burst into tears...which is not his usual behavior). Okay, the remedies should be here soon.
congested last decade
I would ask you to him what ever he wants to test and see, but as you say he is wheezing a little i would pass it off for a few days and then try giving it. But as such if nothing is bothering him so much no need of any medicines, give him some warm water to drink and warm foods he should be out of it.
Inform me if anything changes.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,
I wrote last comment about my son on my post. He was up at 5am with ear/face/neck pain. I gave him one dose of bryonia. He didn't go to church and I just got home and he and his Dad said he has chills. He is wrapped up in 2 blankets and says his whole head hurts and back off neck. Also still coughing off and on. He has had a bowel movement, had a warm lemon tea this morning and a little dry cereal and banana. The day before yesterday my husband was taking him out of the cart at a store and said something was above him and my son's hang got banged pretty hard on this overhang. He has a knot on top of his head. Not sure how all this plays in but thought I would tell you about. He did cry so it must have hurt a bit because he isn't a big cryer. He is talking and overall his dispostion is good so I will see how the day goes.
congested last decade
well we will see how the day goes and then decide of giving any medicines.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

My son took a 3 hour nap yesterday, woke up feeling pretty good then went to bed at usual time. Woke up at 5:20am, had some food and when it was time to go to school he coughed a couple of times and didn't want to go to school. I took him anyway and we just had to pick him up at 10am because he was wheezing. I asked him when did he start wheezing and he said when he got to school. And I said do you think it has anything to do with you not wanting to go and he said yes because I didn't listen to him when he told me he didn't want to go to school. I am not sure how to balance when he is really sick and keep him home and when he is coughing here and there but I guess I will have to just take it day by day.
Should I give him anything for the wheezing?
congested last decade

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