The ABC Homeopathy Forum
What is the chronic of Nux Vomica ?
Hi,While going through the books, I came across many acute remedies
which had a chronic counterpart, and many chronic remedies which
had an acute counterpart.
Just wanted to know what is the chronic counterpart of Nux Vomica.
ranaknight on 2005-03-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Got this ass about face . Acute remedies are simply short acting remedies for acute conditions that are self curing and do not last any length of time.
If you are using Clarkes Clinical Repertory and care to check under Silica you will see that Silica is the "chronic" of Pulsatilla . Both remedies are polycrests and deep acting.
But sometimes the is a relationship between 2 remedies so that one takes up the work of the other when the good effect of the first remedy is exhausted.
In such a case the Puls has acted well but not totally cured the case . Then it is necessary to switch to Silica to complete the cure .
In the above the pulsatilla
[ which is a deep acting remedy ,capable of curing many difficult conditions ] has acted as an "acute" and the Silica then acts as the "chronic" , and finishes the case.
There are a number of relationships of this nature in homeopathy .
Sorry - to get back to your original point - Sulphur is capable of acting as the "chronic " of Nux - as well as Aconite & Pulsatilla.
Hope I have not confused you .
If you are using Clarkes Clinical Repertory and care to check under Silica you will see that Silica is the "chronic" of Pulsatilla . Both remedies are polycrests and deep acting.
But sometimes the is a relationship between 2 remedies so that one takes up the work of the other when the good effect of the first remedy is exhausted.
In such a case the Puls has acted well but not totally cured the case . Then it is necessary to switch to Silica to complete the cure .
In the above the pulsatilla
[ which is a deep acting remedy ,capable of curing many difficult conditions ] has acted as an "acute" and the Silica then acts as the "chronic" , and finishes the case.
There are a number of relationships of this nature in homeopathy .
Sorry - to get back to your original point - Sulphur is capable of acting as the "chronic " of Nux - as well as Aconite & Pulsatilla.
Hope I have not confused you .
passkey last decade
This idea fascinates me. Could you please explain the relationship between sulphur and nux as it relates to the "mind" aspects of each? As I read about them, I see so many similarities and overlaps. Are these "aspects" the "twin sisters" that Kuldeep refers to?
Thank you.
This idea fascinates me. Could you please explain the relationship between sulphur and nux as it relates to the "mind" aspects of each? As I read about them, I see so many similarities and overlaps. Are these "aspects" the "twin sisters" that Kuldeep refers to?
Thank you.
laddy111 last decade
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