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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pilonidal Cyst / Sinus 23yr old

I have had a pilonidal cyst since I was 18. At first it was just tender and sore when I put pressure on it. No lump or anything. About a year later I noticed I had a small hole just below the top of my buttcrack. I was a little worried and talked to a Dr. They told me to not do anything if it wasn't causing any problems. So about a year went by and there started to be swelling that happened on the top right side of my crack. It would swell up and go back down. Never anything really painful for about a year. I finally had a big flare up to where I couldn't sit down at all. I never noticed any discharge during this entire period of having a cyst. Just recently a few months ago I got my cyst to come to the top of the skin and have a small hole where the cyst is now. I am able to drain it by pushing on it. Once again I have absolutely no pain at all with it.

Of course the small hole on top of the cyst won't heal since I drain it every couple of days and push the small amount of pus out. I have been reading these posts for some time now and I ordered the Mystrica and the 2 things of Silicea seen on other posts. I was wondering what you would recommend I take and how long. I don't want to try and do this all wrong.

Thank you for your time.
  Kaustyk on 2010-04-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Have you ordered...
Myristica 200c
Silciea 6x
Silicea 6c
Silicea 200c
calc Sulph 6x

You may start with five doses of Myristica 200c as follows

day 1

morning 1st dose
evening 2nd dose

day 2

morning 3rd dose
evening 4th dose

day 3
morning 5th dose

and report back on the seventh day.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Thanks Kadwa...I didn't have all of the stuff so I just placed in order. I won't be able to tell you an update on things until 2 weeks. 1 week for it to get here then 1 week for the medicine to take effect.
Kaustyk last decade
I was able to order everything but the Silciea 6x ...was none on this website to buy.
Kaustyk last decade
It is ok. You have silicea 6c, that is enough.
kadwa last decade
I will get back with you in 1 week. I am starting this treatment tomorrow.
Kaustyk last decade
It has been a week and I took the 5 doses. I am curious what exactly what suppose to happen since I don't really notice much of a difference?
Kaustyk last decade
It was expected to drain the cyst. Now you should take 4 pellets of calc sulph 6x thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for 7 days and report back.
kadwa last decade
I thought I should also post this. This has been happening since before I started taking the meds.

The small pin hole in my crack never really drains or I don't see anything in the underwear from it. I can feel like a sack right below the skin at the top of my crack and right above it. I am not sure if the cyst popped or not and I could apply pressure and sometimes pus would come out. It's almost just like the skin right above the cyst ripped open as it tries to scab up everyday. When the scab comes off it almost feels like the Sac/cyst that is there is pushing it way out of the hole. It has to be the sac since there is no feeling when I touch it so there are no nerve endings attached to it. Just curious on what exactly you think is happening?
Kaustyk last decade
It would be better to see a skin specialist or a surgeon to verify your problem exactly as to what it is. It won't be possible for me to comment on this. i have suggested you a treatment that helps in pilonidal cyst/sinus.
kadwa last decade
Wait...Myristica..taken by you could continue to work internally for 2 weeks.

Keep reviewing for progress...

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
When I switch over to the Calc sulph what will it do? If the Mystrica is draining the cyst should it feel empty?
Kaustyk last decade
Calc Sulph will take further the work done by myristica. You should see whether overall you are better like pain, sensation etc. The master of this treatment Pankaj is also with us. So he should tell you more about this.
kadwa last decade
Myristica ....does its work to push out the pus. It is doing so.

Calcarea Sulph ensures that new pus is not formed.

Keep taking Calcarea Sulp. and report progress in 5 days..here.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Allow the cyst to drain out. Clean externally and apply Calendula cream over the area so that further infection is prevented.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Myristica ..is known as a homeopath's knife.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
There is absolutely no pain associated with this. Not since the opening of the cyst through the skin happened a few months back.
Kaustyk last decade
Report progress in 5 days.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
It will be better if you could give full information. We may think of some individualized remedy.
Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
kadwa last decade
I have been very busy and have not had time to fill out that questionaire yet. It should be done shortly. I have ran into 1 problem I have tried all three of the companies on the websites and non of them carry calc sulph 6x they all said 7x is as small as they make it.
Kaustyk last decade
Ok take Calc Sulph 7X

Curious..which country r u in ? Where they don't have Cal. Sulph in 6X potency.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I am in the United States
Kaustyk last decade
Sorry I have been gone for awhile. I ran into some problems getting the calc sulph 6x. So I had to restart the treatment all over and I am ready to start calc sulph now
Kaustyk last decade
Just wanting to know what to do next. Would still like the help from you since I have purchased all the meds.
Kaustyk last decade
Are you guys still available or what happened?
Kaustyk last decade

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