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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pilonidal sinus/cyst


I've read several posts on the cure of pilonidal sinus/cyst, but still very unsure on my husband's case.
He had a surgery almost 10 years ago for pilonidal sinus, and since then had not had any major recurrence, until very recently he's been experiencing severe discomfort, pain, blood & pus discharge. The doc cleaned / shaved the hair of the infected area. The doc advised him sitz bath twice a day for 10 days alongwith suggesting laser hair removal.
Now again after a month the problem has recurred with similar symptoms but this time more blood and pus. This time the doc says the wound is inside the 'old' infected area, which was cured by surgery, and now the wound is trying to push it's way outside, hence the problem. The doc has once again advised sitz bath for a week followed by surgery most probably, as surgery cannot be done until the wound heals.
I would like someone to suggest an effective and permanent remedy with homeopathy. Thanks so much for your help.
  browneyed_555 on 2009-10-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The following treatment is generally suggested for pilonidal sinus

1. take myristica 30c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for few days. This should open the wound and drain out pus.

2. take silicea 6c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for a week or so until all pus etc. is drained out.

3. take silicea 200c thrice a day to wind up the treatment.

Mr. Pankaj Verma has done lot of research on this subject and he has come out with the above protocol.

The patient should follow homeo restritions during the treatment.
kadwa last decade
Thank you kadwa.

Could you please let me know the homeo restrictions as well?

Also, are all these medicines to be taken at the same time?
Or is it like first few days myristica, followed by the next 3 days silicea and so on?

Is this a permanent cure or for temporary relief?
browneyed_555 last decade
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.

Also, are all these medicines to be taken at the same time?
Or is it like first few days myristica, followed by the next 3 days silicea and so on?

First few days myristica, followed by the next 7-10 days silicea 6c and so on

Is this a permanent cure or for temporary relief?
It may lead to cure and not temporary relief.
kadwa last decade
Thanks Kadwa.
Please tell me how many days to take myristica, silicea 6c and silicea 200c?
browneyed_555 last decade
Also, please tell me how many gobulets for each medicine to consume at a time. Thanks alot
browneyed_555 last decade
Please tell me how many days to take myristica, silicea 6c and silicea 200c?
myristica 3 days
silicea 6c 10 days (until the draining stops ie draining is complete)
silicea 200c 1 day

Also, please tell me how many gobulets for each medicine to consume at a time.
4 pills
kadwa last decade
Use calcarea Sulph-6X ( Biochemic) 4 pills ,4 times a day and with in one month your husband will get cured for ever.
Your hasband should take sipmple diet( Spicy and Non veg should be avoided) during this period.
pushpi last decade
Can I mix biochemic and homeopathy medicines together?
browneyed_555 last decade
It will be better you take only Calcarea sulph6x as suggested.
Thanks,try Calcarea sulpf
pushpi last decade
hi there....
my husband has not started the medicines yet as they were not available here in dubai.. and i'm arranging to get them from bombay...
however, he's been doing sitz bath very regularly (salt water therapy) and is feeling much better... no bleeding / pus.... some discomfort in sitting and sleepin on back... so basically the area is still sore....
is it still recommended for him to take the homeopathy medicines as advised or do i change them - the potency / quantity / regularity? please confirm.
also, can some doctor pls advise if i should go ahead with BIOCHEMIC or HOMEOPATHY, and what is better and the difference? Thanks.
browneyed_555 last decade
As the intensity of problem has reduced now, you may go for the bio-chemic treatment. After 15 days you should review the symptoms.
kadwa last decade
hello kadwa,
i've a confusion...
i've got all the medicines liquid form in homeo as well as the gobulets and the biochem med.
my husband has soreness but no blood or pus discharge since a week. but he does feel soreness and discomfort while sitting for long hrs. he is not able to see any visible wound in the area.
can u pls suggest which of the above medicines i should start for him ... the duration / quantity. thanks once again
browneyed_555 last decade
calcarea Sulph-6X ( Biochemic) 4 pills ,4 times a day for 15 days.
kadwa last decade
thank u dr. kadwa.
i'm starting his medicine today and will keep you informed on how he is feeling.
any specific food etc to avoid in this period?
browneyed_555 last decade
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
It is better to avoid non-veg.
kadwa last decade
thank u so much dr. will keep u informed.
browneyed_555 last decade
dr kadwa,
can my husband play sports like cricket during this period? in the past cricket had worsened the problem, but now he is very tempted to play, so seeking ur advice as he has started the biochem medicine since yesterday. thanks
browneyed_555 last decade
Yes. He can play.
kadwa last decade
thanks for the reply dr.
he has noticed some pus in the area... anything we can do? he wears a liner so we could spot some pus on it...
browneyed_555 last decade
No matter what he does, he has to keep sweat away from the area of the pilonidal cyst.

Sweat agrravates the situation and slows down healing.

Those who get surgery done from allopathic surgeans are also advised to keep wiping the sweat every two hours from that area other wise there are chances of the problem taking place again.

With homeo meds ofcourse, the problem is eradicated once for all...after due treatment.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
thank u dr.
i've started him with the biochem med calcarea sulph6x 4 times a day.. hope it works... anything in specific that we shld notice in the treatment period in terms of improvement?
browneyed_555 last decade
hello docs..
my husband is continuing biochem calcarea sulph6x 4 times a day since 25th oct ... i was suggested by dr. kadwa to give this to my husband for 15 days...
today we noticed some puss in the area and also a strange smell (we relate it to puss), there is no pain or blood... was wondering if this is a normal symptom under the current medication?
browneyed_555 last decade
Calcarea Sulph was expected to take care of pus formation. It could have dried up the abscess or drained it. It seems the latter has happened. So don't worry, continue taking Calcarea Sulph.
kadwa last decade
hello doctor..
thanks for ur reply...
there is a LOT of pus coming out... the whole cleft area till the anus is full of sticky pus.. I've taken some photos of them if you would like to see...
Also, while stretching the area there is some pain and discomfort... there has also been little bit of blood spotting that was visible on the underwear liner... is this normal under the prescribed medication -Calcarea sulph...
Moreover, yesterday we had intercourse, does intercourse affect the blood / pus formation in the area? Please confirm. Thanks again!
browneyed_555 last decade
Also, while stretching the area there is some pain and discomfort... there has also been little bit of blood spotting that was visible on the underwear liner... is this normal under the prescribed medication -Calcarea sulph...

Moreover, yesterday we had intercourse, does intercourse affect the blood / pus formation in the area?
The affected muscles are involved while having intercourse. So i would suggest to follow Dr. Pankaj's advice and avoid exercises that strain affected muscles.
kadwa last decade

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