The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Much time, money and ingenuity have been expended in the search for the 'cause' of 'the common cold'. At one period this was said to be a germ, Micrococcus Catarrhalis. At the present time the 'nigger in the wood pile' is one or more of several viruses. It is probably nearer the truth to say that the common cold is not a specific illness with a single cause, but a certain kind of response to a combination or variety of causes.Faced with a certain set of circumstances one person will develop a cold. Another person faced with the same set of circumstances will not. This is because one of the most important factors in this adverse situation is the response of the individual. If an individual has good resistance, immunity, or whatever it is, his response to the circumstances that 'give' someone else a cold will leave him un¬scathed. It is, therefore, this internal protection, or susceptibility as the case may be, that will be the deciding factor in 'catching a cold' or in not catching it, or being caught by it.
This is where homoeopathy comes in most helpfully, because homoeopathic treatment enhances resistance to infection and other hostile factors as well as assisting in the cure of established disease. A greatly diminished susceptibility to colds has often been recorded in the experience of those who are having, or have been having, homoeopathic treatment for other reasons. Moreover, when a cold is contracted, homoeopathic remedies carefully matched with the existing symptoms will often speed the cure and cut down the period of convalescence and disability.
A liability to constant colds calls for careful investigation by a homoeopathic physician. A cold already 'caught' will tend to be self-limiting; recovery will be speedier if it is possible to stay indoors, in bed if feverish, and keep warm and out of draughts. Many homoeopathic remedies are of service in this connection, prescribed according to the principle of similars, a dose or two of 200, 30 repeated four-hourly for a day or two, or 6 three times a day, till relief is obtained. Sometimes in the course of clearing up a cold the symptoms may alter and a further remedy be called for on this account. Some of the possible remedies are mentioned below :
ACONITUM to be given at the first sneeze, or first shiver, especially after exposure to dry cold; frequent sneezing, with dropping of clear hot water from nostrils; fever, thirst, restless at night, buzzing in ears; WORSE in stuffy atmosphere.
ALLIUM CEPA paroxysms of sneezing, eyes and nose stream, nose and lip become sore and raw; hot, thirsty, headachy; WORSE in warm room, BETTER in fresh air; rawness may extend to throat and chest.
ARSENICUM ALBUM takes cold with every change of weather; sneezing frequent and painful, thin watery, burning discharge, which
makes lip sore, or is stuffed up especially at night; an intense tickle inside the nose at one particular spot; tends to spread to chest; extremely chilly; sensation of 'ice cold water or, maybe, boiling water, coursing through veins'; thirst for small amounts of water.
BELLADONNA very violent onset after exposure, especially of head, to chilling; not much discharge, nose swollen, sore, red, hot; throat raw, sore, hoarse; flushed, hot, with violent headache; very thirsty.
BRYONIA onset is delayed, and symptoms slow in developing; much sneezing, eyes red and water, nasal discharge is watery; lips and mouth are dry and there is great thirst for large quantities; tendency to spread to chest with painful cough, and severe headache; BETTER when lying down and keeping perfectly still.
DULCAMARA when cold follows exposure to cold wet weather, or becoming chilled when over-heated; sneezing is severe, WORSE in a cold room; wants nose kept warm; eyes are red and sore; eyes and nose both stream, especially indoors and in a warm room; neck stiff, throat sore, pains in back and limbs.
FERRUM PHOS. 30 is recommended for use in the early stage of a cold without very marked indications.
GELSEMIUM the influenza type of cold; from warm moist weather, or from change in weather; discharge makes nostrils sore; chills up and down spine; hot and cold by turns; headache with heavy feeling in lids and limbs; tearing tickling cough, which is BETTER near the fire.
HEPAR SULPHURIS follows exposure to cold, dry weather; affects nose, ears, throat, chest; much sneezing, especially in cold wind; discharge at first watery, then becomes thick, yellow and offensive; nose swollen and painful; WORSE from least draught, or even putting hands or feet out of bed; must be well wrapped up; peevish and hypersensitive.
KALI IODATUM colds from every exposure, especially to damp; violent sneezing; watery acrid discharge; eyes smart and water severely; nose red and swollen; frontal headache or pain at root of nose; face red; hot and cold by turns; violent thirst; WORSE from heat.
MERCURIUS sneezes violently; nose drips; fluent, corrosive, greenish-yellow, offensive discharge; nose red, swollen, shiny, sore; throat often sore and voice hoarse; dry, tickly cough WORSE both extremes of temperature; pale, flabby, indented tongue; foul taste in mouth; profuse sweats and feels no better after; starts with creep¬ing chilliness.
Nux VOMICA from exposure to dry cold; much sneezing; nose alternately blocked or running, stuffed up at night, streams in warm room and daytime, rather BETTER out of doors; extremely chilly, can't get warm, shudders after drinking fluids or from least move¬ment; cold and hot by turns; fits of sneezing after meals; mouth dry; excessively irritable.
PHOSPHORUS begins in chest or throat; sneezing which causes pain in throat or head; nose alternately blocked or running, or one nostril blocked and the other discharging; often streaks of blood on handkerchief; nose red, shiny, sore; throat sore and voice hoarse; tight feeling in chest; racking cough WORSE going from warm room into cold air or vice versa.
PULSATILLA when cold is persistent; stuffed up at night or in warm room; otherwise thick, yellow, bland discharge, especially profuse out of doors; pains in face and nose; chills up and down back; possibly blood on handkerchief; loss of appetite, taste and smell; chapped, peeling lips; cheeks hot; feels BETTER out of doors and WORSE coming into warm room.
These are some of the remedies covering the variable symptom pictures presented at one time or another by 'a cold'.
Nasal drops and inhalants should be avoided. Not only would they counter and annul the homoeopathic remedy, but their constant use probably tends to prolong the unhealthy state of the membranes lining nose and throat. The frequent forceful shrinking of the mucus membranes by drug action is calculated to have an irritant effect. Moreover the cure of disease must be from within outwards and the internal remedy is the all-important factor in this. Forceful suppression of symptoms by drastic drug action may interfere with natural cure and do more harm than good.
As a cold preventive it has been found of value to take a dose of BACILLINUM 30 once a month during the winter. A popular method is to combine with this INFLUENZINUM 30, given in one dose. This, it is claimed, affords added protection.
This type of pain is caused by violent contractions of the muscular walls of tubular organs such as the intestines, the bile ducts, and the ureters. The pain 'doubles one up' and comes in spasms. Such pain calls for medical investigation as to causation and treatment. The immediate spasm may be relieved by one of the following remedies, a few doses of 30 or 6, given every quarter to half hour till better :
BELLADONNA especially when relief is obtained by bending for¬ward.
BRYONIA the pain is made WORSE by least movement, jar, touch or pressure; also WORSE from heat; patient lies motionless on back with knees drawn up.
CHAMOMILLA belly blown up and wind passed in small quantities
without relief; BETTER by application of local heat; colic of
teething infants.
COLOCYNTHIS writhes and twists in pain; can't keep still ; some relief from hard pressure, also from passage of wind; attack may be associated with or brought on by emotional upset, especially anger.
MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA BETTER by heat, pressure and walking about; not relieved by belching; infants lie, crying, with lower limbs drawn up and are soothed by application of warm hand.
Nux VOMICA from over-eating; BETTER when sitting or lying down.
siloutec on 2010-11-04
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