The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Plz help me with premature ejaculation Page 2 of 4
While doing over masterbation. Your body learns to have orgasm as quickly as possible(increased desire leading to decreased ability which can lead to premature response. ), As a result it causes pemature ejaculation.An average man is supposed to ejaculate after 2.5 to 3 minutes.Some people believe that first masterbation and then sex .If you over ejaculate , your prostate will get inflammed, causing prostatitis, point to be noted is ejaculation gives relief to prostate but over ejacualtion infalmes it. While i never said masterbation is bad or a sin, I always used the word over masterbation.If ur doing it more than three times a weak, its over masterbation.
Best Regards
mustafa2480 last decade
erika last decade
Dont you think that there is any proper remedy in homeopathy for premature ejaculation caused by over-maturbation since childhood ??? (for over-sensitiveness of penis)
brokenheart last decade
These are the remedies
Caladium,Selenium,Lycopodium amd Saw Palmetto. But some people say these medicines dont work for a long time.
Also First you have to make sure either its due to over masterbation because there are so many other reasons. It would be better if you have a medical checkup such as Testosterone Imbalance,Thyroid Hormone Disorder and others etc.
There is a Pill known as last longer III.It contains several herbs. Many people have got benefited from it and it has shown very good results.
If you could look for it on the internet, that might be more helpful than selenium.
Best Regards.
mustafa2480 last decade
These are the main keys of the remedy stapysagria.
allvis last decade
brokenheart last decade
What medicine should I take.
Please help me out
Thanks in advance
manoj last decade
I would suggest you should go to the doctor for your prostate checkup.If your prostate is ok, then ur suffering form male menopause.Best remedy will be lycopodium and selenium.While taking medications reduce ur ejaculation rate to once a week.Stop smoking.If you are suffering from depression and that makes you masterbate more often, I used to suffer alot from depression, i did regular walk, exercise and took omega 3 fish oil tablets, it reduced depression. You can try it as well.Also omega 3 is useful for prostate.I Recommend that you should visit herbal love website.I suggest you should mail them and tell your situation in
Best Regards.
mustafa2480 last decade
allvis last decade
:) Go to a Doctor for your prostate checkup and dont rely entirely on these forums.
mustafa2480 last decade
pls. suggest me something that will work for weak PC muscles.
best regards
brokenheart last decade
mustafa2480 last decade
brokenheart last decade
Recently I have noticed that any contact with my girlfriend (hugging, holding hands, etc...) has resulted in a slight ejaculation, although there are no sexual feelings or contact. When masturbating, I ejaculate within seconds. I don't "over-masturbate", and actually I refrain from it for weeks at a time, thinking that this will solve the problem, although nothing has. This occurs any time I experience any type of prolonged erection. I still live with my parents, so any type of medicinal solution would be impossible, but I am desperate for any advise. Thanks in advance.
nate2269 last decade
If any of you is suffering from Sexual Exhaustion because of over-masturbation or over-ejaculation, please come to a new forum :
Tobias A last decade
i am 110% agree with you about PE most of the time its cause of over masterbating i have done in past and i am suffring from same PE the best cure in my opinoin to get married if some one wants to now about over masterbating effect on body please read this please must read
javaaid81 last decade
I am extremely sensitive at the tip of my penis. When I get aroused it causes me to prematurely ejaculate. I have had this problem for a while now and I would like your help. Is it caused by stress?
clubsport82 last decade
use zincphos 30x or 30c in morning 5 drops in a half glass of water and staphisgaria 30x or 30c 5 drops in a half glass of water eveing .take both medicines for 10 days continuesly, afterwards 4 days gap repeat the medicnes mentoned as above .use it for 2 months and stop other medicines, stop masturbating as well...u will love HOMOEOPATHY...:)..enjoy.
shahji last decade
this not making sense to me. you speaking like the doctor on he just combine medical terms to make confuse people. does brain have so many nervous systems? any homoepath mabe say explain better?
jacques last decade
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Cure YourSelf last decade
catlog last decade
mozzom last decade
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