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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Plz help me with premature ejaculation Page 4 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

I have already disclosed its miracle cure for the first time in this forum on 21st of January 2012, the link is given below


All those who used this medicine were shocked to see the quick result of Baryta Carb 30, the very first dose of this medicine will show you the miracle of this remedy in premature ejaculation. You can use 3 drops of Baryta Carb 30 in a glass of water once daily and continue taking this remedy untill you reach the desired results. Baryta Carb is also known as Barium Carb, Barium Carbonicum, Baryta Carbonicum etc etc, is not only the cure of Premature Ejaculation, its the wonderful cure of Erectyle Dysfunction i have always cured my patients of Premature Ejaculation successfully and never needed any other remedy, when i tried it in wet doses i found it more effective, so i will suggest now to use it in wet doses, thanx joe de livera, you really introduced and promoted a more effective way of treatment. all those suffering from such problems may experience and observe the magic of this remedy.

Dr Zaair Husain Rizvi

[message edited by Dr Zaair Husain on Sat, 23 Mar 2013 09:08:32 GMT]
Dr Zaair Husain last decade
The cure is simple please read carefully u must practice this technique to get it right. Premature ejaculation can damage relationships and damage confident its a worse thing to happen to men .I suffered badly from it now i m recovering. This website is great its helping lots people. Thank you Please help other people who suffer from it.
1 there is point when u feel ur going to ejaculate at that point u must squeeze the lower part of the penis imagine penis like a pipe u find the deep lower part of the pipe fingers wrap around the pipe squeeze hard . u must do this just before ejaculation happen
2 at the same time ur other hand fingers squeezing the top part of the penis
3 u must continue breath in and breath out
4 u have to apply this technique very quickly just before ejaculation happen
when u do this the sperm can not come out when sperm dont come out for 3 months u will start to recover
5 u have to practice many time to get this technique right
When ur about ejaculate testicals will come very near to the lower part of the penis u must gently push them down with one of ur finger while squeezing
Cut ur fingers nails so they wont cut ur skin while squeezing
u can also practice this technique when ur not having erection imagine penis is like a pipe try find the very lower part of the pipe squeeze fingers around the lower part of the penis then squeeze the top of the penis with other hand fingers around top part of the penis breath in and out continually
u will recover but it can take some time be patient
when u start to recover plz let me know thanks
[message edited by vishnu5 on Mon, 26 Nov 2012 00:50:44 GMT]
vishnu5 last decade

Please read above post and here doctor suggest if it is workable, in above post one medicine 'Baryta Card 30' is discussed very effective.
maaqm last decade
please try the following medicines:-

sulphur 200 one oze daily in the morning before brakefast and onr doze of noxvomica 200 before goning to bed .Continue in the same manner for a week.

Then start taking Anacardium 200 morning and Stapysagria 200 in evening for a week.

Afterwards Staphy !M one doze after three days.

Avoid intercourse during the whole priod of medication.

Report the results afterwards.

with best wishes---Dr Sarim Kashmiri.
sarim kashmiri last decade
Plz help me with premature ejaculation and prescribe medicine.
biswadip last decade
I am very much woried about my penis size which is very small and at the same time with premature ejaculation..
For penis size i am taking cydonia vulgaris 30c
I just want to know that simultaniously can i take Zincphos 30x or 30c 5 drops in a half glass of water in the morning..
Staphysgria 30c or 30x 5 drops in a half glass of water in the evening..
For 10 days.. Then stop for 4 days and again start. Repeat for 2 months.. As suggested in one of the posts above for premature ejaculation..
Kindly rply..
aayush1991 last decade
Zincphos 30x or 30c 5 drops in a half glass of water in the morning..
Staphisgaria 30c or 30x 5 drops in a half glass of water in the evening..
For 10 days.. Then stop for 4 days and again start.
Repeat for 2 months..
aayush1991 last decade
I am very much worried about my penis size which is very small and at the same time with premature ejaculation..
for penis size i am taking cydonia vulgaris 30c.
Ijust want to know that simultaniously can i take Zincphos 30x or 30c 5 drops in a half glass of water in the morning..
Staphisgaria 30c or 30x 5 drops in a half glass of water in the evening..
For 10 days.. Then stop for 4 days and again start.
Repeat for 2 months.. As suggested in one of the posts above for premature ejaculation..
Kindly rply..
aayush1991 last decade
I took Baryta Card 30 and it has helped. Seems to take alot of the urge away but the feelings are still there with touch. So I still have lots of pleasure but physical touching is needed. The head of the penis I think receives more blood giving me more stamina. I took 6 drops in half a glass of water. I used to ejaclation within a minute now I have control so I can last 10 min stopping when I feel like ejaculating. Before the feeling would come so fast even if i stopped I could not stop ejaculating. I suggest 6 drops and try it for a month. And i changed my diet, drinking far less soda and eating less meat. I believe it's a combination of things. Homepatia is the water to put out the fire but if you continue throwing gasoline on it thru other means you won't see results.
Mjboot last decade
helo plz sugesst me some medecin for pe
tumile last decade
i have become a regular visitor of this website since i have visited it for the first time 3 months ago.
now i came up with my own problem.... I am very disappointed because i have tried several medicines (allopathy & ayurvaed.) but none had worked for me.
my problem: I have premature ejaculation problem. I release in less than a minute, in just 3-4 strokes... i cannot stay longer. Me & my wife had tried to do in many ways in relaxed conditions but still i am not able to do it. we have tried it again and again but still failed.....
how it stared:
i started to do masturbation since the age of 16. at that very early age, i did it almost everyday (2,3 times in a day sometimes). For this reason, my penis has become weak, thin and small in size.
my age now is 36. Im 5-11 tall and 58 kg weight... the rest everything is ok... i eat properly... sleep properly.
I get wet dreams also but 2,3 times in a month only. the only problem is that i cannot control ejaculation. not even for few seconds...

If you can help me pls so that i can resume my life happily.........
waiting for your kind reply....
vijinigiri last decade
I'm a terrribly frustated patient with my own self please help me i am desperate
for a cure for my health , dear doctor i'm suffering from erectile dsfunctional
and need a cure for it ,i have an weak erection which does not last for a few minutes
I'm also suffering from pre mature ejaculation within 1-2 minutes which makes me sad and
not confident ' I'm 38 years old unmarried living in mumbai
Doctor I Need your help in any way you can Please help me I'm onto Anti Retroviral Medication
And i'm on Triomune 30 medication . this erecitle dsfunctional 'im suffering from past 5-7 years
I used to be consuming a lot of alcohol which by GOD grace I have quited for Good
but due to it I have lost my erection , even watching a porn movies does not help
I need to stimulate to bring myself to an erection which doctor sometimes loses
it mid way please help me doctor i need a solution as I work in a service centre and
earn Monthly salary of 9000/- a month which i' may not afford a costly treatment
Please doctor please advice me i beg you in earnest

Please email me as early as poosible
daniel cardoz last decade

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