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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acne and Acne Scars

I was hoping someone could help me deal with acne breakouts and scarring. I am 28, have always had acne, not severe, I would say moderate. I have scarring mostly on my cheeks from picking the scars. I stopped taking birth control approximately 1 1/2 years ago, and I believe it has gotten worse since then.

I noticed when I put calendula gel on the acne it zaps the pimple right away. I started putting rose hip oil on my skin to prevent wrinkles and hydrate my skin. It doesn't seem to be making my skin worse, just not preventing acne either. Although I just started using it about 1 week ago.

Please advise me on what I can do.
  hrs123 on 2011-05-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Did you want me to take over your case. If so I can post my intake form. Be aware my case-taking style means gathering a great deal of information about all areas of your life, and prescribing one medicine at a time on the basis of the internal problem (that is causing all your external ones). Are you happy to do it this way?

David Kempson
Professional Homoeopath
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I'm a African American and I had back acne really bad and then had acne scars for the aftermath. It was terrible. Buuuttt Dermalmd scar serum has been clearing it up really well! I've been using for a good 3 months and love the results. Will continue to use!
YudaTama 7 years ago

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