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Remedy Finder:

Weight Gain



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

weight gain.........need advice Page 11 of 17

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'sir should i continue with alfalfa q still??'

How can I say yes or no unless I know your current symptoms in detail?????

Okkk, I know you are a smart person, but,????
nawazkhan last decade
no sir i didn't meant in dat way...apologies fr dat.....physical symptoms r nearly the same.....there is half kilo increase only......!!
vdm_1590 last decade
'physical symptoms r nearly the same'
I don't remember your previous symptoms, please give details of your current symptoms.

Half Kilo increase, very nice.
nawazkhan last decade
current symptoms are:- had a weight gain of half kilos....
regarding mental symptoms :-
sometimes feels stressed due to workload or so but having peace of mind,jolly mood and good sleeps......!!
vdm_1590 last decade
'stressed due to workload '
Please expand on this. What do you do for living?
nawazkhan last decade
presently m studying.....and workload is cz of study n my projects given in clg
vdm_1590 last decade
Okk, please take Calc Phos 200C as before, for 3 days.
nawazkhan last decade
sir i've taken calc. phos 200c fr 3 days as suggested...now what's next???....also i felt a bery little gain in weight(around a quarter kilo)....
vdm_1590 last decade
Please tell me in detail about your state of mind after taking the remedy?
nawazkhan last decade
state of mind is ok than before.....yet a lillte stress is there which normally remains.....but i dnt feel tensed or upset.....
vdm_1590 last decade
Okk, then, you will have to continue with Alfalfa Q as before for 1 week. Please eat good meals and spend less time on computer.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
okk sir.... i've reduced the time that ws spent on computer....!!
vdm_1590 last decade
Good VDM, that will really help. What did you have for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks?
nawazkhan last decade
in breakfast bread butter n milk.....in lunch rotis/paranthas with vegetacles n curs n also sumtyms rice.......at evening -tea with snacks......in dinner-paranthas with vegetables n curd.............!!
vdm_1590 last decade
'in breakfast bread butter n milk...'
Please eat 2-3 Paranthas with eggs or vegetables.

Do you like pizza and burgers?
nawazkhan last decade
yes sir i like pizzas n burgers n also eat them 2-3 times in a week....
vdm_1590 last decade
How about french fries? Please eat a lot of potatoes mixed vegies with bread and rice.
nawazkhan last decade
kk sir......!!
vdm_1590 last decade
nawazkhan last decade
no weight gain in past 15 days rather weight is decreased a half kilo......also one thing i wanted to tell is that hunger for food is not too much sir.....dnt know y weight gain is not happening.......
vdm_1590 last decade
Have you been going thru sad moments, stress and anxiety?
nawazkhan last decade
yes sir workload due to study n projects was there in past week.....is it coz of dat??
vdm_1590 last decade
'.is it coz of dat??'
Yes, kk.

Please take it easy.

Let's stop the remedy and take Calc Phos 200C as before for 3 days.

Good luck. More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
okk sir......!!
vdm_1590 last decade
Good luck again:-) Please stay happy and eat good food with fruits.
nawazkhan last decade
thank u sir... :)
vdm_1590 last decade

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