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weight gain.........need advice Page 9 of 17
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kk sir.
The change in sympotms that i feel aftr having calc phos 200c is that now i'm having good n long hrs sleep.....from past few days i cudn't sleep properly but nw dat prblm is elimnated n m quite happy with dat......may b this is a sign of reduced stress.......nw u suggest accordingly what to do???
The change in sympotms that i feel aftr having calc phos 200c is that now i'm having good n long hrs sleep.....from past few days i cudn't sleep properly but nw dat prblm is elimnated n m quite happy with dat......may b this is a sign of reduced stress.......nw u suggest accordingly what to do???
vdm_1590 last decade
So, let's start on Ashwagandha Q, 3 times a day, for 1 week.
I would like you to eat good breakfast with eggs, potatoes, milk and prathas.
Good luck.
I would like you to eat good breakfast with eggs, potatoes, milk and prathas.
Good luck.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
kk then again i've to start with ashwagandha q.....and dosage will b same as before i.e 4-5 drops after meal????..........n sir there is one good news in 3 days when i started taking cal phos 200c i gained around a half it cz of calc phos 200c????
[message edited by vdm_1590 on Sun, 04 Mar 2012 16:57:36 GMT]
[message edited by vdm_1590 on Sun, 04 Mar 2012 16:57:36 GMT]
vdm_1590 last decade
Yes, Only 4 Drops, 3 times a day.
Please eat enjoyable meals, exercise, sleep at least 7 hours and stay away from all UN-natural acts.
Please eat enjoyable meals, exercise, sleep at least 7 hours and stay away from all UN-natural acts.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
kk sir i'll try my best to stay away from all these acts........n sir there is one good news in 3 days when i started taking cal phos 200c i gained around a half it cz of calc phos 200c????
vdm_1590 last decade
'is it cz of calc phos 200c????'
Yes, indeed. But, you were questioning the remedy giving me a hard time for no reason. I wish, I had more time to provide you remedy justification.
Yes, indeed. But, you were questioning the remedy giving me a hard time for no reason. I wish, I had more time to provide you remedy justification.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
i am xtremely sorry fr that saying n i dint wanna qstn on ur prescription.....apologies fr dat must i continue calc phos 200c or start with aswagandha q?????
vdm_1590 last decade
sir i wish to ask a thing that everytym mineral water isn't possible to take the can i take remedy with boiled water(cooled)?????......will it have any -ve effect on remedy????
vdm_1590 last decade
'so can i take remedy with boiled water(cooled)?????'
Ok, but, keep spring water handy at home.
How are you doing now?
Do you have Alfalfa Q? More prayers for you.
Ok, but, keep spring water handy at home.
How are you doing now?
Do you have Alfalfa Q? More prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
i'm doing good.....till now the weight is same but i'm continuosly taking ashwagandha i don't have alfalfa Q coz it wsn't effective when i had it previously as suggested by u......!!
vdm_1590 last decade
sir no weight gain till now.... i cant make out whether the remedy is not working or it is taking too much time in working inspite of continuous doses of ashwagandha q......suggest!!
vdm_1590 last decade
♡ nawazkhan last decade
from ashwagandha q the improvement is that i can have good sleep.....but from calc. phos 200c i felt very relaxed,my mood stayed jolly n stress free......but the main target of WG isn't achieved yet...... i have full trust on ur prescriptions that u'll find a suitable n +ve solution for me soon......
vdm_1590 last decade
vdm_1590 last decade
♡ nawazkhan last decade
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