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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Att: David regarding Endometriosis Page 13 of 13

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Vanessa,
just in case you have not seen forum
David is posting- he was in an auto
accident- now recovering at home but
does not know when he can supervise
cases at this time.

have not seen you on here and know
you would be happy to hear that news.

Take care,
simone717 last decade
Thanks for letting me know Simone, it's really great news he is okay.

I hope to hear from him soon
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

Hope your well

Wanted your advice I went to see a new classical homeopath in my area in your absense and he prescribed 'Baryta Carb' 1M his dosing is a lot different than you. He wants me to take it every day until symptoms change, directly in the mouth too. I'm not use to taking it this way, I always liked your approach.
But he said thats how he doses.

So I've taken it the way he said just to give it ago, I've taken it 5 times now and during that time my period was due and it never showed up and I'm not pregnant and also I've been very constipated.
I was feeling less anxious and depressed though.

I just don't know what to do, I don't even feel like I can reason with this homeopath. I have stopped taking the drops for two days now and I do feel like my period wants to come but no sign so far, if anything I have a lot of clear mucous coming out instead.

I told him I was Sepia and he didn't think this was right for me looking at my past history. I was in a lot of pain on Sepia too.

So now I'm really confused. I've stopped everything and am hoping you can help me get back on track again.

I find it really hard to trust new ppl now.
VenessaM last decade
I didn't think you were Sepia, I just wanted to try and alleviate some of the pain with a remedy well known to do it.

1M every day? Wow that is risky.

He may have made the right prescription. If he will not compromise on his dosing method, then either you will have to lie to him about what you are doing, or completely trust him and just do it.

Where did he say he got this dosing method from? If he truly is Classical he should be able to support it from the literature.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yah I know very risky I think I will have to lie to him, cause stopping my period is not what I want to happen now. Also My left eye was twitching for two days, i wonder if that was from the remedy.

He has even reviewed my son and has dosed him the same way. He thinks my son has hyper active behaviour in him due to the vaccinations and has a fear of night that is why he wakes up screaming..... He put him on 'taberculium 1m. ( not sure how to spell it)

His name is Said Nakad Dip-Hom Med Sydney, he has been a classical homeopath for 18 years. I did question him why 1M and his response was that we are both in very chronic conditions. He said he doesn't normally even take new patients. Sounds very proud of his dosing method.

When I started my son on the remedy, he too got constipated and even had puffy eyes for two days. When I told him I had my doubts he told me to stop giving it to him, cause I shouldn't have doubts but he wouldn't be able to help him further as he is on the correct remedy. It did however, help him with his continuos runny nose and waking screaming at nights. But it has not helped his red/bumps on his cheeks that is permantly there and the actual reason why i went there in the first place. So am confused what to do with him too.

I honestly don't know if I should trust him or not. He does want to help us, but doesn't like sharing info as much or doesn't like me calling very much with doubts and questions.

He thinks all my health issues are mental

What would you do?

What do u think I should do?
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

The other homeopath is not getting back to me on what I should do.... My period still has not arrived. This has never happened to me. Do you think I should antidote the remedy?

I stopped the remedy on Sat, do you think it will eventually arrive or have i missed this month completely? My period was due last Thursday
VenessaM last decade

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