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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Att: David regarding Endometriosis Page 8 of 13

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Same way as the last one. How much water did you use last time?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I used a full cup of water.

Should I do the same.
VenessaM last decade
Am I starting with 30c or 200c?

I forgot to also mention that my discharge lately has been smelling foul...whitish / clear in colour though

I've booked for an ultrasound on Monday, I will definitely let you know the result of how my ovaries are looking.

My pain has settled a bit today, but boy when it hits me it sure hits hard.....definitely living on a roller coaster ride. The last time I remember being healthy was in my teens

Thanks again
VenessaM last decade
After diluting into the full cup, take that teaspoon and put it into another 1/4 cup of water. Stir thoroughly and take a teaspoon into the mouth.

You are starting with 30c.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 11:18:03 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Am recording my progress on here

Took remedy kreosotum 30c yesterday evening

day 1 had a really good sleep last night and woke up not feeling so sore around lower abdomen area. A little pain before bowel movement. But bowel movement looked normal, not runny. Back pain, not as painful either.
VenessaM last decade
Ok that is good but I am concerned there was no aggravation first.

Overall how much better are you from yesterday. Give me a percentage.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Actually I spoke to soon the aggravation occurred at midday. I started to feel really tired, weak, my right ovary feels really sore....a throbbing pain and I have a really bad headache.

I would say I'm now feeling worse than yesterday. Is this what it's suppose to do.
VenessaM last decade
day 2
Woke up still not feeling that great, my body feels run down like their has been a change in hormones. My ovaries are really tender and my legs are sore. Still have a headache too. It feels like my period wants to come but it's not due til next weekend
Back is not so bad.
I guess the aggravation is still occurring
VenessaM last decade
Day 2 evening
My ovaries are not hurting and My body is not achy as much either

Let's see how I wake up

Tomorrow ultrasound booked for 230pm interested to see how my ovaries are looking
VenessaM last decade
Hi David

day 3
Looks like my period may be coming, I did see a little brown discharge and I also feel like I'm getting them. My period wasn't due til Sat 31st, so it's early again. My last period started on the 4th march. It looks like I'm getting them every 21 days instead of 28 days
VenessaM last decade
If the symptoms become problematic take one more dose of Kreos. If they are better than normal then don't.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I think I may take another dose I do have uncomfortable pressure around my uterus and lower back pain.

I was meant to have the ultrasound after my period not during but I may still have it anyway
VenessaM last decade
I'm still taking the dose the same way 1 drop in a full cup of water, than taking a teaspoon out of that and putting it in a qtr of a cup. than taking a teaspoon out of that
VenessaM last decade
I only wanted you to take one dose then we would assess. Stop it now in case you are starting to get an aggravation or proving.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

I doubt it's a proving, I've been feeling my period coming over a week ago now even before kreos. If anything once my period comes properly that is when I will find relief.

I'll let you know how the ultrasound goes
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

My ultrasound was done but they wouldnt give me the results to me today, so I will know tomorrow now. She didn't mention any cyst on my ovaries though, but I don't want to get to excited yet til I know.

In the mean time, i am spotting and its brown discharge but I'm not in so much pain now. I'll let you know how I wake up tomorrow
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

Got my ultrasound results, ovaries seem okay. There was more fluid on my right ovary than my left, but I guess that is normal too. Overall everything else is normal, as for my endo, they can't seem much through the ultrasound.

This is day 3 in my period. The last two days have been brown discharge, but this morning it has come red. My back and hamstrings are sore but bareable. Generally once my period goes red that is when I get more sore and i do need to take naprogesic. So will keep you posted
VenessaM last decade
So this period seems better than normal?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

I would probably say the same, when I get the brown discharge I find relief. However now that I am getting some red through the pain is starting to kick in. I am very uncomfortable right now. I really feel like taking some pain relief. I'm at work and can barely sit still or concentrate. I just feel all this pressure around my uterus but the flow hasn't really come properly yet. It's a red/dark brown. My lower back is so sore too.

I've gotten more acne break out since starting Kreos, but I know that is normal.

What should I do with this pain?
VenessaM last decade
Now take Kreos 200c, one dose only.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
thanks David, I will do so when I get home. Im trying my best not to take any pain killers in the mean time.

My period does seem like it is starting and stopping, its a bit more on the brown discharge side than the red actually. Lets see how tomorrows flow is.
VenessaM last decade
Im taking the 200c the same way as the 30c?
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

Update on me

I got home yesterday and didn't end up taking kreos cos my period pain slowed down. However, this morning I had some sharp stomach pains at 500am in the morning and ended up taking the 200c. I've been feeling okay since taking it. My periods are lighter than my usual period, it's more of a brown discharge. So I guess because my periods are lighter in flow that may be why I'm not feeling as much pain.

This is day 4 in my period and normally by this day it would be a heavier bright red flow where I would have to take naprogesic. So far I haven't needed too. I hope this continues

What are your thoughts?
VenessaM last decade
It's a good sign. Just watch and wait for the moment.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hey David

So my period flow has increased again now, it's now more red (like it normally would of been, but not as heavy yet). I'm a little confuse why it's starting and stopping.

I just hope it doesn't get heavier. I'm feeling some pressure, but it's bareable. I'm going away tomorrow for 3 days, so I'm hoping it doesn't get worse
VenessaM last decade
There is often a 'back and forth' effect when the remedy goes in to make changes. It changes the position of the vital force, which then changes the way the symptoms come out. However, until cured there will also be pressure on the vital force to go back to the way it was. This often results in improvement alternating with the symptoms of the illness.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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