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Nux Vomica:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

How to take Nux Vomica 200C? Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
At Simone, i wish to get involved as much as i can in anything i do.

When i mentioned acupuncture, i am actually doing it on myself.. I know that sounds a bit crazy, but i first read some 4-5 books about acupuncture, than i watched two DVD's (with about 50 ''sub-videos about this and that''and a lot of you tube clips etc. Than i asked a couple of questions on forums, and only than did i go to see a practitioner.

She was pretty shocked (in a good way) with the amount of knowledge i have about the whole matter. I pretty much diagnosed myself 90% correctly, i only missed one issue and when she started inserting needles in me i was saying ''that is points St36, that is Sp3 etc etc..'' anyway, now i am doing treatments on myself, and after 4 treatments, i have to say things are improving in a noticeable fashion. I will now introduce two micro acupuncture variations (ear acupuncture and hand/feet acupunture) which are much more easier to learn, but are still pretty powerful.

I posses knowledge about Cell Salts for quite some time, and i also posses knowledge about herbs,nutrition, magnetic therapy, music therapy etc. There is also the minimalistic approach of prayers and thoughts of getting well...

I am very open minded and believe only in energy medicine. In my opinion, western medicine is only good for acute ocassions, say big injuries or snake bites, or a sudden heart attack, things like that. My mission now is to get well and never have any dis-ease ever again.

I have to say that my knowledge about Homeopathy isn't that great (apart from Cell salts), it just sort of never came up, there was always a more important book to read, but i tried to collect as much informations by watching informative videos.

The main reason i wish to take Nux Vomica now is to combine it with acupuncture for an even more powerful healing signal.

In the end, i do agree with you that people shouldn't really diagnose themselves, without being falsely modest, i consider myself more intelligent than your ''average Joe'', but still i only treat myself and my own body. I would never feel comfortable doing acupuncture or prescribing homeopathic remedies to other people, i just wish to have my own life in my hands.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day. Learn him to fish on his own and he will have foods to eat all his life.

I think the saying goes something like that :)
McDougal last decade
Santino Sharma, thank you kindly.

I will probably take the Nux in the following days. Will keep you informed. Won't be taking cell salts as you suggested, nor will i take any herbal teas and such.

Only acupuncture, mind soothing music, relaxation and positive thinking with visualization of well being, after which i plan to climb a mountain and when i reach its top, i will look at the sky, spread my arms and silently say: ''I did it.''

A picture that very often comes to my mind :)
McDougal last decade
Well we have similar minds. I was thinking of learning
to do acupuncture on myself also. You know there
is a very exciting thing going on in a couple chinese
hospitals where they combine patients own stem cells
with special acupuncture protocols to stimulate the
stem cells to enter and wake up dead nerve cells and
it is working. One paralyzed woman from Australia
is cured by it and is writing a book on it. In America,
they are not up to speed with this, and also people
with fatal nerve disease can go to china but the cost
is $35,000 for 6 weeks which average people cannot
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 30 Mar 2017 01:09:49 UTC]
simone717 last decade
I do believe that future of medicine will be collaboration of all fields of energy medicine. They are meant to go together.

As you said, allopaths consider a human body as a machine and specialize for this part and that part which in reality just doesn't make sense.

The story about stem cells in China is great, i am actually expecting to see more of those coming from China and/or Russia, or South America since they aren't bound by the pharma like the western world is.
McDougal last decade
Santino, i will probably try the remedy tomorrow. Can you tell me how many pellets is one dose?
McDougal last decade
Hi Sharmaji, Can I take NuxV 200c dose? and how often?
soofiz 7 years ago
Sir, i am taking weight gain medicine from last 1 year, but some body tell me, medicine contain cheap steroids, after that i stopped immediately, now i am suffering from loss of apetite, indigestion, gastric problems, acidity, feels like bloated everytime from last 7 months, i consult gastroenterologist, and diagonsed every single test, latest ct enterography but nothing comes out, now what should i do.. plz help, i want to know which medicine is better nux vomica 200 or 30 Ch in my case
Vikrant kaushik 6 years ago

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