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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Treating scar tissue after chalazion surgery

Hi, Its been ~2 weeks after my chalazion surgery treatment & I have some scar tissue left on my upper eye lid. I am putting hot compresses & doing massages regularly. Looks like its v slowly reducing but Any idea how much time it is going to take to completely heal ? Please share any experiences. Also, what homepathic medicines should be taken to quicken the healing process. Any help would be appreciated.

  311.horizon on 2012-06-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take calendula 6x or 6c thrice daily for a couple of weeks. Also externally you may apply calendula ointment, cream. This would help heal surgical site fast.
maheeru last decade
If your Chalazion has not completely healed in 2 weeks it can indicate that the surgeon has not scooped out the entire infected tissue which may be the reason for it not healing. It is also possible that the antibiotic ointment prescribed did not eliminate the bacteria that caused the lesion.

You are advised to consult him/her ASAP to advise you on how to deal with it today.

Arnica 30 in the Wet dose can also help by increasing the blood flow to the eyelid and you are advised to take it once daily for some time into the future to ensure that you do not get another Sty which later can form into a hard Chalazion.
Joe De Livera last decade

The chalzion has completely been drained by the Dr..its some left over scar tissue which is v small but annyoying so am concerned how much time it takes..Dr said to use hot compresses frequently & massages..just wanted to get an idea how much time it takes to go away..

Will Arnica 30 & calenudra 6x or 6c work for quickening the scar tissue healing ?
311.horizon last decade
If you intend using Arnica 30 you should not take the Calendula.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi 311 Horizon

Yes Calendula will work to heal the scar tissue fast. If you are looking for that objective, please follow my earlier recommendation dated 6th June.
maheeru last decade
Hey maheeru,

Can you give more details about calendula ? How it should be taken & for how many days ?

Also, are there any side effects of this ? My chalazion is drained but there is a lump which is possible scar tissue as per the opthamaligist.

Let me know the details.

311.horizon last decade

Has it drained full? If not you need to take a different remedy.

Not sure if the lump is scar tissue.

But calendula will prevent scars from surgery. You need to take two pills/drops of calendula 6x/6c three times daily upto 2 weeks. If you get calendula cream or ointment, you can topically apply(external application) on the surgical site.
maheeru last decade
Yes, it seems to be scar tissue. I went to one of the ophthamalagist and he did say that too. When I pull my eyelid skin there doesnt appear to be a ball inside so its completely drained. what are other ways to figure out that it is completely drained ? The lump just seems to be a little bit of swelling on the upper eye lid making the eyelid thicker and a little swolen at the top.

What do u think ? Can I use calendula ? Also, where can i find it. Is it available in any pharmacy stories ?

311.horizon last decade
Where do you live? If it's in india, pakistan or bangladesh you can easily get the homeopathic remedies from homeopathic drug stores.

Was it the remnant lump from the previous surgery or it came on just now?

Yes you can use calendula. If the lump doesn't reduce we need to look at other remedies. Calendula works well with post-surgery scars in the immediate aftermath.
maheeru last decade
Hey maheeru, I live in the US. The lump seems to be scar tissue after the surgery..its slowly going reducing but still not gone completely so wanted to see if something can help heal this faster..
311.horizon last decade

In U.S, health food stores carry homeopathic medicines upto 200c strength. Atleast 30c is commonly available. Otherwise one needs to get remedies from online stores like homeopathyovernight.com.

Have you started taking calendula 6x or 6c? Whether the answer is yes or no, I'd like you to increase the potency of the medicine. Please procure Calendula 30c and start taking one or two pills two times daily for 7 to 10 days.
[message edited by maheeru on Tue, 19 Jun 2012 11:44:55 BST]
maheeru last decade
Hey maheeru, I have been taking calendula 6c for the past 2 weeks. I am continuing to take it. How much time does it take to effect and for the scar tissue to fade ? Let me know.
311.horizon last decade
How's the surgical site? Has it healed?

Are you still taking Calendula 6c? Didn't you move onto 30c?
maheeru last decade
No it has not completely healed..the lump is still there..maybe reduced a little but not gone completely. I am taling calendular 6c still.
311.horizon last decade
Please up the potency to 30c. Continue 30c the same way you did with 6c.
maheeru last decade
Hey maheeru,

I had been taking 6c for more than a month and just started taking 30c a week back..I dont see a lot of improvement yet..should i keep continuing 30c ? How much time should keep taking 30c ?
311.horizon last decade
Take it for two more weeks. Along with it, take silicea 6x tissue salt 2 pills three times daily for the same period. Give a gap of 15 minutes between silicea and calendula.
maheeru last decade
Hi Maheeru, I started taking silicea 2 weeks back. this weekend my eye become swollen again more than normal..i am working on draining it.. can get (white stuff out of it)..Is this cause of siliciea? Why did my eyelid again become swollen ? Should I discontinue silicea & calendula ? Let me know.
[message edited by 311.horizon on Wed, 03 Oct 2012 21:30:21 BST]
311.horizon last decade

This draining just proves what i said earlier. The lump was not a scar tissue and the chalazion has not healed properly. So yes stop calendula.

To drain this, take myristica 30c two times every day for 4 to 7 days.

If it starts to drain(then stop myristica and start taking silicea 6c(same dosage) through the process of draining), let it drain and do not suppress and once it has drained in FULL(with no matter inside and this is essential), you need to take silicea 200c three doses on consecutive days to heal it. so get it and have it handy.
[message edited by maheeru on Tue, 02 Oct 2012 13:11:05 BST]
maheeru last decade
Maheeru, Thanks for your reply! It indeed seems to be chalazion, I confirmed it when I went to the opthamologist yesterday. I have been doing warrm compresses and it seems to be releasing little white stuff everytime but still hasn't recovered completely. Will myristica 30c drain it completely ? What are homepathic medicines to help prevent this from happening ? Let me know.
311.horizon last decade
My last post has got the answers for your questions.

Start with myristica. It'd give a push towards draining without the use of knife. Then the next step is to use silicea 6c so that the whole of the white substance is drained completely. It'd take from a few days to 10/12 days. Once it's drained in full, you need to take silicea in a higher potency like 200c to heal it and prevent recurrence.
[message edited by maheeru on Thu, 04 Oct 2012 15:14:09 BST]
maheeru last decade

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