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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

ocd problem

1.what is your chief complaint (cc)? tell as much about it as you
can,including what is the worst part of it and why it's the worst:
thesensations, the kind of pain, the location, how your energy has
beenaffected (for example, has the complaint made you restless,
weak,nervous, anxious, irritable, hypersensitive, effected your thirst
andappetite, your body temperature, and so on).-:obsessions like
checkingof things, cheking taps,combing hair agian and agian for long long
time,takes me 3 hours in morning to get ready for the day.other things
arelike brushing of teeth takes half an hour and for taking bath takes
45minutes, checking of keys in pocket again and again and checking
almosteverything that came to mind with repetitions of thoughts in mind
forlong long time. all this has become a very trouble some part of my
lifewhich dont let me perform as normal person towards all spheres
oflife.these irressitable fellings and process of checking variious
thingsand repetitions has become unavoaidale part of my daily routine. i
dontwant to do them but my mind forces me to do them agian and again
whichgves me a lot of frustration.

2. when did this problem begin? whathappened in
your life around that time? what do you think
caused it?-:3 years back it began, started with cheching of locks agian
agian andstandinf in fornt of mirror for long time.all this began without
anyreason. nothing in my life happenened at that time and i think it
justbeagan at its own

3. what aggravates the cc and what brings iton?(for example, certain types
of food or weather, movement, light,noise, company, talking,
heat/cold, or anything else that you canthink
of; please be specific) and what makes the cc better (for examplehot or
cold, massage, eating, lying still, music, company...)? what doesit make you
do to try to feel better?- feels better when i am busy orvisting some new

4. at what time of the day or night is the ccthe
worst? specify an hour if you can.-:nothing as such but in morningwhen i
have to get ready for the day the worst i have to face then liketakes lot of
time in brushing teeth, taking bath, dressing up, pputtingclothes on

5. what symptoms can you identify that accompany
the cc(whether directly related or not; for example, headache with nausea;
ormenstrual cramps with diarrhea; a cold with irritability and
anger)?-:irritability and anger come along with it

general questions
6.environment: with regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor
temperature,indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean
air,mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog,
etc.:what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which
onescause discomfort and distress? try to give examples.-:in summers
likeair conditioning, likes clouds also

7. what position is mostuncomfortable for you?-:
lying on the bed

8. a)do you tend to bechilly or warm? are there parts of your body that are
colder or warmerthan the rest of you? is there a special time of day or
night when theyare colder or warmer? b) do you perspire a great deal? if so,
when? andwhere on the body? (feet, head, hair, chest, armpits, etc) does it
leavea stain of a particular color? is there a particular odor?-: my body
iswarm type

9. describe what your tongue looks like.-: long tongue,mostly coated

10. what do you worryabout? how do you deal with
worries?-:worry about carrer , makingmoney

11. how do you keep your house/your desk/your room/yourstudy/your
bathroom?-: i like veryting clean , anything untidy gives meirritability

12. how easily do you cry? in what situations?-: i dontcry but i am
sensitive and emotional kind of person

13. when you areupset, what do you do to help yourself feel better?-:when i
get so muchirritated by checking things and repetions again and agian which
tookvery long time. feel better by taking rest.

14. what makes you angry?what do you do when you're angry?-: when
repetitions become large andtook so much long time then i feel anagry at
small things. i shout atother when i get angry

15. do you have an emotion that predominates;such as anger, depression,
irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...orpossibly two emotions that tend to
alternate predictably?-:i thnk soanxiety

16. what fears do you have?-:nothing i can think so

17.what have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? how
didyou cope?-:only difficuly i am facing is like presently now
strugglingwith these severe obsessions

18. what are the greatest joys you havehad in
your life?-:nothing like it

19. what was your childhoodlike?-: normal

20. what bothers you most in other people? how,
if atall, do you express it?-:i dont like poeple who show off a lot , i
dontexpress it.

21. what causes the most problems in yourrelationships?-:no problems

22. do you have any recurring dreams?what are they about? -: no recurring

23. what would you needto feel happy?-:when these obsessions are all gonme
and i become healthylike a normal person and when i become rich

24. what do you do forwork? ideally, what would
you like to do?-: part time job, i 'd like todo good business

25. if you were made president for a day, what wouldyou change?-:try my best
to make my country developed

26. when peoplehave criticized you, what were they complaining about?
similarly, whenpeople have praised you, what did you receive praise for?
-: criticizethat i took long time at these normal day routine things, praise
me formy maturity ideas

27. what would you like to change mostabout
yourself?-: this illness all gone

28. how do you feelbefore, during and after
meals? how do you feel if you go withouta
meal?-:hunger is normal

29. what would you most like to eat (ifyou did
not have to consider calories, fat, anything
you've read aboutthe right way to eat)?-:
like salty and spicy things

30. what foodsdo you dislike and refuse to eat?
what foods do you react badly to, andin what
way?-: sour things

31. how much do you drink in a day?include
sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and
alcoholic beverages aswell as water. how
thirsty do you tend to get? what temperature wouldyou like your drinks to
be?-: drink water less than normal level, i donttake alcohol, takes tea 2
times in a day

32. how is yoursleep?-: normal

33. do you do anything during sleep? (speak,
laugh,shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk,

34. do you have trouble falling asleep? what keeps you awake?do you wake
always at a certain time? what causes you to wake up? whatposition do you
sleep in?-: no

35. number of pregnancies,number of children,
number of miscarriages, number of abortions
36. atwhat age did your menses begin? if you
have gone through menopause, atwhat age?
37. how frequently do they (or did they) come?
38. whatabout their duration, abundance, colour,
time of day when flow isgreatest; any odour
or clots?
39. how do you (did you) feel before,during and
after menses?

health history
40. what medications areyou taking at present?-:
some homoepath gave me belladona ,anacardium10m, argentium nitricum 1m ,nux
vomica,avena sativa q,tarentula hispanic 1m but didn't felt relief with it and even seen lot of
homeopaths but dontknowhat medicinesthey gave but no reilef felt since i am
trying them from past 2years

41. how frequently do you get colds and flus?-:
sometime in ayear

42. have you had any childhood illnesses twice,
or in a verysevere form, or after puberty?-: nothing

43. have you had anyvaccinations since the
standard childhood ones? have you ever hadan
adverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination?-: i took vaccinationfor

44. have you had any surgery? what and when?-: no

45.have you had at any time (mention year):
warts, cysts, polyps, ortumors? where were they located? how were

46. do you tend to have any discharges(nasal,
vaginal, etc.)? what is the color, consistency?

47. a) do you tend to need a smaller doseof
medications than most other people?-: no

b) do you need lessanaesthesia than others,
or have a hard time coming out of it?:-no

c) do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs
and/or needhypoallergenic vitamins?-: no

d) are you sensitive to paint fumes,exhuast,
dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.?-: no

48. familyhistory: mention diseases, causes
and ages of deaths of father,mother,
sisters, brothers and grandparents on both
sides.-:grandparents died naturally and parents are normal, elder brother
has ocd anddepression .

49. construct a time line: mention from birth
on to thepresent day, all important events
(emotional and physicaltraumas,
heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events,
diseases ortraumas your mother had while
being pregnant with you, familystress,
death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.)mention the symptoms
experienced at those moments or which you
candate to those traumas.-: everything in my life went normally
sincechildhood but past 3 years have been like hell due to this illness

50. when you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, howdo you feel?-:

51. when your family member was last sick
,what did you do?-: nothing like it

52. how is your sexual energy?-:normal

53. how do you react to consolation-: normal

54. what partof your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.-: now
and frompast 3 years
55. what are your hobbies-: watching t.v
  mani25 on 2005-08-24
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